1.0 Intro Engineering Utilities 1

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Engineering Utilities I


Vic Harde V. de la Cruz, REE, MEEE., MPA

Your Instructor

• Number of Units for Lecture and Laboratory :

3 units lecture

• Number of Contact Hours per week:

3 lecture hours per week

• Prerequisite:
Physics for Engineers
Following are the course competencies:
1.Building Electrical Systems

a.Name and define common electrical terminology (i.e. voltage, amperage,

resistance, voltage drop, ampacity, etc.) and relate voltage, amperage,
resistance, energy, and power.
b.Calculate energy and cost of operation of electrical equipment.
c.Name, describe and distinguish between types of electrical circuits and
compute circuit loads.
d.Identify, describe and distinguish between types of branch circuit
e.Name, describe and distinguish between types building system voltage
(e.g., 120/240V, 277/480V, etc.) and buildings in which they are used.
f. Identify, describe and distinguish between types of building distribution
g.Compute the minimum required size of branch circuit components.
h.Interpret design information of building electrical system components.
Following are the course competencies:
2. Artificial Illumination and Daylighting.

a. Name, describe and distinguish between types of

artificial and natural lighting sources.
b. Identify the influence of color rendition.
c. Identify appropriate lighting levels for a specific
d. Perform basic lighting analysis (single point, zonal
cavity, and natural lighting methods)
e. Interpret design and detailing information on
artificial and natural lighting.
Following are the course competencies:
3. Building Telecommunication Systems

a. Name, describe and distinguish between types of networks.

b. Identify types of transmission media.
c. Name and describe standards, devices, equipment and
space requirements for a structured cabling and wireless
d. Interpret design and detailing information on building
telecommunication systems.
e. Identify, describe and distinguish between types of
renewable power systems (e.g., PV, wind, hydropower, etc.).
f. Interpret design and detailing information for renewable
power systems.
Course Outline:
• Course Introduction
• Electrical Theory
• Electrical Materials Electrical Systems
• Electrical Design Principles Sustainable/Future
• Systems Light
• Architectural Lamps
• Lighting Design Principles
• Architectural Lighting Design
• Building Telecommunication Systems
Suggested reference books :
Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Architecture, Engineering and
Construction. 5th edition. Joseph B. Wujek and Frank Dagostino. Pearson
Education/Prentice Hall. 2010. (Hardcopy recommended)

Optional Readings:
The following books are optional supplementary reading for this course:
1. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 1 Ith edition.
Walter T. Grondzik, Alison G. Kwok, Benjamin Stein, John S. Reynolds.
John Wiley.
2. Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings, 5th edition. William K.
Y. Tao, and Richard R. Janis.• Pearson Education/Prentice Hall.
3. Pertinent Codes (Most recent edition): National Electrical Code.
Energy Conservation Code, International Code Council.
• 1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2nd Ed., Charles K.
Alexander and Matthew N. O. Sadiku, McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc., 2003
• 2. Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8th Ed., William H.
Hayt Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin,
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2002
• 3. Circuits, A. Bruce Carlson, Brooks/Cole Publishing
Co., 2000
• 4. Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Ed., David E. Johnson, Johnny R.
Johnson, John L. Hilburn, and Peter D.
Scott, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998
• 5. Electrical Machines, 2nd Ed., Charles S. Siskind,
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1979
• 6. Philippine Electrical Code, 2000 Ed., Institute of
Integrated Electrical Engineers, Inc. (IIEE), Institute
of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines,
Inc., 2002
• 7. Electricity 1, Devices, Circuits, and Materials
Thomas S. Kubala, Delmar Publisher Inc., 1986
(For Laboratory Work Shop)
Course Description
• Engineering Utilities 1 – focuses on the environmental systems
in buildings. Lecture discussions include building electrical
systems, natural and artificial lighting and building

• Reducing operational loads and integrating high performance

energy system into buildings offers solutions towards
achieving a sustainable and secure energy future. Engineers
must understand the interrelationship between a building and
its subsystems, and need sufficient knowledge of building
systems and design alternatives to appropriate solutions that
suite the site, climate, building type, and occupants. They
must coordinate the work of the engineering disciplines that
carry the sustainability concept forward through building
design, construction, commissioning, operation and,
ultimately, demolition, recycling and reuse.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course the students are expected to:
• 1. define electrical circuit laws, terms, theorems, principles
• 2. simplify series and parallel connected resistor
• 3. solve electric circuit problems using electric circuit laws,
theorems, principles and techniques
• 4. simplify series and parallel connected impedance
• 5. solve electric circuit problems in phasor form using electric
circuit laws, theorems, principles and techniques
Course Objectives

• 6. define the average power, apparent power and

power factor in ac circuits
• 7. construct the power triangle of an ac circuit
• 8. discuss the principle of motor action and the
principle of generator action
• 9. identify the different types of single-phase motors
• 10. calculate the size of service entrance conductor
and circuit protection of single-family dwellings

I. Basic Components and Electrical Circuits

A. Introduction
B. Units and Scales, Charge, Current, Voltage
and Power
C. Voltage and Current Sources
D. Ohm’s Law
E. Summary and Review
II. AC Power Circuit Analysis
A. Introduction
B. Average Power
C. Effective Values of Current and Voltage
D. The Power Triangle
E. Summary and Review
III. DC Generator and Motor Principles
A. Principle of Generator Action
B. General Voltage Equation for DC Generator
C. The Elementary AC Generator
D. The Commutation Process
E. Principle of Motor Action
F. Force and Torque Developed by DC Motors
IV. Single-Phase Motors
A. Types of Single-Phase Motor
B. The Universal (Series) Motor
C. The Shaded-Pole Motor
D. The Split-Phase Motor
V. Single-Phase Transformer Principle
A. Introduction
B. Application
C. Basic Principles and Calculation
A. Introduction
B. Definition of Terms
C. Service Entrance Calculation
VI. Single-Family Dwellings
A. Introduction
B. Definition of Terms
C. Service Entrance Calculation
Discuss the Grading System

P-20% M-30% F-50%

Periodic Grades:
Exam = 40%
Class Standing = 60% (quiz 50%,
attendance 30%, project 20%)
Course Topic
Ohm’s Law
After studying this unit, the student will be able
• explain the basic electrical concepts of
current, voltage, resistance, and electrical
• Define Ohm’s Law.

• Electrons in motion result in an electrical

current. Copper wire often is used to carry
electrical current (moving electrons).
• When electrical pressure (voltage) from a
battery or generator is applied, it is possible to
force these electrons out of their circular
paths and cause them to pass from atom to
atom along the length of the wire (conductor).

• The greater the number of electrons passing a

given point in a circuit the greater the
intensity of the current. The intensity of the
electrical current is measured in amperes (A).
• The letter (I) is used to represent the amount
of current in a circuit.
Current Types

• Direct current (dc) is the movement of

electrons in one direction in a conductor.
• Pulsating direct current is a current in one
direction which varies in intensity at a regular
interval of time.
• Alternating current (ac) is a current which
changes in direction and intensity at a regular
interval of time.

• A closed circuit and a source of electrical pressure are

necessary to produce an electrical current. Electrical
pressure, known as voltage, or potential difference, is
obtained from many sources.

• The letter (E) is used to represent a voltage. The volt

(V) is the unit used to express the quantity of electrical
Source of Voltage
• Generators
• Photoelectric cells
• Thermocouple
• Storage batteries

• The property of a material which causes

it to oppose the movement of electrons
is called resistance. All materials have
some resistance.
• The letter (R) is used to represent a
resistance. Resistance is measured in
ohms (Ω).
• Those which offer high resistance are
called nonconductors or insulators.
Ohm’s Law
• Ohm’s Law states that in any electrical circuit
the current is directly proportional to the
voltage applied to the circuit and is inversely
proportional to the resistance in the circuit.

• The exact relationship of voltage, current, current and

resistance is expressed by the equation for Ohm’s
• I = intensity of current in amperes (A)
• E = quantity of electrical pressure in volts (V)
• R = amount of resistance in ohms (Ω)
Two other forms of Ohm’s Law are:
1. What current is taken by a heater with a
resistance of 24 ohms when connected to a
120 volt supply?
• Given: R = 24 Ω
E = 120 V
Required: Find the Current I
• Solution:
Using I = E/R
I = 120/24
I =5A
2. Determine the resistance of a lamp that draws

3 amperes when connected to a 120 volt


• Given: I = 3 A
E = 120 V
• Required: Determine the Resistance R
Using R = E/I

R = 120/3
= 40 Ω
R = 40 Ω

• A 5-ohm heater draws 9 amperes from a power

supply. What is the voltage of the power supply?
• If 60 volts are applied to an 8-ohm resistor,
what is the value of current through the resistor?
• An 8-ohm resistor is connected to a 120-volt
circuit. What current will it draw?

• Summary and Evaluation.

Course Topic
Series Circuit

After this topic, the student will be able to:
• describe the basic relationships of
voltage, current, and resistance in a
series circuit.
• apply Ohm’s Law to determine unknown
A series circuit is one in which devices are connected so that
there is only one path for a current.

• Voltage

The total voltage applied to a series

circuit is distributed across the various
devices of the circuit in a series voltage
If three resistors are connected in series.

• The sum of the voltage drops across individual

resistors in a series circuit is equal to the total
applied voltage. In other words,

ET = E1 + E2 + E3

• In series connected resistances, only one path

for current exist, the current through all
devices in the circuit is the same. This
statement can be expressed as,

IT = I 1 = I 2 = I3

IT = total current
I1 = current through device 1
I2 = current through device 2
I3 = current through device 3

• The total resistance of a series circuit is equal

to the sum of the resistances of all parts of the
circuit. The total resistance of a series
connected resistances is the resistance from
one end of the branch circuit to the other end
( e.g. terminal A to terminal B ) with the
voltage source disconnected.
In equation form,
RT = R1 + R 2 + R3

RT = total circuit resistance
R1 = resistance of device 1
R2 = resistance of device 2
R3 = resistance of device 3

1.Find the total voltage drop across a 10-ohm

resistor R1 and 20-ohm resistor R2 which are
connected in series, if the current through the
resistors is 0.5 amperes.
• Given: R1 = 10 Ω
R2 = 20 Ω
I = 0.5 A
• Required: Find the total voltage drop across
R1 and R2.

ET = E1 + E2
Using Ohm’s Law
E1 = I* R1
= 0.5* 10
= 5V
E2 = I* R2
= 0.5 * 20
= 10 V
ET = 5 + 10
= 15 V
another solution
Using Ohm’s Law
E T = RT * I
RT = R1 + R2
= 10 Ω + 20 Ω
= 30 Ω
ET = 30 * 0.5
= 15 V
Therefore: ET = 15 V

• Find the resistance of a resistor if the voltage

drop across it is 51 volts, and the current
through it is 3 amperes.

• Summary and Evaluation.

Course Topic:
Parallel Circuits

After this topic, the student will be able to:
• describe the characteristics of parallel
• demonstrate a procedure for solving
problems involving parallel circuit using
Ohm’s Law.

• In this circuit each resistor is placed directly

across the main source of the voltage. This
causes each device to operate at the same
voltage as the source.
• The fact that all devices in a parallel circuit
operate at the same voltage is expressed by
the following equation:
ET = E1 = E2 =E3= En

ET = total voltage
E1 = voltage across device 1
E2 = voltage across device 2
E3 = voltage across device 3
En =voltage across device n

• The device in a parallel circuit operate

independently of one another. Each device
takes current in a accordance with its
resistance. The number of separate paths for
current is equal to the number of devices in
parallel. The total current in a parallel circuit is
equal to the sum of the currents in separate
devices. The equation that expresses this
statement is:
IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + In

IT = total current
I1 = current through device 1
I2 = current through device 2
I3 = current through device 3
In = current through device n

• It is apparent, from studying the current

equation, that by adding more parallel branches
to the circuit the total current will increase. Since
the total current increases while the source
voltage remains constant, Ohm’s Law shows that
the total circuit resistance decreases. Therefore,
an increase in parallel branches results n a
decrease in total resistance.
• RT will always be less than the smallest R in the
circuit when two or more resistors are present.
RT = total circuit resistance in ohms

ET = applied voltage in volts

IT = total current in amperes

The total circuit resistance also can be found by the use
of the following formula. This formula may be applied
to any parallel circuit with any number of parallel
branches. Known as the “reciprocal” formula, it is
expressed as,
RT = total resistance
R1 = resistance of device 1
R2 = resistance of device 2
R3 = resistance of device 3
Rn = resistance of device n
1.Find the total current and total resistance of the
circuit with resistances R1 = 3Ω, R2 = 6Ω, R3 = 8Ω
connected in parallel to 16 volt source.

• Given: R1 = 3Ω
R2 = 6Ω
R3 = 8Ω
ET = 16 V
• Required: Find IT and RT.
1/RT = 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/8

Lowest common denominator is 24

1/RT = 8/24 + 4/24 + 3/24

1/RT = (8+4+3)/24 = 15/24

1/RT = 15/24 (cross multiply)

Solving for RT
15RT = 24

RT = 24/15

= 8/5

RT = 1.6 Ω
Using Ohm’s Law
= 16 / 1.6
IT = 10 A
RT = 1.6 Ω
IT = 10 A

• A 3-ohm resistor and a 6-ohm resistor are

connected in parallel. Determine their
combined resistance.

• Summary and Evaluation.

That’s All

Thank You!

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