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Regression Testing

Introduction (Software Testing)

 Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected
requirements and to ensure that the software product is Defect free.

 It involves the execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to

evaluate one or more properties of interest.

 The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast
to actual requirements.
What is Regression Testing?
 Regression Testing is one of the main roles of testing which increase the correctness of a

 We need to check that when changing the faulty code, the developer has not introduced new
 There is a 50% chance of introduction regression faults.

 Regression tests tell us whether new faults have been introduced

 i.e. whether the system still works after a change to the code or environment has been made.
Pros And Cons
Challenges for regression testing

 With successive regression runs, test suites become fairly large. Due to time and
budget limits, the entire regression test suite cannot be executed.

 Minimizing the test suite while achieving maximum test coverage remains a

 Determination of frequency of regression tests.

 When environments are changed, we might also regression test.

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