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Skewness and Kurtosis

Skewness – This refers to the curve of distribution that would be derived

from the Central Tendencies, Relative Positions and the Measures of the

Sk =

3 kinds of Skewness
1. Positively Skewed or Skewed to the right – if the curve has a longer
right tailed or the value of Sk = (+)
2. Negatively Skewed or Skewed to the left – if the curve has a longer
left tailed or the value of Sk = ( - )
3. Symmetrical – it is a bell-shaped curve or Sk = 0 or very near to zero.
Recall the Previous Example:
Mean = = = 10.9
Median = LBmc + I = 11.21
S = 4.59
Sk = = = = - 0.20 or Close to 0.

The Skewness is Symmetrical.


Mean = 2.15
Median = 1.21
S = 0.24
Sk = = = = 3.92

It is Positively Skewed

Mean = 3.25
Median = 4.76
S = 0.11
Sk = = = = - 41.45.

Negatively Skewed or Skew to the left.


Kurtosis – refers to the degree of peakedness or flatness of the

Ku =
3 types of Kurtosis

1. Leptokurtic or tall distributions have very unusually large number of

values at the center of the curve, occupying only a narrow interval. Ku > 0.

2. Platykurtic of flat distribution have values or scores that are distributed

over a wide range, thus making the hump at the center of the curve
almost flat; Ku < 0.
3. Mesokurtic or normal/symmetrical distribution, the values are
moderately distributed about the center of the curve. K = 0.
Example: (previous lesson from Variance and Standard Deviation)
CI F X FX X - mean (X- mean f(X- mean (X- mean f(X- mean

1–3 4 2 8 2 -8.9 79.21 316.84

6274.224 25096.9
4–6 8 5 40 -5.9 34.81 278.48
1211.736 9693.889
7–9 10 8 80 -2.9 8.41 84.1
70.7281 707.281
10 – 12 14 11 154 0.1 0.01 0.14
0.0001 0.0014

13 – 15 12 14 168 3.1 9.61 115.32

92.3521 1108.225

16 – 18 12 17 204 6.1 37.21 446.52

1384.584 16615.01

i=3 N= 60 = 654 =1241.4 =53,221.302

Mean = = = 10.9
Variance ( = = = = 21.04
Standard Deviation (S) = = = = 4.59

Ku = = =

= =2–3=- 1 , Less than 3, Platykurtic

Ku > 0, Leptokurtic
Ku < 0, Platykurtic
Ku = 0, Mesokurtic

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