Quantitative Research Intro

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Quantitative Research

 Humans are naturally curious about

anything and everything.
 Research is asking questions and looking
for answers to these questions.
 The word research was coined from the
French word “cerhier” which means
“seek”. The prefix “re” means to repeat.
Literally, research is to repeat looking for
Research is widely recognized as
an important tool for solving man’s
problem and in making life more
colorful and convenient.
 Like modern gadgets, medicines,
tools and equipment.
 Research is a natural day-to-day activity of
gathering information. There is one form of
research, however, which is more
disciplined in its methodology and more
scientific in each procedure. It is called
academic research. An academic research
can be quantitative in each approach. It
means that information are obtained and
presented in numerical form and analyzed
through the use of statistics.
What is Quantitative
By definition, quantitative
research is an objective,
systematic empirical
investigation of observable
phenomena through the use of
computational techniques.
What is Quantitative
It highlights numerical analysis of data
hoping that the numbers yield an
unbiased results that can be
generalized to some larger population
and explain a particular observation.
Simply, quantitative research in
concerned with numbers and its
relationship with events
Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
Clearly Defined Research Questions
Structured Research Instruments
Numerical Data
Large Sample Sizes
Future outcomes
Strengths of Quantitative

It is objective.
The use of statistical techniques
facilitates sophisticated analyses.
The numerical data can be analyzed
in a quick and easy way.
Quantitative studies are replicable.
Weaknesses of Quantitative

Quantitative Research requires a large

number of respondents.
It is costly.
The information contextual factors
to help interpret the results or to
explain variations are usually
Weaknesses of Quantitative
Many information are difficult to gather
using structured research instruments,
specifically on sensitive issues like
domestic violence, among others.
If not done seriously and correctly,
data from questionnaires may be
incomplete and inaccurate.
KINDS of Quantitative
Descriptive Research
 This design is concerned with
describing the nature, characteristics
and components of the population or
a phenomenon. This design attempts
to find general attributes of the
presently existing situation and
determine the frequency with which it
 Correlational Research
 Itis the systematic investigation of
the nature of relationships, or
associations between and among
variables without necessarily
investigating into causal reasons
underlying them. It is also concerned
to the extent of relationships that
exists between and among variables.
 Evaluation Research
 Thiskind of research aims to assess
the effects, impacts or outcomes of
practices, policies or programs.
 Survey Research
A survey research is used to gather
information from groups of people
by selecting and studying samples
chosen from the population. It may
be done in various ways like face-
to-face, phone, mail, and online.
 Causal-Comparative
 Itis also known as ex post facto
(after the fact) research.
 This kind of research derives
conclusion from observations
and manifestations that already
occurred in the past and now
compared to some dependent
 Experimental Research

This kind of research utilizes

scientific method to test
cause-and-effect relationships
under conditions controlled by
the researcher.
Importance of Research

 Research is important to a/an


 Doctor
 Engineer

 Teacher

 Entrepreneur

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