2 Ppap

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Training Module

Production Part Approval Process

(Refer : PPAP AIAG Manual-4th Edition)

Neel Auto Private Limited,

Contents :
 Purpose
 Why is PPAP Required
 When is PPAP submission Required
 Level of Submission
 PPAP Process Requirements
 Submission Status
 PPAP General Guidelines @ HMSI

Purpose :

Is to determine

- All customer engineering design records and specification

requirements are properly understood by supplier

- Process has the potential to produce product consistently

meeting the requirements during actual production run at
quoted production rate

Why is PPAP Required ?
1. To prevent quality problems before Mass production.
2. Standardize Part Approval process.
3. Support suppliers with proper tools in process control.

Special requirements :
i) To establish and maintain a good communication channel between the
supplier and customer.
ii) To allow traceability of changes through the acceptation process and keep
historical data of changes.
iii) To keep up-to-date the relation between parts and checking Aids.
iv) To keep up-to-date checking aids with the changes brought to part.
v) To store the checking aids in a way to prevent it from being damaged.

When is PPAP submission Required ?

1. New Part or Product

2. New tooling
3. Changes of source of subcontracted parts
4. Modifications in
- Raw material
- Manufacturing Process
- Tooling
- Product modified by an ECN
5. Production transferred different plant.
6. Equipment inactive for 12 months.

Level of Submission - Refer AIAG PPAP 4th Edition
Sl.No. Requirements Submission Level
1 2 3 4 5
1 Design Records of Saleable Product R S S * R
for proprietary components / details R R R * R
for all other components / details R S S * R
2 Engineering Change Documents, if any R S S * R
3 Customer Engineering Approval, if rqd R R S * R
4 Design FMEA R R S * R
5 Process Flow Diagrams R R S * R
6 Process FMEA R R S * R
7 Control Plan R R S * R
8 Measurement System Analysis Studies R R S * R
9 Dimensional Results R S S * R
10 Material, Performance, Test Results R S S * R
11 Initial Process Study R R S * R
12 Qualified Laboratory Documentation R S S * R
13 Appearance Approval Report (AAR), if applicable S S S * R

14 Sample Product R S S * R
15 Master Sample R R R * R
16 Checking Aids R R R * R
17 Records of Compliance with Customer Specific R R S * R
18 Part Submission Warrant (PSW) S S S S R
Bulk Material Requirements Checklist (for bulk R R R * R
material PPAP only)

S- Shall submit to customer

R- Retain at supplier site
*- Retain at supplier site & submit to customer upon request
Level of Submission – ‘Continues’
Level 1 Warrant only (and for designated appearance items, an
Appearance Approval Report) submitted to the customer
Level 2 Warrant with product samples and limited supporting data
Submitted to the customer
Level 3 Warrant with product samples and complete supporting data
Submitted to the customer
Level 4 Warrant and other requirements as defined by the customer
Level 5 Warrant with product samples and complete supporting
Data available for review at the supplier’s manufacturing

The supplier shall submit the items and/or records specified by the Submission Levels
- Level 3 as default level
- For Bulk materials, Level 1 as default level

1. Design records
2. Engineering Change documents
3. Customer engineering Approval
4. Design FMEA
5. Process Flow diagram
7. Control Plan
8. Measurement System Approval
9. Dimensional Results
10. Material / Performance Test results
11. Initial Process Studies
12. Laboratory documentation
13. Appearance Approval report
14. Sample Production Parts
15. Master Sample
16. Checking Aids
17. Customer Specific requirements
18. Part Submission Warrant
- Bulk Material Requirement Check List

1. Design Records

• The supplier shall have all design records for the

saleable product, including design records for
components or details of the saleable product.

2. Engineering Change Documents

• Any authorized engineering change documents not yet

incorporated in the design record but incorporated in the
part must be included.

• For submissions due to engineering changes, the inspection

and testing requirements are determined by the extent of
the change. For guidance on submission requirements for
specific changes, contact your customer’s part approval

3. Customer Engineering approval

• Where specified by the design record, the supplier shall

have evidence of customer engineering approval.

4. Design FMEA
(if supplier is responsible for design also)

• The supplier shall have a Design FMEA developed in

accordance with, and complaint to, QS 9000 Third Edition
requirements for parts or materials for which they are

• For bulk materials, a Design matrix, when required by the

bulk material requirements checklist, shall be prepared
prior to developing the Design FMEA.

5. Process Flow Diagrams

• The supplier shall have a process flow diagram in customer

specified format that clearly describes the production process
steps and sequence, as appropriate and meets the specified
customer needs, requirements and expectations.
• For bulk materials, an equivalent to a process flow diagram
is a process flow description.

6. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

• The supplier shall have a process FMEA developed in

accordance with, and complaint with AIAG FMEA 4th Edition

7. Control Plan

• The supplier shall have a control plan in customer specified

format that clearly describes the production process &
product control items with specification & control
mechanism with acceptance criterion and a reaction plan in
case of failure

• Identify the special characteristics & their control

mechanism as per customer requirements

8. Measurement System Analysis

• The supplier shall have a MSA developed in accordance

with, and complaint with AIAG MSA 4th Edition

9. Dimensional Results

• Dimensional inspection must be performed on all parts and

product materials with dimensional conformance to
• Dimensional results must be referenced to the part
drawing or can be on a marked drawing (including cross-
sections, tracings or sketches as applicable).
• One of the parts to be dimensionally evaluated is to be
identified as the “master sample” and retained by the
• If production parts will be produced from more than one
cavity, mold, tool, die or pattern, a complete dimensional
evaluation is required on one part from each cavity, mold

10. Record of Material / Performance test Results

• The supplier shall have records of material and / or

performance test results for tests specified on the design
record or Control Plan.


– The level of initial process capability or performance shall be
determined to be acceptable prior to submission for all
Special Characteristics designated by the customer or
supplier. The supplier shall perform measurement system
analysis to understand how measurement error is affecting
the study measurements.

– Initial process studies should be summarized with capability
or performance indices, if applicable.

12. Qualified Laboratory Documentation

• Document all records related to material & part

test generated by laboratory complied with the
customer specified requirements

13. Appearance Approval Report
• A separate Appearance Approval Report (AAR) must be completed
for each part or series of parts for which a submission is required
and which have been identified as an “appearance item.”

• Upon satisfactory completion of all required criteria, the supplier

should enter the required information on the AAR.

• Certain customers will not require entries in all spaces.

• The completed form and representative production parts are to be

submitted to the customer.

• The signed off AAR must accompany the Warrant at the time of
final submission.

14. Sample Production Parts
• The supplier shall provide sample product as request by the customer
and as defined by the submission request.
Significant Production Run
The significant run shall be from 1 hour to 8 hours production with
specific production quantity to a total of min.300 consecutive parts or the
quantity specified by customer
This significant run shall be conducted on production site using tooling,
gauging, process , material, operators from the production environment.
Parts from unique tools, lines, cavity, mold, pattern are measured and
representative Parts tested
For bulk material , no specific quantity is required. Submitted samples
shall be taken from a steady state operation of the process

Production histories of similar products may be judged (using Cp / Cpk)

otherwise a Containment plan required till adequate production has
demonstrated capability or performance

15. Master Sample

• The supplier shall submit two sample parts, or a number agreed to in

the Control Plan.
• The supplier shall retain one master sample.
• The supplier shall retain a complete record of findings for each
submission, including SPC results and when applicable, appearance
• Submission records are to be maintained for the length of time that
the part is active for production and service requirements plus one
calendar year
• Master sample is to be retained for the same period as the production
approval records or until a new master sample is produced.
• All suppliers are required to complete and retain copies of all the
documentation, regardless of the submission level requested by the

16. Checking aids

• If requested by the customer, the supplier shall submit

with the PPAP submission any part-specific assembly or
component checking aid.

17. Customer specific Requirements

• Prepare a checklist for confirmation of compliance

with stated customer specific requirements during
sample production parts.

18. Part Submission Warrant

• Upon satisfactory completion of all required measurements

and tests, the supplier should enter the required information
on the Warrant.

• A separate Warrant must be completed for each part

Number, unless otherwise agreed to by the customer.

• The responsible supplier official will verify that all of the

required information is accurate and complete. The supplier
official will sign and date the Warrant and supply his/her title
and telephone number.

Part Name _________ _________ __________________ Part Number _________ _________ __ ____________________
Safety and / or
Government Regulation Yes No Engineering drawing Change Level____ ______Dated___________ _____
A dd itional Engineering Changes ______ _______________________ _____________________Dated_____ ________ __
Sh own on Drawing No. ___________ ___Purchas e Order No.___________________*W eight_ _________ ___Kg.
Checking A id No. ________ ____________En gineerin g Change Level_______ ___ ________ _Dated_________________ _


__ _________ ______________ _________ __ ___ Dimens ional M aterials /Functional A ppearance
Sup p lier N ame &Sup p lier code
__ _________ ______________ _________ __ ___ Cus tomer Name/Divis ion_____________ ___ ________________
St reet Address
Buyer/Buyer code________ ________ _________ _____________ Reason for submission
__ _________ ______________ _________ __ ___
Cit y State Zip
A pplicatio n_______ ___ ____________________ _____ ____ ____

Note :- Does this part contain any res tricted or reportable s ubs tances Yes No
A re plas tic parts identified with app ropriate ISO marking codes Yes No Submission Level requested
REAS ON FOR S UBMIS S ION by customer( Default 3)
Initial Submis s ion Change to Op tional Con s truction or M aterial
Engineering Change(s ) Sub-Su pplier or M aterial Source Chang e
To olin g:Trans fer,Replacement,Refurbis h ment,or A dditional Change in Part Proces s ing.
Co rrection of Dis crepancy Parts Produced at A dditional Location.
Correction of Dis crepancy Other - pleas e s pecify
To olin g Inactive > than 1 year


Results of Submission
Level 1 - Warrant only (and for designat ed ap p earance it ems , an ap p earance A p p roval Rep ort ) submit t ed t o cust omer .
Level 2 - Warrant w it h p roduct samp les and limit ed sup p ort dat a submit t ed to cust omer
3 -
4 -
Warrant w it h p roduct samp les and comp lete sup p ort ing dat a submitt ed t o cust omer
Warrant and ot her requirement s as defined by cust omer Hard Copy with
Level 5- Warrant w it h p roduct samp les and comp lete sup p ort ing dat a review ed at sup p lier`s manufact uring lacat ion
Signature from
Pen required
T he result s for Dimensional measurement s and material and functional t est s ap p earance criteria st at ist ical p rocess p ackage
T hese result s meet all draw ing and sp ecificat ion requirement s : Yes NO (If "N O " - Exp lanat ion required)
M old/Cavity/Pro duction Proces s
I hereby affirm t hat t he samp les rep rsent ed by t his w arrant are rep resent at ive of our p arts, and have been made to t he ap p licable
Production Part A p p roval Process M anual 3rd Edit ion Requirements . I furt her w arrant t hese samp les were
p roduced at t he p roduction rat e of ___________/ 8 hours . I have not ed any deviat ions from this declarat ion below .
Comments & Signature of
EXPLATIONATION / COMMENTS :_______ _______________________ _________ _______________________ ____
Person with Title & Ph. Number
Print Name____________________ __Title____ __________ Phone No. __ ______________ ___ FA X No. ___________
Su pplier authorized Signature_____ ________ _______________________ __Date__ ____________________ ___ ______

Part W arrant Dis pos itio n

A pproved Rejected Part Functional A pproval : A pproved
on Declaration
Oth er W aived
Cus tomer Name________ _________ ______________ _Cus tomer Sign ature__ _____ ________ Date________________

- In case of part weight being equal to or more than 0.100
Kilograms, one part will be taken at random and weighed
on the weighing machine.

- In case of part weight being less than 0.100 Kilograms, ten

randomly selected parts will be weighed on the weighing

- Average weight will be calculated up to three places of

decimal (Unless otherwise / specified by customer)

Bulk material requirements check list

• For bulk material, the bulk material requirements

check list shall be jointly agreed upon by the
customer and supplier.
• All specified requirements shall be completed
unless specifically indicated as “Not required” (NR)
on the check list.

Submission Status
The customer will inform the supplier about the disposition of the submission.
• Full approval : indicates that the part or material meets all customer
specifications and requirements & supplier is authorized to ship the
production quantity as per schedule of the customer.

• Interim Approval : permits shipment of material for production

requirements on a limited time or piece quantity basis. It will be granted
only when supplier has :
– Defined the root cause of the reason preventing production approval.
– Prepared an interim approval action plan agreed upon by the customer.
– Re submission to obtain full approval is required.

• Rejected : means that the submission , the production lot from which it
was taken and documents do not meet customer requirements.

PPAP General Guidelines @ HMSI
• PPAP criteria given by HMSI to be followed strictly.

• Flat plastic file with flaps for enclosing different documents should be

• PFD and Control plan should be made in HMSI format (enclosed).

• Part No. and Part Name should be written by pencil in PSW, PFD and
control Plan
• External calibration certificate of instruments should be part of MSA.
• Parts Submission Warrant should be filled by pencil and signed by
Quality assurance authority <original copy signed by pen>to be
• MSA should be according to the checking aids
• SPC study done according to the SPC dim. List.
• If you don`t have spec test. Then contact with NPD person of HMSI
• Material Test Report should have along with the PPAP document.
• Supplier to retain one Xerox copy of documents submitted to HMSI
and should bring them during discussion<if required for correction>


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