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Announcer Voices - Mobile
Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding
announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We are now
inviting those passengers with small children, and any
passengers requiring special assistance, to begin
boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass
and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in
approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like
to welcome everyone on Rightwing Flight 86A. We are currently
cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per
hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good and with the
tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in London approximately
fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in London is clear and
sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather
cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The
cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer
you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly
after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until
then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
Elements Of Drama
Review the elements of a good story.
A good story has the following:
Similarities of stories and plays
• Stories have • Plays have
• Characters carrying • Characters carrying
out a series of actions out a series of action
• driven by a conflict of • driven by a conflict of
some kind some kind
• Plot • Plot
They differ in format
• Stories • Plays
• A prose narrative • Consist entirely of
characters’ words and
• Narrator describes actions.
characters, actions, • The playwright may
settings describe the characters
• The characters’ words and settings in the script,
but the audience never
are marked by hears these stage
“quotation marks” directions.
• The audience sees and
hears only the actors’
interpretations of them.
The elements of drama can be categorized
into three major areas:

•Literary Elements
•Technical Elements
•Performance Elements
A. PLOT- It involves the whole story line of
the drama.
Six Stages in a Plot Structure
a.Initial incident- the event that gets the
story going.
b.Preliminary Event- whatever takes place
before the action of the play that is directly
related to the play.
c. Rising action- series of events following
the initial incident and leading up to the
dramatic climax.
d. Climax- the turning point or high point of a
story, when events can go either way.
e. Falling action- the series of events
following the climax.
f. Denouement or Conclusion - another term
for the ending.
B. Theme- The basic idea of the play. It is
the main key that will be express by the
setting, character, plot and dialogues.
C. Character- The people ( animals/ideas)
portrayed by the actors in the play. It is the
character who moves the action or plot.
Major Characters
• Protagonist- This is the main character,
around which the whole story revolves
• Antagonist – This character, or group of
characters, causes the conflict for the
Minor Characters
Their actions help drive the story forward. They
may impact the decisions the protagonist or
antagonist make, either helping or interfering
with the conflict.Characters can have
different traits.
• Foil – A foil is a character that has opposite
character traits from another, meant to help
highlight or bring out another’s positive or
negative side.
• Static – Characters who are static do not
change throughout the story.
• Dynamic – Dynamic characters change
throughout the story. They may learn a lesson,
become bad, or change in complex ways.
• Flat – A flat character has one or two main
traits, usually only all positive or negative.
They are the opposite of a round
• Round – These are the opposite of the flat
character. These characters have many
different traits, good and bad, making
them more interesting.
• Stock – These are the stereotypical
characters, such as the boy genius,
ambitious career person, faithful sidekick,
mad scientist, etc.
D. Dialogue- This refers to words spoken by
the characters in a play.
Various Forms
• Exchange of lines and conversation among the
• Soliloquy- A character that is typically
alone on stage delivers a long speech.
Emotions and innermost thoughts of the
character are revealed.
• Aside- This is spoken by a character to
another character or to the audience but is
not heard by the other characters on
E. Music or Rhythm- In earliest forms this
refers to the harmony of voices presented by
the actors during the performance.
F. Spectacle- This refers to the visual
elements of a play: sets, costumes, special
effects. Everything that the audience sees
as they watch the play.
Additional Literary Elements in Modern
A.Convention- techniques and methods
used by the playwright, director to create the
desired stylistic effect.
B. Genre- type of play ex: mystery, historical.
C. Audience- group of people who watch the
play or to whom they dedicate their work.
Technical Elements
Scenery (set): the theatrical equipment, such as
curtains, flats, backdrops, or platforms, used in a
dramatic production to communicate environment

Costumes: clothing and accessories worn by actors to

portray character and period.

Props: short for properties; any article, except

costume or scenery, used as part of a dramatic
production; any movable object that appears on
stage during a performance, from a telephone to a
Technical Elements
Lights: the placement, intensity, and color of lights to
Help communicate environment, mood, or feeling

Sound: the effects an audience hears during

performance to communicate character,
context, or environment

Makeup: costumes, wigs, and body

paint used to transform an actor
into a character.
A. Acting- The use of facial expressions,
voice projection and body gestures done by
the actors in portraying a role.
B. Character Motivation- The reason for
actors to show varied behaviors in a
portrayal of a role.
C. Character Analysis- The process of
examining how the elements of drama are
• D. Empathy-The capacity to relate to the
feelings of another.
Mini Task: 30-Second Fairy
Tale Sample Script
As fresh snow blanketed the grounds of the kingdom, the White
Knight gazed out upon the sprawling valley, sighed to himself,
and said: “I must be the loneliest knight in all of the land.”
All of a sudden, the White Knight spotted a strange creature
wandering up the snowy path towards him. As the distance
between the knight and the creature shrank, he saw that it was a
“Who goes there?” the White Knight stammered. To his surprise,
a gentle voice responded. “It is I, Maria, a calf who has found
herself far from home.”
1. Identify your role as well as the feeling and emotions you will express.
You will be the narrator, White Knight and Maria.
2. Read the script with proper tone, pronunciation and pacing.
3. Practice the correct way of delivering the lines.
4. You may record your voice to identify things to improve.
5. Be ready to deliver it the next meeting.
Clarity and enunciation- 10

Voice Acting- 10

Creativity- 10

Total- 30 pts
1. Choose any commercial/ ads, story or movie that you
want to imitate.
2. Identify your role as well as the feeling and emotions
you will express.
3. Practice the correct way of delivering the lines by
listening to it several times.
4. Read the script with proper tone, pronunciation and
5. Record your voice and identify things to improve.
6. Submit your final voice over.

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