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GE 5
Lesson 2: Communication: Principles, Ethics and Globalization

Specific Learning Outcomes

1. Adapt awareness in presenting ideas through written works.

2. Describe the nature, principles and ethics of communication in various
multicultural contexts.
3. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication
Read the situation carefully and try to put yourself as the actor of the

It was your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip takes about
eight hours. You wanted to know how to get to your destination from the airport.
You were fortunate to be seated beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in
English and you have difficulty understanding his accent. How will you start a
conversation with him?
Principles of Communication

7C’s of Effective Written Communication by Professors

Scott Cutlip and Allen Center. This was developed to ensure
that we can create a high-quality message for both verbal and
non-verbal communications.
Correctness- A correct use of language fabricates
dependability and the receiver will feel that they are
focused on. In composed business communication,
grammatical errors should be avoided.

Conciseness- Senders must always stick to the point and

avoid running around the bush. It is important to be brief
by focusing the main point of the message.
Coherent- Always convey a logical message, the ideas
must be connected and related to each other according
to the topic given. Use transitional devices in order to
have a harmonious or a smooth flow of conveying the
message towards the audience.

Clarity- Speakers must be clear about their message

and they should be guided by their purpose in
Completeness- Necessary and relevant information must be included in
the message so that the receiver will not be left hanging wanting more
information. Place yourself in the shoes of the audience in order to know
what information you will want to receive.

Concreteness- This is upheld by reliable materials, such as research and

figures. Your audience will know if you are deceiving them due to
inaccurate evidences to support your claims.

Courtesy- It is essential to imperatively show respect towards your

audience. Use polite gestures to show your sincerity and attitude
outfitted towards them.
Ethics of Communication

 Seek to “elicit the best” in communications and interactions with other group members.
 Listen when others speak.
 Speak non-judgmentally.
 Speak from your own experience and perspective, expressing your own thoughts, needs, and feelings.
 Seek to understand others.
 Avoid speaking for others, for example by characterizing what others have said without checking your
understanding, or by universalizing your opinions, beliefs, values, and conclusions, assuming everyone
shares them.
 Manage your own personal boundaries: share only what you are comfortable sharing.
 Respect the personal boundaries of others.
 Avoid interrupting and side conversations.
 Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all members have relatively equal “air time” if they want it.
There are many global companies operate in our country
and have Filipino counterparts that competes with them such as
(global company) McDonald’s and Jollibee as its counterpart.
Before we move on with the next topic try to answer the following

What are the similarities and differences between the

two? Which company has provided better products and
services for you?

It is a process of interaction and incorporation among individuals,

organizations, and administrations of various countries, a cycle driven
by global exchange and speculation and helped by data innovation. This
cycle has consequences for nature, on culture, on political frameworks,
on monetary turn of events and flourishing, and on human physical
prosperity in social orders far and wide. One of the impacts of
globalization is that it advances and builds associations between various
areas and population around the world.
Impacts of Globalization on global communication

Availability of Information
 Business Conduct
 Social Awareness
Thank you!

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