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English for

How to Form a Sentence in
 A complete sentence has three components:

1. S u b j e c t

2. V e r b

3. O b j e c t

 In this lesson, we will study only one type of verbs:

verb ‘to be’

I a m s e v e n y e a r s o l d . I h a v e o n e b r o t h e r a n d o n e s i s t e r.
They are older than me.He is eight years old, and she is ten
y e a r s o l d . M y m u m i s a d o c t o r. M y d a d i s n o t a d o c t o r ; h e
i s a t e a c h e r. We a r e v e r y h a p p y b e c a u s e i t i s S a t u r d a y, a n d
we are not at school.I believe you are happy too. Is it okay
to know about your family?
 Read the text and fill in the table with the appropriate form of
the verb ‘to be’

Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

I am I am not Am I ?
To Be

am is are
Exercise 1:
 Read the sentences and choose the right answer:

a. I ________am_______ 12 years old. am / is / are

b. My brother _______________ at the university. he’s / is / are

c. He _______________ good at swimming. not / is not / note

d. _______________ she in the school play? Ares / Is / Am

e. I _______________ short. is / am / ’s

f. They _______________ always late for school. arent / are not / ares
Exercise 2:
 Find the mistake and correct the sentences:

a. We not tired. ____We are_______

b. I from Turkey. ____________________

c. They is at the park. __________________

d. Are that your dog? ____________________

e. Im very tall. ____________________

f. My dad are an engineer. ____________________

g. He’s n't angry. ____________________


 An object is a person or a thing that receives the action of the verb.

 Examples:

Note that the object comes

1) I respect her. after the verb.
2) He loves it.
3) You are happy.
4) She is sad.
5) We are students.
6) They are teachers.
7) It is my phone.
Thank you!
English for All

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