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Comparison of flora of Punjab and

Orissa-Its impact on environment

By: Shaurya Abrol

Flora of Odisha and Punjab

Odisha Punjab
• Odisha, being a more tropical region with a coastline, has a greater
diversity of flora compared to Punjab, which is predominantly plains
and semi-arid. The rich vegetation in Odisha includes mangroves,
tropical forests, wetlands, and various endemic plant species. This
higher biodiversity contributes to the overall environmental health
and ecological balance in the region.
Forest Cover
• Odisha has a substantial forest cover, accounting for about 31.41% of
its total land area, according to the State of Forest Report 2019. These
forests play a crucial role in maintaining soil health, water regulation,
and carbon sequestration, thereby mitigating climate change. In
Punjab, forest cover is relatively low, at around 3.67% (according to
the same report), which impacts the local environment by reducing
the ecosystem services provided by forests.
Agricultural Practices
• Punjab is known as the "Granary of India" due to its extensive
agricultural activities. The region is primarily focused on high-intensity
cultivation of wheat, rice, and other cash crops. This intensive
agricultural model has led to the depletion of groundwater resources,
increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and reduced
biodiversity. In contrast, Odisha practices more diversified agriculture,
including paddy cultivation, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, and vegetables.
This diversified approach helps maintain soil fertility, reduces
environmental impacts, and supports local ecosystems.
Wetland Ecosystem
• Odisha is home to several important wetland ecosystems, including the
Chilika Lake, Bhitarkanika Mangroves, and the Mahanadi Delta. These
wetlands provide habitat for migratory birds, act as breeding grounds for
various aquatic species, and serve as natural buffers against flooding.
Punjab, on the other hand, lacks significant wetland ecosystems, which
impacts the ecological balance, biodiversity, and flood management in
the region.Overall, while Punjab focuses on intensive agriculture, Odisha
showcases greater biodiversity, forest cover, and a more diversified
approach to agriculture. These differences have direct implications for
the environment, including soil health, water resources, carbon
sequestration, and biodiversity conservation in the respective regions.

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