Unit 12 - Best Practice - Making It Work

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Best Practice

Making It Work

EPSE 320
Research on Best Practice for

 Western University in London Ontario has

developed the Canadian Research Centre on
Inclusive Education http

– Read their Home page and the 2 sections in

their About page to get a sense of the state of
best practice in inclusion
Movers and Shakers
 Shelley Moore, an Educational Consultant in
Richmond, BC, has advanced the concept of
inclusion to a new level.
 While her focus is on students with
developmental disabilities, her passion for all
students is apparent
 Watch the following videos to understand her
passion https://
Universal Design for Learning
“Foundations for Inclusive Education”

 The UDL approach to educational planning is

fundamental to best practice. It includes:
– Multiple means of representation
– Multiple means of expression
– Multiple means of engagement

 Visit Universal Design for Learning | Mohawk College

and watch the video to get a deeper understanding of
the principles behind UDL
UDL - Measuring Success

 Desired outcomes from a UDL approach

– Inclusive classroom environments are the norm
– Appropriate learning conditions result in positive
student achievement
– Students engage enthusiastically with their learning
– Students with disabilities are viewed as real and
contributing members of their class
– Student with disability has confidence and a positive
Expanded Core Curriculum
“Students’ Keys to Inclusion”

 The components of the ECC provides students

with the skills they require to fit in and
participate in a sighted world

 This YouTube video provides good examples of

the Expanded Core Curriculum in action https://
Best Practice – A Teacher’s
 This website provides information about best
practice for classroom teachers

 This video provides a good example of what best

practice looks like in an inclusive school district
Best Practice – Class Awareness
and In-service

 Sensitizing the class to the issues of blindness

has inherent dangers of unconsciously casting
the student who is blind in a negative way
 Visit
for some thoughts on how to effectively raise
awareness in the classroom
Best Practice – A Parent’s
 This article (even though it is dated) provides a
general perspective on best practice in the

 This video discusses the importance of parent-

school partnerships in inclusive schools
The Last Word – Students
Speak Out
 Watch this video and a selection of 5 others
(your choice) from the Braille Institute website
 We will end the course by re-visiting the video
on the role of the Teacher of the Visually
Impaired in British Columbia

 I hope you have enjoyed learning about

classroom inclusion for students who are blind
and visually impaired.

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