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Anti sepsis andAsepsis

Six factors are necessary for the development
of infection in the membership
• infectious agent
• tank
• The entry point of infection
• Transmission of infection
• Antan exit door
• the host
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Anti-sepsis:Antisepsis is the word of actionAnti
• It is a process by which microorganisms are
destroyed or limited
• or it is a set of methods that control purulent
infection in the wound and its purpose is to
destroy the bacteria inside and all objects
that come into contact with the wound.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
It is done in four ways
1- FZone:
There are measures and methods that create an unfavorable
environment for the appearance and multiplication of
microbes and reduce the absorption of harmful and toxic
substances that occur as a result of tissue decomposition.
Such as: drainage of an infectious abscess by placing a drain
or the physical anti-sepsis purpose of flowing pus and its
contents from a pus burner
Anti sepsis and asepsis
2- Mechanical antisepsis:
Mechanical antisepsis has an important
role in preventing the appearance of
microbes in the wound
Removing foreign bodies, clothes, hair,
blood stains, etc., which prevents the
appearance of microbes.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
3- Chemical antisepsis:
It is a set of methods that destroys microbes by using chemical substances,
sometimes it also increases the defense power of the member. Different
substances are used.
1- Alcohols:
Ethyl alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol
2- Halogens:
Tincture of iodine
Pavidine Iodine
Anti sepsis and asepsis
5- Metals 3- Oxidizers
Mercury Hydrogen peroxide
Chrome Potassium
mercury permanganate
Silver nitrite 4- Acids
6- Phenol and Uric acid
its compounds: Acetic acid
Pure phenol
7- Aldehydes
Anti sepsis and asepsis
1- Ethyl alcohol:
• A colorless liquid with a characteristic odor
• It hardens the skin and blocks the holes
• Because at 30 degrees CelsiusIt kills 70% of bacteria within 1-2
2- Piodine:
A combination ofPolyvinylpyrrolidoneIt is dissolved in water with
iodine and causes the production of free iodine
In the commercial market in the form of solution,
ointment,Shampoo and aerosol are received
Piodin is used to wash hands before operations, clean the
operating area and clean wounds.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
3- Chloramine:
• The basis of its activity is the presence of
• Chloramine has 25% free chlorine
• It is a strong antiseptic
• from 1-5% solutionsIt washes the insides and
moisturizes the whole bodyPuns are used
• Its solutions should be placed in a darker place
and should not be more thanKeep for 2-3 days
Anti sepsis and asepsis
4- HydrogenPeroxide:
The liquid is colorless and transparent
of 2-3% solutionThe basis of its activity is the release of
Therefore, it causes foam andSpraying it on the wounds
stops the bleeding and expels foreign bodies, blood clots,
clothes and necrotic tissues.
5- Potassium permanganate solution:
It is soluble in water in the form of purple crystals,
therefore, 0.5% solution is used to wash wounds and 2.5%
solution is used for dressing burns.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
3- Biological antisepsis:
It affects two mechanisms:
1- It destroys germs or germ toxin
2- The defense force increases the human body
They are chemical substances that are produced by
different types of microorganisms and destroy other
Antibiotics affect two mechanisms
1- It destroys and destroys bacteria
2- They stop the signs of bacteria
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Antibiotics work in two ways
1- Antibiotics with a wide range of scope
2- Antibiotics with limited scope
Antibiotics work with four mechanisms:
• Stop synthesis of the wall
• Impairment of cell membrane permeability
• Disruption of protein synthesis
• Nucleic acid production disorder
Anti sepsis and asepsis
The principles of antibiotic administration:
1- They should reach the place of infection and
have an effect
2- Toxic effects should be considered
3- The duration of treatment should be sufficient
4- The dose must be sufficient
5- Culture and antibiogram should be done
before application
6- It has a reasonable price
Anti sepsis and asepsis
7- The prescribed antibiotic must be appropriate
8- At the time of recommendation, age, sex of
pregnancy and liver and kidney functions should
be considered
9- Choose the correct method of administration
10- The date of destruction should be considered
11- At the time of recommending antibiotics that
have high toxicity, their strain should be
measured in the blood
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Antibiotic resistance occurs in the following
1- Production of enzyme that destroys spices
2- Changes in the permeability of the infection
membrane to antibiotics
3- Changing the structure of the microbe in the
place of effect of the spice
4- Changes in the metabolic pathway
5- Production of modified enzyme by infection
Anti sepsis and asepsis
It is called the absence of pathogenic microorganisms in
living tissue, and its purpose is to eliminate pathogenic
microorganisms in order to reduce the contamination of the
wound and prevent the invasion of infections, that is, to
perform the operation without the development of wound
Either it is a method of preventing the penetration of
microbes into the wound, or it is a set of methods that
prevent the intervention and penetration of microbes into
the wound and the systems that come into contact with the
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Spacy Basics:
• In the sterile area, personnel should wear sterile gowns
and gloves and only touch sterile objects
• Non-sterile personnel should only touch non-
contaminated objects
• Sterile lid directionProductionSterile area is especially
used to limit the operation area
• The objects used in the sterile field must be sterile
• Only the upper surface of the table is covered by the lid
• All objects must be distributed and transferred in an
open manner
Anti sepsis and asepsis
• People who travel around the sterilized area must maintain
complete sterilization of the area
• All non-sterilized persons should not rely on the sterile area or
walk between the two sterilization areas
• During the distribution of sterile objects in the sterile area, one
should not lean towards the non-sterile area
• Between the sterilization area, a rescue area of ​30 cm should be
• Contaminated objects should be opened so that hands do not
touch the inside of the sheath
• The sides of the sheathing must be protected from contamination
• All materials that come into contact with the wound must be
Anti sepsis and asepsis
It is a process that destroys microbes, but it cannot destroy
viruses and bacterial spores
Disinfection is caused by liquid chemicals, which are divided
into three categories.
1- Strong disinfectant:
Contains glutaraldehyde, which destroys all types of
microorganisms except spores
2- Medium disinfectant:
It contains phenol, which destroys tuberculosis bacillus, most
viruses and fungi, and is mostly used for rooms and furniture.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
3- Weak disinfectant:
Chlorine, which destroys some viruses and
fungi, is used to wash rooms and metal systems.
Before disinfection, materials and equipment
should be washed with enzymatic cleaners,
detergents and good water to sterilize
andDecontaminationTo be effective, in order to
prevent their skin and respiratory effects,
personnel should wear protective clothing
Anti sepsis and asepsis
It is the complete destruction or destruction of all forms of living microbes
The process by which various microorganisms are destroyed is called sterilization,
in order to reduce the surgical infection, all objects in the sterilization area must be
sterile, and an object is considered sterile when it is free from all microorganisms
that can multiply inside and outside.
Based on physical properties, they are sterilized by two methods
1- Materials resistant to heat, cold and pressure, which are necessary for
sterilization at low temperatures
2- Materials favorable to heat, cold and crust can be exposed to high heat for
1- Steam under pressure:
The use of saturated steam under pressure is one of the effective methods of
sterilizing objects with heat (134-121). Autoclave is used to achieve this goal.
Necessary pressure sterilization1-2 atmosphereand temperature between120-
134degrees Celsius, at this degree, within a few minutes, it destroys pathogenic
bacteria, but for Masonite, the sterilization period is longer.30-40Minutes are
Anti sepsis and asepsis
2- SterilizationFlash:
sterilizerflashIt is a small unit in which steam is used without desiccant or
drying flow
Its cycle speed is very high, it takes a few minutes to sterilize objects from
itwetThey come out this way to sterilize the limited objects and the
elastic system again and urgentlyuseIt should not be used repeatedly for
sterilization of dry items and objects that are contaminated very quickly
during secondary transfer to the operation area.
3- Sterilization by dry heat:
Hot air is used in one dash and the only way is to sterilize powder, oil and
gas. The duration varies.
151-----6 hours
170------ one hour
Anti sepsis and asepsis
4- Sterilization by gas:
Among the chemical methods of sterilization bygas autoclaveIt has
been under pressure and heat of 60-30 and it is the best method of
sterilization for objects and destructive materialsbecomee by
pressure heat and dry heat in whichethyleneOxide is used
5-Ethylene oxideIt is extremely toxic and causes nausea, vomiting,
and breathing problems. Before sterilization, the materials are
covered with a layer of paper and placed in the sterilizer. The
sterilization time is more than two hours. They are aired
If using a mixture of 12% ethylene oxide and
dichlorodifluoromethane88% to heat0 degrees Celsius and pressure
of 8 pounds, the sterilization time is about one hour and 45 minutes
Anti sepsis and asepsis
5- Plasma gas:
Hydrogen peroxide is used to sterilize objects such as
cameras, telescopes, and binoculars at low temperatures.
Plasma gas is less toxic and has fast sterilization power
In this way, hydrogen peroxide vapor through radio
frequency waves inside aclose vacuum chamberand
produces an electromagnetic field, this field creates the
conditions to kill microorganisms, the sterilization time is
30-60 minutes, and in the presence of oxygen, it is
dissolved, which is less dangerous than ethylene oxide
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Welding method:
The equipment is boiled for half an
hour in distilled water or water mixed
with one percent sodium carbonate or
two percent ammonium oxide solution,
or the surgical equipment and
equipment are first covered with gauze
and then boiled.
Anti sepsis and asepsis

washing hands :
The hair of the head should be covered by a cap
Mouth and nose should be properly covered
with a mask
Remove the brush or sponge from its package
Wash your hands with soap and water up to 2
inches above the elbow, and keep your nails
and fingers under running water.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Start from the tip of the nail with a sponge and dry it
Until one hand is washed, no other hand should be
Never go back from the elbows to the hands again
Wash your hands for 5 minutes for the first time and
then for 3 minutes each time
Elbows should be straight when draining
A special towel is used for drying
First, dry your hand and then your other hand
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Dressing according to the closed
Dressing in the open method:
Wearing gloves by the person himself
Wearing gloves does not help
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Preparing the operation area:
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Operating room:
They are performed in special and designed rooms that maintain
sterilization, create facilities and prevent mistakes.
Accordingly, the operating room should be divided into different areas:
1- Transition area:
Including the process of reception, recovery, personnel change place
and entry gates
2- Clean area: An interalbinic area between the transitional area and
the sterile area
3- Sterile area: It includes the operation room and sterile supply room
4- FieldDisposal: It is a place that is less clean, where dirty goods are
Anti sepsis and asepsis
The operating room consists of two theaters:
Big theater: There are two areas in a big theater:
1- The sterilization area includes the recipient
area and includes the surgeon,
stent,ScrubnurseAnd the area around it
2- Non-sterile area: which includes the head of
the patient and the remaining part of the
theater, which includes Circulating nurseHe is an
anesthetist and assistant anesthetist
Anti sepsis and asepsis
The size of the operating room should be: 25-32 square meters
Standard rooms are 42 square meters
Its ceiling is 3.5 meters
The blocks should be large enough to be operated in daylight
A culkin in the north of the vik in the south should be available
The operating room should contain a cupboard, a trolley,Work
TopIt is in the head of the patient and the toilet, and the
electricity should be as low as possible1,5meters higher than
the floor of the room
From small theater: existence of small theater is necessary for
septic cases such as hemorrhoids and fistula.
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Cleanliness and control of the operating room:
The operation room should be cleaned at the following times:
1- Preliminary cleaning: every day before starting the operations
2- Cleanliness during operation
3- Cleanliness after the operation: After each operation, the
table and floor of the operation room should be cleaned
4- Cleanliness at the end of the day: at the end of the day,
operating rooms with antiseptic
Weekly cleaning: In this cleaning, the ceiling, floor, walls, and
equipment of the operating room must be cleaned
Disinfection of the operating room is done by ultraviolet ray and
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Operating room principles:
• Operating room personnel should be dressed in special
clothes, hats, masks and slippers
• It is forbidden to enter the operation without the permission
of the personnel
• It is forbidden to bring outside objects into the operating
room and to drag home appliances outside
• Observing events Do not approach the surgeon's assistant
and nurse's table and keep a distance of at least one foot
• Do not help disabled people without permission
• To change the status of the disabled people, the back-to-back
method should be used
Anti sepsis and asepsis
Infection control in surgery and hospitals:
• Failure to observe the specific conditions increases the incidence of
pneumonia and septicemia in his wound, so the principles should be
• All important infectious events should be reported immediately, the
wounds should be cultured and antibiogramed
• Sari patients should be quarantined
• Speci should be applied in the operating room
• Text wounds should be covered with a special dressing after surgery
• Handshould be washed before and after contact with the patient
• Injured personnel should refrain from treating patients
• Atthe facePersonnel should be replaced during the duration of the
• Important infections should be investigated and their source found

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