0408-410 Into To Finite Element CH 7 N

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Introduction to Finite Element Analysis


Professor: Dr. Hussien Ali Hussien
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Office M6-109-A Ph# 06 505 2631

Office Hours:
Mon. and Wed.@ 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tue. and Thu.@ 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Others times by appointment ONLY (No walk-in please)
No office hours on Sundays
Tentative Lectures Schedule
Week# Topic Readin
1) 1/17 Review of Matrix Algebra & solution of simultaneous linear equs. Ch1
2) 1/24 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method (Springs) Ch2
3) 1/31 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method Ch2
4) 2/7 Uniaxial Bar and Truss Elements Quiz1 Ch3
5) 2/14 Uniaxial Bar and Truss Elements Ch3
6) 2/21 Uniaxial Bar and Truss Elements Ch3
7) 2/28 Finite Element Analysis of Beams and Frames Ch4&5
8) 3/7 Finite Element Analysis of Beams and Frames, MIDTERM (TBD) Ch4&5
9) 3/14 Finite Element Analysis of Beams and Frames Ch4&5
10) 3/21 Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations Ch6
11) 3/28 Spring Break
Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations ,
12) 4/4 Ch6
13) 4/11 Practical Considerations in Modeling, Ch7
14) 4/18 Practical Considerations in Modeling Ch7
15) 4/25 Finite Element Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems, Quiz3 Ch13
16) 5/2 Finite Element Analysis of Fluid flow, Ch14
17) 5/16 Final Exam
A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Chapter 7
Practical Considerations
in Modeling; Interpreting
Results; and Examples
of Plane Stress/Strain

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Learning Objectives
• To present concepts that should be considered when modeling for a
situation by the finite element method, such as aspect ratio,
symmetry, natural subdivisions, sizing of elements and the h, p, and r
methods of refinement, concentrated loads and infinite stress, infinite
medium, and connecting different kinds of elements

• To describe some of the approximations inherent in finite element


• To illustrate convergence of solution and introduce the patch test for

convergence of solution

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Learning Objectives
• To discuss the interpretation of stresses in an element, including a
common method of averaging the nodal values (also called

• To present a flowchart of typical finite element processes used for the

analysis of plane stress and plane strain

• To describe a computer assisted step-by-step solution of a bicycle


• To demonstrate various real-world applications where plane

stress/strain element models are applicable

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Finite Element Modeling: General


• Finite element modeling is partly an art guided by

visualizing physical interactions taking place within the

• One appears to acquire good modeling techniques

through experience and by working with experienced

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes

• The aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the longest dimension to the
shortest dimension of a quadrilateral element.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes

• In many cases, as the
aspect ratio increases,
the inaccuracy of the
solution increases as is
shown in the graph.

• Note that there are

exceptions to this
generalization. Large aspect
ratios still produce
satisfactory results, if the
stress gradient is close to
zero at some location of the
actual problem.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes

• General rules: 1) try to maintain low aspect ratios 2) use corner angles
of quadrilaterals near 90̊ when choosing elements for a model.
• Below are elements with shapes that should generally be avoided.
• Having few ill elements in the model will affect the results in the area
around these elements. Overall solution will be reasonable.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Use of Symmetry
• Mirror and reflective symmetry applications
• Note, in vibration and buckling problems, symmetry must be used with
caution since symmetry in geometry does not imply symmetry in all
vibration or buckling modes.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Natural Subdivisions at Discontinuities

• Examples of using finite element discretization at natural subdivisions

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Mesh Revision (Refinement)

• Mesh revision or refinement is used to increase the accuracy of the results
produced by a finite element model.
• First, start with a basic mesh using the fewest, reasonable number of
elements, and obtain a benchmark result.
• Then refine the model by doing actions like increasing the mesh density and
compare the results.
• This process continues until the results converge to some user-defined
• Consider this original mesh for the discussion of types of methods:

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

h Method of Refinement
• In the h method, we use the particular element based on the shape
functions for that element.
• Elements of the same kind are then added or made smaller.
• Uniform or non-uniform refinements are possible as shown below.
Perhaps local refinement used to capture some physical phenomenon,
such as a shock wave or a thin boundary layer in fluids:

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

p Method of Refinement
• In the p method, the polynomial p is increased to higher-order
polynomials based on the degree of accuracy specified.
• The p refinement may consist of adding degrees of freedom to existing
nodes, adding nodes on existing boundaries between elements, and/or
adding internal degrees of freedom.
• A problem is solved at a given p level, and then the order of the
polynomial is normally increased while the element geometry remains
the same and the problem is solved again.
• These iterations are repeated until a convergence is reached.
• Higher-order polynomials normally yield better solutions.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

r Method of Refinement
• In the r method, the nodes are rearranged or relocated without
changing the number of elements of the polynomial degree of the field

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Transition Triangles
• Triangular elements are useful for transitions from smaller quadrilaterals
to larger quadrilaterals.
• This transition is necessary because for simple CST elements,
intermediate nodes along element edges are inconsistent with the
energy formulation of the CST equations.
• If intermediate nodes were used, no assurance of compatibility would
be possible, and resulting holes could occur in the deformed model.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Concentrated or Point Loads and Infinite Stress

• Concentrated or point loads are usually expressed for distributed loads as a
mathematical convenience.
• In the infinite element model, these loads would lead to infinite stresses causing
the material to yield.
• For a point loaded by a concentrated normal force there is finite displacement and
stress in a beam, finite displacement but infinite stress in a plate, and infinite
stress in a two- or three-dimensional solid body.
• Models can account for these concentrated loads by highly refining the mesh or
adding elements to account for the deformation.
• Infinite stress based on elasticity solutions may also exist for special geometries
and loadings, such as the re-entrant corner.
• We must either change the sharp re-entrant corner to one with a radius or use a
theory that accounts for plastic or yielding behavior in the material

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Infinite Medium
• The guideline for the finite element model is that enough material must be
included such that the displacements at nodes and stresses within the
elements become negligible at locations far from the foundation load.
• For a homogeneous soil mass, experience has shown that the influence of
the footing becomes insignificant if the horizontal distance of the model is
taken as approximately four to six times the width of the footing and the
vertical distance is taken as approximately four to ten times the width of the
• The boundary conditions must be idealized to fit the assumption of infinite

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Connecting (Mixing) Different Kinds of Elements

• When connecting different kinds of elements, the degrees of freedom of different
elements must be accounted for.
• The figure below shows this for a beam and plane element connected
• The beam allows for transverse displacement and rotation at each node, while the
plane element only has in-plane displacements at each node. The beam can resist
a concentrated moment at a node, whereas a plane element (CST) cannot.
• In Fig. (a) only force transferred resulting in a hinge or a mechanism.
• In Fig. (b) the moment can be transferred through the beam to the plane element.
• The calculated stresses in the plane element near point A will normally be

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Checking the Model for Errors

• The discretized model should be checked carefully for

errors by an objective party.

• There exist many preprocessors which detect obvious

errors such as misplaced nodes, missing elements,
misplaced loads, or misplaced boundary supports.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Checking Results
• Results should be checked for consistency by making
sure intended support nodes have zero displacement.
• Mesh convergence should be confirmed.
• If symmetry exists then the results should exhibit this
• Results from the finite element program should be
compared with results from other available techniques
such as approximate material formulas, experimental
data, and numerical analysis of simpler but similar

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Equilibrium and Compatibility of

Finite Element Results
Approximations generally inherent in finite element solutions:
1. Equilibrium of nodal forces and moments is satisfied. This is true because
the global equation {F}=[K]{d} is a nodal equilibrium equation whose solution for
{d} is such that the sums of all forces and moments applied to each node are
zero. Equilibrium of the whole structure is also satisfied because the structure
reactions are included in the global forces and hence in the nodal equilibrium
2. Equilibrium within an element is not always satisfied. Equilibrium within an
element is not always satisfied. However, for the constant-strain bar and the
constant-strain triangle, element equilibrium is satisfied. Also, the cubic
displacement function is shown to satisfy the basic beam equilibrium differential
equation and hence to satisfy element force and moment equilibrium. On the
other hand, elements such as the linear-strain triangle, the axisymmetric
element, and the rectangular element usually only approximately satisfy the
element equilibrium equations.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Equilibrium and Compatibility of

Finite Element Results
3. Equilibrium is not usually satisfied across interelement
boundaries. A differential element including parts of two adjacent finite
elements is usually not in equilibrium (Figure 7–11). For line elements,
such as used for truss and frame analysis, interelement equilibrium is
satisfied, as shown in example problems in Chapters 3 through 5.
However, for two- and three-dimensional elements, interelement
equilibrium is not usually satisfied.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Equilibrium and Compatibility of

Finite Element Results
4. Continuity is satisfied within an element as long as the element
displacement field is continuous. Hence, individual elements do not tear
5. In the formulation of the element equations, continuity is invoked at the
nodes. Hence, elements remain connected at their common nodes. Similarly,
the structure remains connected to its support nodes because boundary
conditions are invoked at these nodes.
6. Continuity may or may not be satisfied along interelement boundaries. For
line elements such as bars and beams, interelement boundaries are merely
nodes. Therefore, the preceding statement 5 applies for these line elements.
The constant-strain triangle and the rectangular element remain straight-
sided when deformed. Therefore, interelement continuity exists for these
elements; that is, these plane elements deform along common lines without
openings, overlaps, or discontinuities. Incompatible elements, those that allow
gaps or overlaps between elements, can be acceptable and even desirable.
Incompatible element formulations, in some cases, have been shown to
converge more rapidly to the exact solution.
A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Convergence of Solution and Mesh

• Compatible displacement functions are necessary in producing a
finite element model which converges to a solution.

• There is a lower bound on the displacement of the problem using

complete displacement functions as seen below:

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Patch Test
• The Patch test is used to test the convergence of a solution of an
element being used in the model.

• The test has requires that the element must be able to

accommodate both rigid-body motion and a constant state of strain,
as both are possible within a structure.

• The test can also be applied to determine if sufficient Gauss points

have been used in the numerical integration process to evaluate the
stiffness matrix for isoparametric formulations.

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Interpretation of Stresses
• The best approximation of the stress
occurs at the midpoint of elements as
shown in the figure.

• For higher-order elements like the

linear-strain triangle, the common
practice is to directly evaluate the
stresses at the centroid of the

• An alternative procedure is to use an

average value of the stresses
evaluated at each node. This is called

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Flowchart of the Plane Stress/Strain

Finite Element Process

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

Computer Program-Assisted Step by

Step Solution
• Review Section 7.6 for step
by step solutions of
various stress/strain
problems and real world

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 6 th Edition Logan

• Discussed general considerations in finite element modeling
• Discussed the effects of aspect ratios and element shape
• Illustrated the use of symmetry
• Showed examples of natural subdivisions and discontinuities
• Reviewed the h, p, and r methods of mesh refinement
• Discussed the use of transition triangles
• Discussed how to treat concentrated or point loads
• Reviewed how to represent an infinite medium
• Discussed how to connect different kinds of elements
• Reviewed how to check a model for errors and checking the results
• Discussed equilibrium compatibility and interpretation of stresses
• Showed a flowchart of plane stress/strain finite element process


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