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Norton University University

College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages

Writing Skills

Unit 10: Letter Writing & CV

Year 2 / Semester 2

Lecturer: Sang Sambor

I. Letters
~ A letter is a written message from one
person to another, usually put in an envelope
and sent by post:

~ There are two kinds of letters:

1. Informal Letters

2. Formal Letters

A. An informal letter is written to someone

you know or want to know better, using
casual and friendly language.
~ There are two layouts of an informal
Note1 : The most common ways of ending an
informal letter.
With love,
Love from,
~ These are used when writing to members of the
family or good friends.
Best wishes,
With best wishes,
Best regards,
All the best,
Truly yours,
~ These are used when writing to people you don’t
know well.
Note 2: P.S = (Postscript) is used to add
something you forget to write in your letter.

Sample Letter
B. Formal letters are written for official or
professional communication, using formal
~ There are two layouts of a formal letter.

Layout 1

Layout 2
Layout 1
Layout 2

~ There are two formats of layout 2.

1. Full-Block Format

2. Semi-block Format
Full-block Format
Semi-block Format
II. Writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
~ There are many different ways of writing
a curriculum vitae or CV.

~ Here we give a basic model which will be

useful for most situations.

~ CV is divided into five parts:

1. Personal Information

2. Education and Qualifications

3. Experience

4. Others

5. References
1. Personal Information includes:

- Full name ( in capital letters)

- Home address
- Telephone number
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Marital status
- Present occupation
2. Educations and Qualifications
- List them in chronological order from the
highest to the lowest degrees.

3. Experience
- You don’t need to include every job you
have ever done.
- You should include only experience which
will help you in your job application.
4. Others
Here you may include:
- language
- Sport
- Interest and hobbies
- Driving license

5. References
- at least two; one should be from your
present employer.

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