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Virtual learning for Management education

Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy

Who am I? Virtual learning: what? why? how? Why did it become popular? How is it done? Technical Architecture Future of online education

Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal

Dad was a school teacher B.E. (ECE) in CEG Guindy, Anna University 1986-90 UNIX System Software Engineer, HCL Limited, Chennai, 1990-91 MS Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), 1991-94

Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal

Telecom Software Engineer, Northern Telecom, Dallas, 1994-97 Ph.D. Computer Science (part-time), University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), 1994-99 Technical Lead, Samsung Telecom, 1997-2010 Got married in 1998 Adjunct Faculty, UTD CS department, 1999-2002 Online Adjunct Faculty in several online universities from 2000

Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal

Adjunct Faculty, Southern Methodist University, 2010 Sr. Lecturer (full-time), UTD Computer Science, 2010-present 2 daughters: Nila (8) and Chinmayee (4) Passionate about teaching happy to share ideas to improve teaching quality in colleges Challenging teaching environment in US

Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Summary

18 years experience as Software Engineer 12 years of teaching experience (mostly online)

Virtual learning
Other terms: Online courses, web-based courses Education through Internet Anywhere, any time, any device connected to internet Asynchronous learning Fixed # of weeks All the work is graded & final grade is assigned Student evaluation of faculty Degree certificate

Snippets from history

First online course ~20 years ago, likely by forprofit university First online degree program? MBA. Why?

Snippets from history

How effective is it? Does it help to get a job? Online colleges got accreditation Turning point (my opinion): Traditional colleges started online degree programs Possibly better than traditional classroom? Did the student actually do the coursework? How a traditional university handled it.

Typical online course

accessible only to students enrolled in that course within university OLS (Online Learning System). has an assignment due every week or every 2 weeks once Participation in Weekly discussion questions (DQs) is mandatory. Courses run for only 5-8 weeks. Has 10 to 15 students Has students from multiple time-zones, sometimes from other countries too.

Grading scale for typical on-ground course

Class Participation: up to 5% Quizzes/Attendance: 10% Assignments/Projects: 40% Exams/Research paper: 50%

Typical Grading Scale for virtual course

DQs/participation: 25% Quizzes: 10% Assignments: 30% Proposal/Paper: 25% Team assignments: 10%

Weekly DQs (Discussion Questions)

Goal: Come up with most reasonable answers through discussion Set difficulty of DQs at 110% Focus is on discussions, NOT on perfect initial answers. Wrong answers are perfect discussion starters! Faculty should facilitate & shape the discussion little bit, but should NOT kill it. Goal: each post should add value to the course, requirement to count towards participation.

Team assignments
Can it work online? Can it be better than on-ground? Potential for higher level of contribution from each student More details in separate presentation.

Compare with
Self-paced learning distance learning

Future of virtual learning

Continuous improvement in action Utilize relevant web resources in courses Develop multimedia lectures to explain tough concepts Increase academic rigor test application of concepts using weekly quizzes Improved communication tools Augmenting traditional classrooms

Technical architecture
Online University

Security gateway

OLS server

Online Learning System (OLS)

Lots of software applications out there. Popular ones: Blackboard, Sakai, Moodle, In addition to courses, OLS provides network space accessible to faculty, courses, Tons of functionality to run the course efficiently

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Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science: ~500 MS students and ~150 PhD students Surrounded by 100s of companies in Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex Students can get internships right after 2 semesters and continue studies in parallel We have well-known management dept too. Flyers available see me after the lecture

Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex

Thanks for listening!

Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy

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