Security Awareness

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By Rama Wijaya Shiddiq


What is security awareness?

3 aspects of information security

The reasons why security awareness is important for


Threats Overview
What is Security Awareness?

Information Security Awareness aims to make everyone understand the

importance of information security and their responsibilities regarding
information security.

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 1

3 aspects of information security (CIA TRIAD)

Confidentiality (Kerahasiaan)
Integrity (Integritas)

Availability (Ketersediaan)

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 2

“The reasons why security awareness is
important for companies “

1. Ransomware becomes the main threat

2. Phishing Dominates Digital Scams
3. CEO Fraud / W-2 Scams Ranked Second
4. Phone Scams
5. Antivirus is Increasingly Ineffective
6. Relying Too Much on Web-Services

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 3

Threats Overview
Social Engineering

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 4


Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 5

Examples of Phising
Email Phising

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 6

Examples of Phising
Spear Phising

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 7

Examples of Phising
Web Phising

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 8

Examples of Phising

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 9

Examples of Phising
Smishing and Vishing

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 10

Examples of Phising
Angler Phising

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 11

Defense Recommendation

1. Enhance your device's security

2. Pay Attention to the Email Sender
3. Don't Click on Random Links
4. Use Official Software
5. Be Careful When Sharing Info
6. Follow the Latest Info About Phishing

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 12

Defense Recommendation

Cyber Threats and Information Security Awareness 13

Safety start with awareness,
Awareness start with YOU

Thank you

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