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RA 10844- Department of

Information and
Communications Technology

Reymart Doctolero
Ariel Genova
Dan Mark Villaruz
It is an act creating the
Department of
Information and
defining it’s power and What is Republic Act No. 10844?
functions appropriating
funds therefor, and for
other purposes.

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What is Republic Act No. 10844?

In section 1. The Act shall be known as the “

Department of Information And Communications
Technology Act of 2015”

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In Section 2 : The Declaration of Policy
It is hereby declared the policy of the state :

a. To recognize the vital role of information and

communication in nation building
b. To ensure the provision of strategic, reliable,cost
efficient and citizen-centric ICT infrastructure ,systems
and resources as instruments of good governance and
global competitiveness.
c. to ensure universal access to
quality ,affordable ,reliable and secure Id’ services;
d. To promote the development and widespread use of
emerging ICT and foster and accelerate the convergence
of ICT and ICT-enabled facilities.
e. To ensure availability and accessibility of ICT services
in areas not adequately served by the private sector.

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f. To foster an ICT sector policy environment that will promote a broad market-led development of
the ICT and ICT-enabled services sectors , a level playing field ,partnership between the public and
private sectors ,strategic alliance with foreign investors and balanced investsments between high-
growth and economically-depressed areas;
g. To promote and assist the development of local ICT content ,applications and services which
may include support of ICT-based start up enterprises through strategic partnerships.
h. To promote the use of ICT for the enhancement of key public services ,such as education,public
health and safety ,revenue generation and socio-civic purposes.
i. To encourage the use of ICT for the development and promotion of the country’s arts and
culture ,tourism and national identity
j. To promote digital literacy ,ICT expertise and knowledge-building among citizens to enable them
to participate and compete in an evolving ICT age.
k. To empower through the use of ICT the disadvantaged segments of the population including the
elderly ,persons with disabilities and indigenous and minority groups.

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ll. To ensure the rights of individuals to privacy and confidentiality of their personal information.
m. To ensure security of critical ICT infrastructure including information assets of
government ,individuals and businesses
n. to provide oversight over agencies governing and regulating the ICT sector and ensure consumer
protection and welfare ,data privacy and security ,foster competition and the growth of the ICT

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Under the RA 10844,Section 6 was its power and functions:

I. Policy and Planning

a. Formulate ,recommend and implement national policies ,plans ,programs and
guidelines that will promote the development and use of ICT with due consideration
to the advantages of convergence and emerging technologies:
b. Formulate policies and initiatives in coordination with the department of
Education(DepEd) , the Commision on Higher Education (CHED) ,and the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) ,to develop and promote ICT
in education consistent with national goals anad objectives ,and responsive to the
human resource needs of the ICT and ICT-ES sectors
c. Provide an integrated framework inorder to optimize all the government ICT
resources and networks for the identification and prioritization of all E-government
systems and applications as provided for the E- Government Masterplan and the
Philippine Development Plan (PDP)
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II. Improved Public Access
d. Prescribe rules and regulations for the establishment, operation and maintenance of
ICT infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas, in consultation with the local
government unit (LGU’S) ,civil society organizations (CSO’s) , private sector, and the
e. Establish a free internet service that can be accessed in government offices and
public areas using the most cost-effective telecommunications technology , through
partnership with private service providers as may be necessary;

III. Resource- Sharing and Capacity-Building

f. Harmonize and coordinate all national ICT plans and initiatives to ensure
knowledge, information and resource –sharing ,database-building and agency
networking linkages among government agencies , consistent with E-Government
objectives in particular and national objectives in general;

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g. Ensure the development and protection of integrated government ICT
infrastructures and designs, taking into consideration the inventory of existing
manpower , plans , programs ,software hardware , and installed systems;
h. Assist and provide technical expertise to government agencies in the development
of guidelines in the enforcement and administration of laws ,standards ,rules and
regulations governing ICT;
i. Assess,review and support ICT research and development programs of the
government in coordination with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
and other institutions concerned
j. Prescribe the personnel qualifications and other qualification standards essential to
the effective development and operation of government ICT infrastructures and
k. Develop programs that would enhance the career advancement opportunities of ICT
workers in government
l. Assist in the dissemination of vital information essential to disaster risk reduction
through the use of ICT
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m. Represent and negotiate for Philippine interest on matters pertaining to ICT in
international bodies , in coordination with the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA) and other institutions concerned

IV. Consumer Protection and Industry Development

n. Ensure and protect the rights and welfare of consumers and business users to
privacy ,security and confidentiality in matters relating ICT , in coordination with
agencies concerned, the private sector and relevant international bodies;
o. Support the promotion of trade and investment opportunities in the ICT and ICT –
ES sectors , in coordination with the department of trade and industry (DTI) and other
relevant government agencies and the private sectors
p. Establish guidelines for public-private partnerships in the implementation of ICT
projects for government agencies ; and

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q. Promote strategic partnerships and alliances between and among local and
international ICT , research and development ,educational and training institutions ,to
speed up industry growth and enhance competitiveness of Philippines workers, firms,
and small and medium enterprises in the global markets for ICT and ICT-ES

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Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)

1. The DICT was enacted nearly two weeks after it

was received by Malacanang on May 10.

-Communications Secretary Herminio B.

Coloma Jr. And Executive Secretary
Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. Both confirmed RA
10844'S enactment

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Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)

2. Under RA 10844 the Department of Transportation and Communication

(DOTC) will be renamed the Department of Transportation

-The new law will transfer all of the DOTC'S operating units
with communication functions to the DITC(Under RA 10844
Section 15). It will also remove the National Computer
Center (NCC) ,National Telecommunications Training
Institute (NTTI), Information and communication
Technology Office(ICTO) , Telecommunications Office
(TELOF) and the National Computer Institute( NCI)

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Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)
• 3. The DICT will be headed by a secretary. (RA 10844 –Section 7)

- Under the RA 10844 –Section 10 :

- The DCIT Secretary will be assisted by three Undersecretaries and four
Assistant Secretaries.
- The new law also provides that two of the three undersecretaries and two of the
four assistant secretaries shall be career officers and that atleast one of the
assistant secretaries shall be licensed Professional Electronics Engineer (PECE)
or any suitable qualified person in accordance with Civil Service Commision
(CSC) rules and regulations.
- According to the Palace statement accompanied the law's copy "One of the four
assistant secretaries shall also be a licensed professional electronics engineer."
Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)

RA 10844- Section 11 :
The new law also requires the DCIT Secretary , the
Undersecretaries and the Assistant Secretaries to have atleast seven
years of expertise and competence;
Information and Communication Technology
Information Security Management
Human Capital Development in the ICT sector
Data Privacy
Information Technology Service Management
Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)

4. The new DICT will protect and ensure the welfare and rights of
consumers and business users to security , privacy and confidentiality in
matters relating to Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- The new department's functions and powers also
oRecommending ,formulating and implementing
national policies ,programs and plans and guidelines
that will promote the use and development of ICT.
Five things to know about the DICT Act of 2015 are the following
( citing 4 of them)

oFormulating initiatives and policies to develop and promote ICT

oEstablishing guidelines for ICT public-private partnerships (PPPs)
oProviding an integrated framework to optimize state ICT networks
and resources.
oSupporting the promotion of ICT trade and investment opportunities
oPromoting strategic partnerships among international and local ICT
oPrescribing rules and regulations for the establishments,
maintainance and operation of ICT infrastructure in areas that are
unserved and underserved.
In addition , the first Department of Information and Communications Technology
chief under the Duterte administration has been confirmed to be ex-Globe Chief legal
Counsel Att. Rodolfo Salalima , which has been with Globe as early as 1993, has been
tapped to become the first ever chief if the newly formed DICT , which was recently
signed into law by outgoing president Benigno Aquino.

 Establishing free internet service that can be accessed in public areas and
government offices using the most-cost effective technology.
 Coordinating and harmonizing all national ICT initiatives and plans.
 Ensuring protection and development of integrated government ICT designs and
 Assessing ,supporting and reviewing ICT research and development programs.
Problems and Issues of RA
The DICT conducted its Second Public Consultation on
the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA
10844 last August 18,2016 . The following are the
problems and issues :

1. Cybersecurity – the agency’s responsibility includes

policies of Cyber security , however as a response to
Cybercrimes , the DICT shall work in hand with
other agencies through creation of Cybersecurity
Incident Reporting teams (CSRIT)

2. Positions within the DICT- guests inquired if the

positions of the DICT are complete. So far there are
names but they are looking for experts who are
willing to they can convert them as consultant.

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Problems and Issues of RA
3. Freedom of Information (FOI) – According to
Assistant Sec. Mallilin all government agencies are
required to come up with a FOI manual ,120 days from
executive order and that the department is undertaking
on having one government portal with all the links of
government agencies in response to the bill.

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In conclusion the RA 10844 is so promising
because of the numerous advantages we can gain
from it. I am providing everyone who do not have
access the information that internet can provide
1. It will give the communities access to
information ,communication ,
technology , government services ,non-
formal education ,skills
training ,business opportunities and so
2. This could be the answer to avoid vote
rigging during National Elections since
the counting and submission of votes
will be digitalized. It will be very
beneficial to those who risk their lives
transporting ballot boxes to its rightful
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3. This could also answer a clamor for a
government agency that is focused on ICT
matters,including internet speed and online or
electronic –related crimes.
4. It can possibly pave the way for easier
government transactions ,including transfer of
records and requests for documents.
5. It can attract more investment
6. The need of the digital- savvy populace
will be supported through faster internet
connection like those in the business process
outsourcing industries.

To read the whole RA 10844

visit :

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Thank You
For Listening!

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