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References: FAR Part 61, Part 91, AIM


 General Information
 Class A
 Class B
 Class C
 Class D
 Class E
 Class G
Contents (Continued)
 Airport Advisory Areas
 Restricted Areas
 Prohibited Areas
 Warning Areas
 Alert Areas
 Military Operations Areas
 Controlled Firing Areas
 Dimensions
 VFR Weather
 Equipment Requirements
 Restrictions
General Information
 Two categories of airspace:
 regulatory (restricted & prohibited areas)
 non-regulatory (warning areas, & MOAs)
 Within these categories there are four types:
 controlled (A, B, C, D, & E)
 uncontrolled (G)
 special use (warning, restricted, & prohibited areas)
 other (airport advisory area)
Class A
 Begins at 18,000’ MSL; extends up to and
including FL 600 (excluding airspace less than
1,500’ AGL in Alaska). Extends out to 12 NM
from the coast.
 VFR Weather - N/A
 Equipment - Mode C Transponder and two
way radio.
 No VFR or VFR on top authorized.
 ATC clearance required.
FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class B
 Extends from surface or higher to specific altitudes
individually tailored, but generally terminating at
10,000’ MSL. Resembles upside down wedding
 VFR weather 3 SM visibility and clear of clouds.
 Mode C transponder inside & within 30 NM, and two
way radio.
 250 KIAS limit below 10,000’ MSL, 200 KIAS in
airspace underlying the Class B, or in VFR corridors
 ATC clearance required.
FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class B

Class C
 Dimensions are individually tailored but
usually consist of a 5 NM radius core surface
to 4,000' above the airport elevation, and a 10
NM radius shelf from 1,200' to 4,000' above
the airport elevation, and a 20 NM radius outer
area extending from the lower RADAR limits
to the ceiling of the approach control’s
Class C (Continued)

10 NM

20 NM
1,200’ Area
AGL Core

5 NM
Class C (Continued)
 VFR weather: 3 SM visibility & basic cloud
clearance of 500’ below, 1,000’ above & 2,000’
 Mode C transponder, & two way radio.
 250 KIAS below 10,000’ MSL, and 200 KIAS
within 4 NM of the primary airport below 2,500’
AGL. ATC clearance required.
Class C (Continued)
 VFR Arrival Communications: two way contact is
established if the controller repeats your aircraft
call sign.
 Satellite Operations: departing an uncontrolled
satellite airport that underlies Class C airspace, the
pilot shall contact ATC as soon as possible after
Class C (Continued)
 Secondary Airports:where Class C overlies
other Class D airspace portions of the
overlapping Class C may be procedurally
excluded when the secondary control tower
is open.
FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class B
Class C
Class D
 Surface to 2,500' AGL (depicted in MSL)
 Airspace based on Instrument procedures needed
for that airport
 VFR weather: 3 SM visibility & basic cloud
clearance of 500’ below, 1,000’ above & 2,000’
horizontal, and 1,000' ceiling.
 Two way radio.
 Special VFR needed if Conditions are below 1000’
ceilings and or less than 3SM visibility.
 To Obtain SVFR - Clearance from ATC and at
least a private pilot Certificate
FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
 Begins at 14,500’ MSL (excluding below 1,500’
AGL) and extends up to, but not including 18,000’
MSL. May also begin at the surface, 700’ AGL,
1,200’ AGL or other altitudes.
 VFR weather (same as Class C, & D) except
Above 10,000’ MSL - 5SM Visibility - 1,000’
above, 1,000’ below, & 1 SM horizontal.
 No equipment requirements (VFR).
 250 KIAS below 10,000’ MSL.
Class E

FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class E
14,500’ MSL

Class B
1,200’ AGL Class C
700’ AGL Class D E
Glass G
 Uncontrolled airspace from surface to the base of
the overlying controlled airspace (700’, 1,200’,
14,500’ etc.).
 VFR weather per 91.155(b) -
 Below 1200’ AGL -Clear of Clouds
 Above 1200’/Below 10,000’MSL -
 Day:1SM - Night: 3SM
 500B, 1000A, 2000H
 Above 1200’/Above 10,000’MSL
 Day or Night - 5SM 1000B, 1000A, 1SMH
 No equipment requirement.
Class E

FL 600

Class A
18,000’ MSL

Class E
14,500’ MSL

Class G
Class B
Class C
Class D E
Overlapping Airspace
 When overlapping airspace designations apply to
the same airspace, the operating rules associated
with the more restrictive airspace applies:
 Class A is more restrictive than B, C, D, E or G.
 Class B is more restrictive than C, D, E, or G.
 Class C is more restrictive than D, E, or G.
 Class D is more restrictive than E, or G.
 Class E is more restrictive than G.
Prohibited Area
 Contain airspace within which the flight of
aircraft is prohibited; established for
security or other reasons associated with
national welfare.
Restricted Area
 Contain airspace within which the flight of
aircraft while not wholly prohibited, is subject
to restrictions. Activities in these areas must
be confined due to the existence of unusual,
often invisible, hazards to aircraft such as
artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided
 Must contact Controlling agency prior to
 VFR? Squawk 1200.
Alert Area
 Established to inform nonparticipating
pilots of areas that may contain a high
volume of military pilot training or an
unusual type of aerial activity. All activity
in an Alert Area shall be conducted in
accordance with FARs.
Warning Area
 Extend from 3 NM outward from the coast
of the US and may contain activity that
could be hazardous to nonparticipating
aircraft. May be located over domestic or
international airspace.
Controlled Firing Area
 Contain activities, which, if not conducted
in a controlled environment, could be
hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. CFA
activities are suspended when RADAR,
ground lookouts, or spotter aircraft indicate
an aircraft may be approaching the area.
Military Operations Area
 Established for the purpose of separating
certain military training activities from
nonparticipating IFR traffic. Since most
military training activities necessitate acrobatic
or abrupt flight maneuvers military pilots in
MOAs are exempt from FARs prohibiting
aerobatic flight. VFR pilots should contact
FSSs within 100 miles of MOAs for operating
Military Training Routs (MTR’s)
 Definition: Routes used by the military to practice high-speed, low altitude maneuvers.
Generally below 10,000’MSL and airspeeds greater than 250kts.
 Status: IFR and VFR traffic are not prohibited from flying along the route, but should
contact an FSS within 100 miles of the route for current activity

 Charts: All MTR’s have been assigned a unique designator composed of two letters and
either three or four numbers.
 キ The two letters inform pilot of the type of operations that are performed
along the route:
 o VR – Visual Rules – See and avoid.
 o IR – Instrument Rules – IFR separation
 キ The number of digits informs the pilot of the altitude at which these
operations will be conducted:
 o 3 digits – both above and below 1,500’AGL
 o 4 digits - at or below 1,500’AGL
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR’s)
 Definition: May be issued by the FAA whenever an incident or accident has
occurred that has potential for attracting a number of aircraft that may cause a
hazard to those attempting to rescue or to those persons on the ground (for
example: fire, earthquake, aircraft accident site, etc.)
 FAA notifies Pilots of TFR’s through the issuance of NOTAM’s
through FAA controlling facilities, military and airlines.
 The NOTAM will contain information pertaining to the actual
location, dimension, duration of the TFR and information of which
aircraft are permitted to operate within the TFR. (generally 2000’agl
and 2-3NM radius around the site)
 Aircraft that may operate within the TFR
 Aircraft aiding in disaster relief as approved by the FAA
 IFR aircraft properly cleared by ATC.
Federal Airways
 Definition: Provide routes between VOR’s/NDB’s to aid IFR traffic routes.
 Two types of Federal airways
 Colored airways: use NDB’s and 4 course radio ranges for
navigation (no longer in use except in Canada and Alaska)
 VOR airway system: use VOR’s (used in the US since 1950’s)
 VOR airway system uses low altitude or Jet Routes
 Low altitude airways are described in FAR 71 and utilize both high and
low altitude VOR’s. They are assigned a distinct number identifier
prefixed with the letter “V” (for example: V-105)
 Low altitude airways extend from 1,200’AGL up to (but not including)
18,000’MSL and extended 4NM laterally on.
 Jet routes extend from 18,000’ MSL up to and including FL450 and
identified with a unique number and the prefix “J” (for example, J-105)
 Charts: Depicted as light blue lines with their identifying number on sectional and
Airport Advisory Area
 The area within 10 SM of an airport where
a control tower is not operating but where a
FSS is located. Non-mandatory, but
strongly recommended that pilot participate.
 Not depicted on Charts.
Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA’s)
 Definition: Originally established as part of the terminal radar program at
selected airports. TRSA’s are not considered controlled airspace and are
not governed by FAR 71.
 The primary airport within a TRSA is considered to be class D
airspace. The remaining portion of the TRSA (designed much like
a miniature Class B airspace) is considered to be Class E, starting
at 700’agl or 1,200’ AGL
 VFR pilots are encouraged but not required to contact radar
approach prior to entering class D airspace. VFR pilots must
contact the tower prior to entering Class D.

 Charts: Sectional: solid black lines and altitudes for each segment. Class
D portion is blue dashed line.
 Within the US, the floor of Class A airspace is
___________ ?
 18,000’ MSL.
 What are the VFR weather requirements for Class B
 3 SM visibility and clear of clouds.
 What are the dimensions of Class C airspace?
 5 NM radius core from surface to 4,000’ AGL, 10
NM radius shelf from 1,200’ AGL to 4,000’ AGL,
and a 20 NM radius outer area.
When a control tower, located on an airport
within Class D airspace ceases operation for
the day, what happens to the airspace
 Class D airspace requires an operational
control tower. When that tower ceases to
operate, it reverts to Class E. Without weather
reporting capability it reverts to Class G.
What are Class E VFR weather minimums
above 10,000’ MSL?
 5 SM visibility, 1,000’ above, 1,000’ below
and 1 SM horizontal.


1 SM 5 SM Vis.

VFR flight is not authorized in a MOA?
 True
 False

VFR pilots should exercise extreme caution in MOAs and

contact any FSS within 100 miles of the area to obtain
real-time information concerning the MOA hours of
operation. Prior to entering an active MOA , VFR pilots
should contact the controlling agency for traffic
Bonus Question
 Where is a mode C transponder required?
 Above 10,000’ MSL (excluding below 2,500’ AGL).
 Within Class A, B, or C airspace.
 Within 30 NM of a Class B primary airport below
10,000’ MSL.
 Above Class C airspace below 10,000’ MSL.
 Crossing the ADIZ of the United States.

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