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USING Saccharum spontaneum PULP
Althea M. Presa
Student Researcher
A study with the main variable named Saccharum spontaneum or Talahib, this study focuses on finding out if
the main variable’s pulp is capable of replacing trees in the production of a variety of papers specifically Kraft
paper as a more eco-friendly source. It is a part of the collective effort of students and other researchers in
figuring out solutions to minimize the effects of Climate Change and to exterminate it together. It uses the
scientific inquiry process as a reference in carrying out the research. This study also uses both qualitative and
quantitative research methods such as online questionnaires and surveys to gather data needed for analysis.
Before that, the researcher made background and reference research for her to come up with an accurate basis
for the study. Experimentation and Trial making was also concluded. The questionnaires and survey let them
answer and rate each item based on their observations and understandings about the data presented to them. It
also allows them to have comments and recommendations that the researcher can consider and add in the
conclusion and recommendations to make it broader. The data collected in the gathering will then be used to
find the answer and evaluate the objectives listed by the researcher. It includes bonding and water absorption of
the research product as well as its cost-efficiency, significant differences to the branded ones and best type of
beating process to be used between the popular two ways. Excel and other software will be used in presenting
and interpreting as well as in some of the computations to be done. The data will be analyzed mainly using a
frequency distribution table and inferential statistics tools like t-test and ANOVA. Results will be validated and
it will provide conclusions about the overall findings of the topic. It will allow the researcher to have more
insights and recommendations that can either be used by herself or other future researchers. Since the study is
still in the working phase, results cannot be presented entirely in this article, however, the researcher has been
reportedly working on it,

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