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Philippine values ​are ingrained in the country's culture, history, and traditions.Tthese values ​
influence the way Filipinos live, interact with others, and make decisions.

The National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA) conducted a study to identify the
different values ​upheld across the Philippines, as part of the government's Philippine Values ​
Education Program.

Diversity is given in the Philippine culture, owing to more than 100 indigenous groups,
the archipelagic setting, and the varied cultural influences in its history (Gripaldo, 2013,
2007, 2005;Quito, 1990).
Nonetheless, there remains distinctly Filipino values that form part of the Filipino identity
(Mercado, 1974).

According to the study, traditional Filipino values ​such as family, faith and kapuwa remain
intact and reiterate the importance of values ​such as honesty, love of country and good
governance in the progress of the society. .

However, Filipino mentality is also changing as most of us are learning to prioritize health and
happiness while focusing on other values ​like basic needs, work, means of livelihood, human
rights, peace, environment, culture, heritage and creative excellence.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Family is extremely important to Filipinos. For us, Family becomes a source of
strength and inspiration for bravery through life's challenges. This is also where we
first learned values ​of respect, kindness, love and faith in God.

However, many people consider the family to be more than only the nuclear
framework. Cousins, aunts and uncles are all included in the definition. Even the
son-in-law, nieces and nephews, even pets, are considered family members.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
In other words, family structures in the Philippines are conventional. However,
they adapt to new realities, such as single parenthood as well as same-sex
parenting are supported. In any event, Family is still the most important thing
to Filipinos..
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Filipinos are well regarded for having a strong sense of community and looking out for
one another. "Bayanihan" is a phrase used to describe a sense of
harmony and collaboration within a community.

In addition to offering physical aid, Bayanihan represents the concepts of shared

accountability and group support. It exemplifies the Filipino ideals of solidarity,
collaboration, and mutual aid in times of need.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Modernization and urbanization have made it less typical for people to physically
move their homes, but the spirit of bayanihan still plays a big role in Filipino
culture and is frequently seen in various instances of collaboration and communal
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Many Filipinos place a lot of importance on their religious beliefs. Some believe that
having faith in a higher power has an impact on their daily routines and general
personalities, and this is where they learn to recognize good and bad. Some believe
that faith provides them the confidence to overcome the difficulties of life that
assistance is always available.

"Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang qawa"

Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:


Repaying kindness is highly valued among Filipinos. There is a notion that if someone helps
you, you will return the favor later.

The word "debt" in this sentence refers to a sense of owing someone something in exchange for
their kindness or aid rather than necessarily implying a financial obligation. It emphasizes the
idea that when someone goes above and beyond to assist you or do something helpful for you, it
is only natural to feel grateful and compelled to repay the favor or show your appreciation.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:


Overall, the concept of a debt of gratitude emphasizes the significance of recognising and
appreciating the help and compassion of others and, where possible, meaningfully rewarding
their benevolence. Maintaining healthy and supportive relationships within a community or
culture demonstrates a sense of social and moral responsibility.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Integrity and honesty are two related ideas, and an ideal public worker should exhibit both of these values.
These are particularly crucial for those working for the government, and even the tiniest actions, like
leaving for work, show them. Key early interventions include opposing the culture of

The "Honesty Store" illustrates this virtue by demonstrating that Honesty affects the economic
development of a community.

It demonstrates that in every facet of Filipino society, Integrity and honesty are extremely important.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Respect for elders is highly valued in Filipino society. Younger generations frequently respect
and seek the counsel of older family members.

This refers to a deep-rooted tradition of showing respect, respect and kindness to older people,
usually those in the family and community.

Respect for elders is a universal concept found not only in Filipino culture, but in many
communities around the world. It expresses the belief that acknowledging the contributions and
knowledge of older people is an important factor in maintaining harmony and continuity within
communities and families.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Education is an important achievement for many Filipinos, for even though the child first learns
at home, it is through education that one learns further about the world, about good manners,
and just and humane treatment of others.

For many Filipinos, education serves as the way to a better future. Sustainable education ensures
better job security. For impoverished families especially, their children getting
proper education gives them a chance to lift themselves out of poverty.

Such is its value that parents are willing to give their ives to ensure their children get the best
education they deserve, from paying the tuition to giving their child's daily allowance.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:
Filipinos are known for their warm hospitality. Guests are treated with great respect and are
often offered food and shelter.

Hospitality is profoundly embedded in Filipino culture, and it influences how Filipinos interact
with others and form connections.

Hospitality, or "Pagkamapagmahal," is not only about providing material comfort but also
about creating a sense of belonging, building relationships, and fostering a sense of
community. It reflects the Filipino values of kindness, generosity, and the importance of
human connections.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Filipinos express their love in different kinds of ways for the country. It is demonstrated by
troops who are willing to put their lives on the line to safeguard the sovereignty of the
Filipinos. Even in modest quantities things like following the law and purchasing locally
created Filipinos exhibit their affection for their motherland through their products.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Filipinos, however, have noted that this adoration for the Motherland has recently been
deteriorating. For some, it originates from putting oneself above the nation, as when engaging
in political Dynasties value the "kanya-kanya" way of thinking. Many people, is electing
representatives who will address national issues is crucial like corruption, poverty, and other
things that contributing factors that impair Filipinos' sense of overall patriotism.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Filipinos, however, have noted that this adoration for the Motherland has recently been
deteriorating. For some, it originates from putting oneself above the nation, as when engaging
in political Dynasties value the "kanya-kanya" way of thinking. Many people, is electing
representatives who will address national issues is crucial like corruption, poverty, and other
things that contributing factors that impair Filipinos' sense of overall patriotism.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:


Filipinos are resilient and can bounce back from adversity with determination and
courage. This is often referred to as "tibay ng loob."

When one is able to overcome obstacles, resilience begins to build internally. It can also
be observed when someone saves money for emergencies. days. Despite calamities,
maintaining a business is also a challenge of personal resiliency.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

An example of this is seen when Mt. Pinatubo erupted and on how local
businesses worked together to lift the community from the ashes of the
disaster. The concepts of individual and community resilience are
therefore connected.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Filipinos are known to be happy people. Filipinos always find reasons to smile
even when life is hard. Young people say having a positive attitude helps.
Many people mention family, friends and Community is the source of
happiness. To see them happy brought them joy.
Here is a primer on some key Filipino values:

Another manifestation of Filipinos' happy disposition is their brand of humor.

Filipinos augh off problems and become more resilient because of this. Some
Filipinos think, however, that this can be unhealthy, especially if the humor
becomes shallow or offensive for others.

Understanding these values ​gives insight into Filipino mentality and way of life.
Keep in mind that although these values ​are prominent in Filipino culture,
individual values ​and beliefs can vary among Filipinos. Respecting and
appreciating these values ​can help build positive relationships and foster cultural


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