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Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program

Machinery Basics
(Calculation and Management)

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 1
Cost Management

I. Machinery basics - Calculation

II. Machinery basics - Management

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 2
Cost management: Machinery basics
Calculation - WHY:
Basic information for the calculation of a tender estimation
“Total hourly rate”
Basis for internal cost allocation between among subsidiaries or/and
construction sites, joint – ventures.
To compare cost effectiveness and operating efficiency of pieces of the
Assistance in insured events or adjudications

Management - HOW:
Organisation of the administration of the equipment department
(Not discussed)
Disposition and logistics of the whole equipment park
Cost charging of equipment rentals on construction sites
“Daily Rate”

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 3
I. Machinery basics - Calculation

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University Capacity Building Program 4
Calculation: Equipment Times and Periods
Livetime Period between Fabrication and Destruction (Years).
Economic Life (n): expected period a machine can be used economically and technically
(Years, Working hours)
Average Allocation Time (v): reducing the economic life because of lost working days for:
- Weather
- Equipment maintenance and repair
- Employee holidays
- Miscellaneous downtimes
(Months: e.g. 10 months per )
Disposal Time includes:
- mobilisation and demobilisation
- Working Time
- Time for Standby
excluding time for disposal downtimes on site without charge
(Days: 30days in 4 weeks/ month)
Working Time = Basis for cost estimation per item of a bill of Quantity
(Hours, Hours/unit: 8 hours/day, 5 days/week, 4 weeks/ month)
- Technical preparation an re-tooling
- Operating time
- Standby due to technical needs
- Times for personal allowance and waste times

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University Capacity Building Program 5
Calculation: Cost Elements

Included Cost elements:

1. Ownership Cost Elements (K).
The ownership portion of the rate consists of an allowance for
a. depreciation and
b. interest or facilities capital cost of money

2. Operating Cost Elements (R, F, OG).

Operating costs include allowances for the following:
a. Repairs (includes maintenance and major overhauls)
b. Fuel
c. Oil, and grease (includes servicing)

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University Capacity Building Program 6
Calculation: Cost Elements (Not included)

NOT included Cost elements:

Operating labour
Mobilization and demobilization
Field office overhead expenses
Home office or general and administrative (G&A) overhead
Investment tax credit or Contingency allowance
Parts and labour escalation
License fees, property taxes, storage, and insurance costs

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University Capacity Building Program 7
Cost Elements: 1.a+b. Depreciation + Interest (K)
K: Monthly amount for depreciation
K  k  A (€ / mth) and interest
k: Monthly percentage on the
average value of original price
A: Average value of original price
(new purchased)

100 p  n  100 v: Average allocation time (Month)

k  % p: imputed percentage of interest
v 2v = 6,5%
n: Economic Life (Years)
Based on: - Simple calculation of interest
- Rate of interest: 6,5%
- Straight-line method is used to compute depreciation
- Time unit: Month
- No Salvage value

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University Capacity Building Program 8
Cost Elements: 1.a+b.Depreciation + Interest (K): Example

Hydraulic Excavator: Average original price A: 117,500.00 €

- 60 kW power, Standard percentage p: 6,5% p
- > 6 tons own weight Economic Life n: 7 years
Average allocation time v: 60 months

K kA  117,500.00  2,350.00

100 p  n  100 100 0,065  7  100

k     2,0 %
v 2v 60 2  60

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University Capacity Building Program 9
Cost Elements: Operating Costs (2.a.Repair R)
Repair R: A: Average value of original price
(new purchased)
R  r  A (€ / mth) r: Monthly repair percentage on the
average value of original price
Experience based between 1-5%
under normal conditions
Example Repair R:
Hydraulic Excavator: Average original price A: 117,500.00 €
- 60 kW power, Repair Percentage r: 1,6%
- > 6 t own weight

R  r A  117 ,500  1,880.00 € / mth

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University Capacity Building Program 10
Cost Elements: Operating Costs (2.b,c FOG)
FOG F: P: Installed engine power (kW)
F  ( f  P )  (1  s ) (€ / h) f: Fuel factor under average conditions:
- 0.15 l/ kWh,
- 1.00 €/l => 0,15 €/kWh
s: Additional factor for oil and grease:
- 6%

Example Fuel FOG:

Hydraulic Excavator:
- 60 kW power,

F  ( f  P)  (1  s)  (0.15  60)  (1  0,06)  9.54 € / h

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University Capacity Building Program 11
Cost Elements: Summary
Example: Hydraulic Excavator (s.a.)

Basis for actual internal cost allocation:

Cost charging for rental per month:
K (Depreciation + Interest) 2,350.00 €/mth
R (Repair) 1,880.00 €/mth
Amount/mth 4,230.00 €/mth
Example: Cost charging for
rental 10 days: 4,230.00x 10/30= 1,410 €
Costs for FOG as actual

Basis for “Total hourly rate” calculation:

Costs (K,R per mth)/(8h x 5d x4w) = 4230 / 160 = 26.44 €/h
Costs (FOG) (s. a.) = 9.54 €/h
Amount for 1 working hour = 35.98 €/h

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 12
Ownership Cost Elements: German “BGL”

Hydraulic Excavator with accessories

Hydraulic Excavator standard equipment

Engine power Economic Life Average Monthly Monthly

Allocation time percentage percentage
Hydraulic Excavator, Crawler, > 6 t (Own weight) Depr.+ Interest Repair

Monthly Depr.+
Parameter: Engine power (kW)

Monthly repair

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University Capacity Building Program 13
Ownership Cost Elements: US Army of engineers
See Comp: US Army of Engineers (pdf - file in Documents)

How calculated: > Excel

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 14
Calculation: Comparison: US Army Engineers<->BGL
Main differences “Working cost per hour” between:

BGL - US Army: 35.98 - 28.09 (€/h) = + 7,89 €/h

Fuel costs
1.64 €/gal = 1,64€/ 3,78 l = 0,43 €/l
BGL: 1€/l => 43% of 9.54 BGL-fuel = = + 4,10 €/h

Salvage: 20%:
19000 life hours
Original price 111,382 x 80%= 89,105€
89,105€ / 19,000h = + 4,69 €/h
+ 8,79
prof. g.galneder Project Management Module
University Capacity Building Program 15
II. Machinery basics - Management

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University Capacity Building Program 16
Machinery basics - Management

Disposition and logistics of the whole

equipment park

Cost charging of equipment rentals on

construction sites
“Daily Rate”

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 17
Management: Disposition and logistics
Large enterprises with large equipment parks
A project manager has to find the appropriate equipment for a special Problem

To get technical and economical information of the available equipment
The information has to be really up to date
What about the availability of certain machine
The actual location of this machine

To search and scour heaps of paper catalogues
To make never ending phone calls ………

OR – you have an:

Overview and information tool

Order and disposition tool

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University Capacity Building Program 18
Disposition and logistics: Tools e.g. “EIS”
Internet based info system:

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University Capacity Building Program 19
“EIS”: Information – German / English

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University Capacity Building Program 20
“EIS”: Information - Technical

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 21
“EIS”: Information – Economic (BGL)

prof. g.galneder Project Management Module

University Capacity Building Program 22
“EIS”: Order Tool -1-

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University Capacity Building Program 23
“EIS”: Order Tool -2-

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University Capacity Building Program 24
Managing Tool “Bau SU”
Equipment Groups Time schedule

Disposal Overview

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University Capacity Building Program 25
Annex: Software references

Excel Worksheet (See: Documents on CD)

Documents\Machinery Basics\CHECKRATE Equipment Calculation
Support Program.xls

Internet based info system:

Bau-SU Bau-Software Unternehmen GmbH - Bausoftware,


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University Capacity Building Program 26
Annex: Literature

“Baugeräteliste ( BGL) 2001. Technisch-

wirtschaftliche Baumaschinendaten”
(Register of Construction Equipment – technical and economical
construction machine information)
Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V.
ISBN-10: 3762535566 - EUR 138,00

PDF- Document (See: Documents on CD)

Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense


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University Capacity Building Program 27
Annex: Internet, Homepages
Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating
Expense schedule:

The Construction Equipment Association

Free Magazine
-> Construction equipment

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University Capacity Building Program 28

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