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ICT for Professional

Presented by:
Ederlin A. Reyes

• It has been observed that stress greatly affects almost all of us at some
point in our lives. As you learn to recognize when you are under stress,
possible reasons that make you stress, and different ways of coping with
stress can that greatly improve both your mental and physical well-being.

• Defined as a reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus

that disturbs the wellbeing, state of calm, or equilibrium of
a person.
Example: Flight delay.
A positive relevance to this will have the person thinking this is one
situation he has no control of, and there may be a purpose or reason
why it is happening. A negative relevance will produce agitation and
impatience, blaming the airline or whoever is responsible for the delay,
which may result in lost opportunities.
Healthy Stress – EUSTRESS, Unhealthy Stress -
• These types of stress can motivate, energize, and spur an individual into
fruitful actions
Know Your Stressor
1. School Demands and Expectations
Quizzes and tests, home works and projects, oral recitation, quarterly and
final exams, and grades most especially, epitomize the kind of stressors
adolescents have when it comes to studying
2. Selecting a School, College Course, or Career
Related to first stressor mentioned is the situation of what will happen after
Deciding on what course and a school to go to is another stressor for adolescents
3. Separation Anxiety
High school graduation, to some, means a temporary ending or separation from some
of your friends. This scenario may be stressful to some adolescents for they might
have a hard time to look for some new friends to be with during their stay in their new
4. College Life
The prospect of being by themselves in a new school in college and meeting and
adjusting to new people is another cause of stress for graduating senior students.
5. Romantic Relationship or the Lack of it.
Adolescents tend to feel awkward when they are not in a special relationship
with someone.
6. Family Demands and Expectation
To some adolescents, family can be a stressor. The adolescent is still learning
and yearning for independence and autonomy, but parents may not be ready to
relinquish control over their “baby”. This is why conflict sets in.
7. Health Concerns
Health problems may run a gamut of varieties, such as unwanted pregnancy,
HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, unhealthy lifestyles such as poor
eating and sleeping habits that often lead to lifetime diseases, and so on.
8. Demands of Social Life
There is a common thinking among adolescents that it is
embarrassing to be alone. That is why the need to
belong is significantly important for adolescent.
9. Bullying
Being bullied in school can be very stressful and may
cause emotional and psychological trauma to the
individual experiencing it.
Coping may also be a combination of both problem-focused and emotional-focused remedies. Here are
some examples

Conduct creative imagery of the problem – look at the stressor as relational situation where you can
assess and change the way you look at the stressful situation.

Seek group or social support – talk to people you know and trust, surround yourself with friends who can
offer sincere understanding and empathy.

Get into Relaxation activities – breathing exercise, regular physical exercise, meditation, yoga, etc.
Create a situation where you can feel more relaxed like a quiet environment or a comfortable position.

Learn to manage your time – analyze how much time you are spending for all of your activities in a day
and set priorities which activity will be done first and given more time.

Eat Properly – selecting nutritious, healthy food. Eat regularly and avoid skipping meals.

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