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Christopher Columbus:
A Controversial Hero

Thanksgiving and
Native Americans

Two Presidents and Two Wars

Christopher Columbus:

A Controversial Hero
His Accomplishments
Table of
contents 02
His Holiday
His Accomplishments
Christopher Columbus
 He’s commonly called the discoverer of America.

 He wasn’t the first European to set foot in the Western


 Skeletons of Vikings ( Scandinavian sailors) probably

reached the New World and lived for a while on the coast
of North America.

 Only Columbus’s voyages resulted in permanent links

between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
His Holidays
 In USA, this event is celebrated on
Columbus Day, the second Monday in
 Landing Day or Discovery Day.
 In many Latin American countries called
Day of the Race
In 1992, the year of the quincentennial
celebration of Columbus’s discovery
In “Columbus and the Age of Discovery”

 The Spaniards and the Italians argued over

how to divide the national honor. The
Scandinavians contended that if any man
should be honored for discovering America
The consequences of
Columbus’s voyages
 Columbus Day is not a festive occasion
but a day of mourning
 As Europeans took over the New World,
Native Americans lost their lives by the
 They died from European illnesses or
were killed in battles with colonists
 So today, Americans remember the pain
that resulted from his ventures
Preparations for a
Great Journey
- born when maritime
exploration was common
- sought a safe sea route for
trade with Far East
Christopher Lolumbus
1451- 1506
- helped his father in his wool-
weaving business and later began
sailing on trading ships
- his group was attacked by pirates
off Portugal
- held onto a floating oar until he
reached the Portuguese shore
- stayed in Portugal for 10
- joined his brother’s
mapmaking business
- married a Portuguese
woman (1479)
Filipa Moniz
1455 - 1485
- thought a larger percentage of
Earth’s surface was land
- didn’t know the continents of
North and South America lay
between Europe and Asia
- made three important
- 1485 - Columbus and his
son sought Spanish support
for his expedition
- couldn’t afford to equip him
for the voyage while fighting
the Moors
- waited 7 years for the
necessary resources
- 1492, Spanish conquered
Granada => Isabella
consider Columbus’s idea
- King Ferdinand refused
=>Isabella offered her jewels
- the agreement was
Queen Isabella

King Ferdinand
Four Important
Four Important Voyages
First voyage (1492–1493)

Second voyage (1493-1496)

Third voyage (1498-1500)

Fourth voyage (1502-1504)

01 First voyage
1. First voyage (1492–1493)

- Columbus and his crew set out on a

westward voyage to find a shorter
route to the Orient.
- On August 3, they sailed down the
Rio Tinto, but the Pinta's rudder
broke, leading to suspicions of
1.1. First landing in the Americas
● Columbus' voyage to the Americas began on 7 October 1492, when he spotted
flocks of birds and changed course.
● He sailed west and sighted land four hours later, calling it San Salvador, in the
● Columbus encountered the Lucayan, Taíno, and Arawak peoples, who were
known for their gold ear ornaments.
● He took some Arawaks prisoners and explored Cuba and Haiti, leaving 39 men
● On 13 January 1493, Columbus made his last stop in the Bay of Rincón,
encountering the Ciguayos, who offered violent resistance.
First voyage modern place names in black, Columbus's place names
in blue
1.2. First return

- In 1493, Columbus sailed to Spain after a storm, hoping to visit the

nearest church.
- He found land and discovered the Portuguese Azores Islands, but
the Niña anchored at Santa Maria Island.
- Despite poor relations, both ships were spared.
- After spending a week in Portugal, Columbus returned to Spain
with gold, pearls, jewelry, Taíno, flowers, and a hammock.
02 Second voyage
Columbus's second voyage
2.1. Caribbean exploration

- In November 1493, Christopher Columbus explored

the Lesser Antilles and the Virgin Islands.
- The fleet arrived in Puerto Rico on 19 November
1493, rescuing women from a group of sex slaves.
2.2. Hispaniola and Jamaica

- Columbus arrived in Hispaniola on 22 November 1494,

discovering decomposing bodies and a murderous gang
searching for gold and women.
- Columbus left Hispaniola on 24 April and arrived in Cuba
and Discovery Bay, Jamaica on 5 May.
2.3. Slavery, settlers, and tribute
● Columbus' plan for Queen Isabella to establish trading
posts with the Far East was thwarted by trade routes
● Columbus executed colonists and used dismemberment
as punishment.
03 Third voyage
Third voyage (1498–1500)

- Columbus' third voyage to the Americas aimed to verify King John II of Portugal's
continent suggestion.
- Despite inaccurate observations, Columbus returned to Hispaniola, where he faced
rebellion from Spanish settlers.
3.1. Governorship
3.1.1. Colonist rebellions

Columbus requested 330 permanent residents on

Hispaniola, including woodmen soldiers, farmers,
sailors, and various professions.
3.1.2. Bobadilla's
Francisco de Bobadilla took control
of the Americas in 1500,
confiscating Columbus's gold and
treasures, and chaining him and
Diego aboard La Gorda.
3.1.3. Trial in Spain
• Columbus faced opposition from
settlers and friars, leading to his
arrest and imprisonment. In 1500,
the king and queen called for
forgiveness, and in 1501, Nicolás de
Ovando y Cáceres was appointed.
04 Fourth voyage
Fourth voyage

• In 1502, Columbus sailed

with 147 men to reach
Hispaniola, encountering
storms and learning about
Several cities and places are named
after him, as is the Columbia River,
one of the chief river in U.S.A and
Washington, D.C
The nation’s capital city is called Washington,
D.C, as the D.C stands for District of Columbia.
However, the two continents of the Western
Hemisphere are named after Amerigo Vespucci,
another Italian explorer.. He mad at least two (and
probably four) voyages to America, the first only a
few years after Columbus's first voyage.
Washington, D.C
Vespucci's 1499 voyage was undertaken
for Spain and led by a Spanish explorer. It
brought Vespucci to Brazil, Venezuela,
and Hispaniola. Then, in 1501, he sailed
to Brazil again, this time with the ships of
a Portuguese captain. The 1501 voyage
convinced Vespucci that he had reached a
new continent. He was the first per- son
to claim this.
About 1503, Vespucci's account of his
discovery of a new continent was published
in English under the title New World. It was
also translated into many other languages
and published in many European countries.
Its fame established Vespucci as the
discoverer of the New World. Columbus
never disputed this claim.
In 1507, a German mapmaker who read
Vespucci's writings became the first person to use
the name America to describe the area that
Columbus and Vespucci had explored. Vespucci
received many honors and important jobs. After
his death, it was discovered that this so-called
great explorer was not really so great. After all,
Columbus had reached the Western Hemisphere
before Vespucci did. In addition, despite his
claims, Vespucci was probably not the leader of
the expeditions he was on. Therefore, it is ap-
propriate that Amerigo Vespucci is the forgotten
explorer, while Columbus is honored annually in
many countries.
Thanksgiving and

Native Americans
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth

Thursday in November
Thanksgiving Day
Harvest festival in Plymouth,
chusetts => 400 years ago

- They were thankful for

receiving what they valued most-
a good harvest and the freedom
to live and worship as they
Thanksgiving Day
The Plymouth colonists began their
journey to America in September of
1620 on a ship called the Mayflower

Americans commonly refer to all of

the Plymouth residents as Pilgrims
- half of the colonists were
Thanksgiving Foods

Harvest festival in Plymouth (1621)

Differences between Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving
and today’s Thanksgiving
Wild turkey could fly, unlike today’s domestic turkey
Cranberry sauce

Pumpkin pie
Thanksgiving dinner table:
Pilgrims and modern

Plymouth’s Thanksgiving dinner Today’s Thanksgiving dinner


Pilgrims ate Thanksgiving meal outside, but Americans

today prefer to eat indoors
tourists visit Plymouth, Massachusetts each year
Plymouth Rock Mayflower II
Plimoth Plantation
An American educator
and famous poet

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

(February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882)
1858, a long poem about the
Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony
“The Courtship of Miles Standish”

A fierce around a love

Indian war triangle among
3 Mayflower passengers
Captain Miles Standish John Alden

Priscilla Mullens
- A soldier, came to America with Pilgrims
- Brave in battle >< timid with women
- Short, stocky , middle-aged
- Man not of words but of actions

Captain Miles Standish

Captain Miles Standish John Alden

Priscilla Mullens

- A cooper (barrel-maker) for the

Mayflower's voyage to America
 a scholar then
- Young and handsome
- A person of poetry
John Alden
Captain Miles Standish John Alden

Priscilla Mullens
- Born in or near Dorking, Surrey, England
- A Puritan girl
- Came to America on the Mayflower
- Modest, simple and sweet

Priscilla Mullens
Captain Miles Standish John Alden

Priscilla Mullens
Captain Miles Standish

Priscilla Mullens
Captain Miles Standish John Alden

Priscilla Mullens
“Why don’t you speak
for yourself, John?”
“You betrayed me!”
John and Priscilla grew to love
each other more and more
Message said that Standish
had been killed in the battle
 John proposed marriage
to Priscilla
- Captain Miles Standish
hadn’t been killed
- Had come to apologize
for his anger
“Forgive me! I have been
angry and hurt, too long have
I cherished the feeling; I have
been cruel and hard, but now,
thank God! it is ended.”
American Indians Native Americans


remember with gratitude

contributed much to modern American life
Indian foods &
methods of planting,
hunting, and fishing
American Indians

maize corn white potatoes

tapioca popcorn

Southern grits succotash

The Native Americans, known as Paleo-Indians, had migrated from Eurasia
Hidatsa woman A couple stands in front Blackfoot Indians with a
and dog travois of painted deer tipi horse-drawn travois.
Native American name



The Indian Wars began the
moment English colonists
arrived in Jamestown,
Virginia, in 1607

For more than 250 years,

as Europeans sought to
control newly settled
American land
17th century

Jamestown Massazcre:
Beaver Wars: 1640-1701 King Philip's War: July
March 22, 1622 4, 1675 to August 12,
17th century

Pueblo Revolt: August 10 King William's War: 1689- Schenectady

to September 21, 1680 1697 Massacre:February 8,
18th century

Queen Anne's War: Tuscarora War: 1711-1715

1702-1713 Yamasee War: 1715-1718
18th century

French and Indian War: Cherokee War: 1759- Pontiac's Rebellion:

1754-1763 1761 1763-1765
American Revolution Era
Date 1765 to 1783
Location Thirteen Colonies
• Independence of the United States of America from the British
• End of British colonial rule in the Thirteen Colonies
• End of the First British Empire
• Began the Age of Revolution
• World's first Federal republic founded on the consent of the
• First permanently successful overthrow of monarchical colonial rule
• Created oldest permanent constitution in current effect
• Created guarantees of inalienable and natural rights
For Indians resettlement
By 1890, as the result of wars, diseases, and
poor living conditions, the U.S Indian
population was down to about 240,00
Two Presidents
and Two Wars
George Washington
01 Background

02 Britain Colony

03 Legacy
George Washington
01 Background
‒ Was born in 1732

‒ A Son of wealthy farmer

‒ Privately trained and educated

‒ Military experiences
George Washington
‒ In 1759, he married a wife
02 Britain Colony Period

‒ Britain government taxed heavily on

In 1763 American colonies.
- Keep increasing taxation on products.

‒ The First Continental Congress was held.

In 1774
‒ Colonies complained about British’s laws
02 Britain Colony Period

‒ The Second Continental Congress declared war on

In 1775
‒ Named as Revolutionary Army, lead by Washington.

In 1781 British was given up with the hand of French government.

After war, peace treaty was finally signed in 1783.
02 Britain Colony Period

‒ George Washington first took office.

In 1789
‒ He refused a third term and retired from
03 Legacy

“First in war, First in peace,

First in the hearts of his
Abraham Lincoln
01 Background

02 The Civil War 1861

03 Legacy
Abraham Lincoln
01 Background
- Was born in 1809

- A son of poor family

- Self-educated since young

- His presidency in 1861-1865

- Being assassinated in 1865 Abraham Lincoln

02 The Civil War Period

The war began after few months of inauguration as

president .
A.K.A the most painful war the U.S has been
involved in.
About 620,000 soldiers died in battle.
1775 - 1995
Lincoln’s Proclamation freed all slaves in the
02 The Civil War Period

Lincoln dedicated a national cemetery in Gettysburg,

Lincoln’s Pennsylvania.
5 days later after General Lee surrendered, Lincoln
1863 - 1865
Death (1965) On April
was shot9by
, John
General Lee, Confederate
commander in chief,
His body buried surrendered.
in the state capital, Springfield.
 The battle between North and South ended
03 Legacy

“I say ‘try’; if we never try, we shall

never succeed.”
Letter to George B. McClellan,
October 13th, 1862
Group 7 members
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Mai Thảo Kim Chi
Phạm Thanh Tú
Phẩm Thị Hồng Nương
Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Dung
Trần Mỹ Ngọc
Trịnh Trần Thu Hương
Văn Lê Tuyết Nhung
Dương Nhật Quang
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