Myasthenia Gravis

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• Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disorder that causes
weakness in the skeletal muscles, which are the muscles your body
uses for movement. It occurs when communication between nerve
cells and muscles becomes impaired.
• The main symptom of MG is weakness in the voluntary skeletal
muscles, which are muscles under your control. The failure of muscles
to contract normally occurs because they can’t respond to nerve
impulses. Without proper transmission of the impulse, the
communication between nerve and muscle is blocked and weakness
• Trouble talking
• problems walking up stairs or lifting objects
• facial paralysis
• difficulty breathing due to muscle weakness
• difficulty swallowing or chewing
• fatigue
• drooping of eyelids
• double vision
• They’ll also do a neurological exam. This may consist of:
• checking your reflexes
• looking for muscle weakness
• checking for muscle tone
• making certain your eyes move properly
• testing sensation in different areas of your body
• testing motor functions, like touching your finger to your nose
• The tests that can help your doctor diagnose the condition include:
• repetitive nerve stimulation test
• blood testing for antibodies associated with MG
• edrophonium (Tensilon) test: a drug called Tensilon (or a placebo) is
administered intravenously, and you’re asked to perform muscle
movements under doctor observation
• Imaging of the chest using CT scans or MRI to rule out a tumor
• Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants can be used to suppress the
immune system.
• These medications help minimize the abnormal immune response that
occurs in MG.
• Plasmapheresis is also known as a plasma exchange. This process
removes harmful antibodies from the blood, which may result in an
improvement in muscle strength.
• Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) is blood product that comes
from donors. It’s used to treat autoimmune MG
• Congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) is an inherited
neuromuscular disorder caused by defects of several types at the
neuromuscular junction. The effects of the disease are similar to
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome and myasthenia gravis, the difference being
that CMS is not an autoimmune disorder.
• Botulism (or botulism poisoning) is a rare but very serious illness that
transmits through food, contact with contaminated soil, or through an
open wound. Without early treatment, botulism can lead to paralysis,
breathing difficulties, and death.
• There are three main types of botulism:
• infant botulism
• foodborne botulism
• wound botulism
Botulism poisoning is due to a toxin produced by a type of bacteria
called Clostridium botulinum.
• Symptoms of botulism can appear from six hours to 10 days after the initial infection. On
average, symptoms of infant and foodborne botulism appear between 12 and 36 hours after
eating contaminated food.
• Early signs of infant botulism include:
• constipation
• difficulty feeding
• tiredness
• irritability
• drooling
• drooping eyelids

• Infant botulism is typically the result of exposure to contaminated soil,

or by eating foods that contain botulism spores.
• Food born botulism can be home-canned foods or commercially
canned products that didn’t undergo proper processing.
• Wound botulism makes up 20 percent of all botulism cases, and is due
to botulism spores entering an open wound,

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