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Teaching And Learning With

Technology: (An Introduction)

ICT Competency Standards for

Philippine Pre-Service Teacher
The ICT Competency Standards is made up of seven
domains. These domains and corresponding competencies
are found in the table below:

Table 1: ICT Competency Standards for Pre-service Teachers

Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education

1.1 Demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in educations

1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affected teaching- learning

1.3Contextualize ICT policies to the learning environment

Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment

2.1 Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles and theories of

ICT systems as they apply to reaching- learning

2.2 Evaluate digital and non-digital learning resources in response

to student’s diverse needs

2.3 develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching- learning

2.4 Use ICT tools to develop 21st century skills: information media and
technology skills, career skills and effective communication skills
Domain 3: Pedagogy

3.1 Apply relevant technology tools for classroom activities

3.2 Use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support

student collaborative activities

3.3 Model collaborative knowledge construction in face to face and

virtual environments
Domain 4: Technology Tools

4.1 Demonstrate competence in the technical operations of

technology tools and systems as they apply to teaching and learning

4.2 use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to

support community of learners

4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to

support teaching and learning
Domain 5: Organization and Administration

5.1 Manage technology-assisted instruction in an inclusive

classroom environment
5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision- making using technology
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning

6.1 Explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional

content and pedagogical knowledge

6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice

6.3 Collaborate with peers, colleagues and stakeholders to access

information in support of professional learning
Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

7.1 Demonstrate social, ethical and legal responsibility in the use of

technology tools and resources

7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools

• The Department of Education issued
Department of Education Order 42, s. 2017
mandating the use of the Philippine Professional
Standard for Teachers (PPST) to start with the
Beginning Teachers who are fresh graduates
from the teacher education program.
ISTE: National Education Technology
Standards for Students (NETS*S)

• An international organization for educational

technology called international society for
technology education (ISTE), established standards
for both teachers and students.
Philippine ICT competency standards
which include the following:
Standard 1: Technology Operation And Concepts
Standard 2: Planning And Designing Learning
Environment And Experience
Standard 3: Teaching Learning And Curriculum

Philippine ICT competency standards

which include the following:
Standard 4: Assessment And Evaluation
Standard 5: Productivity And Professional Practice
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal, And Human Issues
From how technology teachers facilitate
learners, outcomes student learning should
indicate that the following standard have
been complied with:
Standard 1: Creativity And Innovation
Standard 2: Communication And Collaboration
Standard 3: Research And Information Fluency

Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving And Decision


Standard 5: Digital Citizenship

Standard 6: Technology Operation and Concepts

Roles of Technology for Teaching and

According to Stosic (2015), educational technology has three

1. Technology as a tutor.
2. Technology as a teaching tool.
3. Technology as a learning tool.
A. For Teachers and Teaching
1. Technology provides enormous support to the teacher as
2. Technology has modernized the teaching- learning
3. Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of

4. Technology opens new fields in educational

5. Technology adds to the competence of teachers
and inculcates scientific outlook.
6. Technology supports teacher professional
B. For Learners and Learning
1. Support learners to learn how to learn on their own.
There are three categories of knowledge according to Egbert
• Declarative knowledge
• Structural knowledge
• Procedural knowledge

2. Technology enhances learners' communication skills through

social interactions.
According to Shirly (2003) in Egbert (2009), there are
three communication patterns:
a. Point to point two-way or one-to-one
b. One-to-many
c. Many-to-many

3. Technology upgrades learners’ higher order thinking skills:

problem solving and creativity
Critical thinking is part of the cluster of higher order
thinking skills.

Some ways that teachers can do to develop critical thinking.

Ask the right questions
Use critical thinking tasks with appropriate level of challenge
Creativity is characterized as involving the ability to think
flexibly, fluently, originally, and elaborately (Guildford, 1986 &
Torrance, 1974 Egbert, 2009).

Seven Creative Strategies (Osborn, 1963)

• Substitute Put to another use
• Combine Eliminate
• Adapt Reverse
• Modify/Magnify/ Minify

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