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Database System

Concepts and Architecture

Module 1
 Data is a known fact that have implicit meaning.
 Database is a collection of related data
 represents some aspect of the real world
 logically coherent collection (not a random collection)
 designed, built & populated for a specific purpose
 DBMS is a software system that facilitate user to design
and maintain database.
 Database System - together the database and DBMS
Typical DBMS Functionality
DBMS provides Facilities to:
Define a specify data types, structures & constraints for the
data to be stored in the database
Construct or Load the initial database contents on a
secondary storage medium.
Manipulate the database:
 Retrieval: Querying, generating reports
 Modification: Insertions, deletions and updates to its content
 †Accessing the database through Web applications
Processing and Sharing by a set of concurrent users and
application programs–yet, keeping all data valid and
Typical DBMS Functionality

Other features:
 Protection or Security measures to prevent unauthorized
 †”Active” processing to take internal actions on data
 Presentation and Visualization of data
 Maintaining the database and associated programs over
the life time of the database application „
- called database, software, and system maintenance
 A simplified database system environment
Popular DBMS Software

 Microsoft Access
 Oracle
 PostgreSQL
 SQLite
 LibreOffice Base
 MariaDB
 Microsoft SQL Server etc.
Application of DBMS
Sector Use of DBMS
Banking For customer information, account activities,
payments, deposits, loans, etc.
Airlines, Railways For reservations and schedule information.
Universities, Colleges For student information, course registrations,
colleges and grades.
Telecommunications It helps to keep call records, monthly bills,
maintaining balances, etc.
Finance For storing information about stock, sales, and
purchases of financial instruments like stocks
and bonds.
Sales Use for storing customer, product & sales
HR For information about employees, salaries,
payroll, deduction, generation of paychecks, etc.
Example of a Database(with a
Conceptual Data Model)
 Mini-world for the example:
 †Part of a UNIVERSITY environment
 Some mini-world entities:
 (academic) DEPARTMENTs
DBMSs VS File Processing
Why do we need a

Why not just use files to

store data?
File Processing VS DBMS

File Processing DBMS

• self-describing
 data definition is part of
• program-data independence
application programs
• support of multiple views of
 programs & data are data
interdependent • provides concurrency control &
transaction processing
• provides mechanisms for
backup & recovery
• support for query languages
• provides access control
Limitations of File System
 Data redundancy and inconsistency
 Multiple file formats, duplication of information in different files
 Difficulty in accessing data
 Need to write a new program to carry out each new task
 Data isolation — multiple files and formats
 Integrity problems
 Integrity constraints (e.g. account balance > 0) become part of
program code
 Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones
 Atomicity of updates
 Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial
updates carried out
 E.g. transfer of funds from one account to another should either
complete or not happen at all
 Concurrent access by multiple users
 Concurrent accessed needed for performance
 Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies
 E.g. two people reading a balance and updating it at the same time
 Security problems
DBMS vs. Flat File

DBMS File Management System

Multi-user access It does not support multi-
user access
Design to fulfill the need for It is only limited to smaller
small and large businesses DBMS system.
Remove redundancy and Redundancy and Integrity
Integrity issues
Expensive. But in the long It's cheaper
term Total Cost of
Ownership is cheap
Easy to implement No support for complicated
complicated transactions transactions
Advantages of DBMS

 Controlling Redundancy
 Restricting Unauthorized Access
 Providing persistent storage for program objects and data
 Providing backup and recovery
 Providing Multiple user Interface
 Representing complex relationship among data
 Enforcing Integrity constraints
System Analysts and Application Programmers
(Software Engineers)
Workers behind the scene
 System designers and implementers are persons who
design and implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as
a software package.
 A DBMS is a very complex software system that consists
of many components, or modules.
 Ex: Implementing the catalog, processing query language,
processing the interface, accessing and buffering data,
controlling concurrency, and handling data recovery and
 The DBMS must interface with other system software, such
as the operating system and compilers for various
programming languages.
Workers behind the scene
 Tool developers include persons who design and
implement tools-the software packages that facilitate
database system design and use and that help improve
 Tools are optional packages that are often purchased
 They include packages for database design, performance
monitoring, natural language or graphical interfaces,
prototyping, simulation, and test data generation. In many
cases, independent software vendors develop and market
these tools.
Workers behind the scene
 Operators and maintenance personnel are the system
administration personnel who are responsible for the
actual running and maintenance of the hardware and
software environment for the database system.
Data Model

 A collection of concepts that can be used to

define the structure (data, data types, relations
and constraints) of a database.

 Examples:
 Entity Relationship model
 Relational Model
 hierarchical & network models
 object-data models
Categories of Data Models

Entities, attributes
& relationships

Record Structures

Models Record formats,
record orderings, access paths
DBMS Interfaces

 Menu-based Interfaces for browsing

 Forms-based Interfaces
 GUIs
 Natural Language Interfaces
 Specialized Interfaces
 Interfaces for the DBA
 Programming Interfaces (APIs)

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