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Engr. Charles Lim

Curvilinear translation is a
motion along a curve path
either on a vertical plane or
on a horizontal plane.
TRANSLATION This type of motion includes
a trajectory or projectile,
which is a curve path on the
vertical plane and rotation
on the horizontal plane.

• A projectile is a body
which after being given an
initial velocity with an
initial angle of release is
allowed to travel under
the action of gravity only.

• A projectile is a trajectory
which is a graph of a

• Let Vx and Vy be the

horizontal component
and the vertical
respectively of the
initial velocity, V0.
• In projectile motion, 𝑦 𝑉 =𝑉
𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
the velocity of the 𝑉 =𝑉 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃
horizontal component 𝑥 𝑜
is constant.

• In projectile motion, the

velocity of the horizontal
component is constant.

• The vertical component

of the velocity decreases
as it goes up and is zero
at its maximum height.
Moreover, its velocity
increases as it goes down.

• If the initial point of the

projectile is on the same
elevation as the point of impact,
the following formulas may be


Time Elapsed, T
In the absence of air drag, the following rules
apply to the case of a level target:

• The trajectory is parabolic.

• The impact velocity is equal to initial velocity.
• The impact angle is equal to the initial launch angle.
• The Range (or Xmax) is maximum when .
• The time for the projectile to travel from the launch point to the apex is equal
to the time to travel from apex apex to impact point.
• The time for the projectile to travel from the apex of its flight path to impact
is the same time as initially stationary object would take to fall a distance of
maximum altitude.
If the initial point of the projectile is
not on the same elevation as the point
of impact, the following formulas for
Range R may be used:

2𝑉 2𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 cos ⁡( 𝜃+ 𝛽)
𝑅= 2
𝑔𝑐𝑜 𝑠 𝛽
If the initial point of the projectile is not
on the same elevation as the point of
impact, the following formulas for Range
R may be used:

2𝑉 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃cos⁡( 𝜃−𝛽)
𝑅= 2
𝑔𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛽
EXAMPLE 1: An artillery is pointed at an upward angle of 30 deg with
respect to the horizontal with a muzzle velocity of 1500 ft/s.
Ignoring the effect of air resistance, to what height will the
projectile rise and what will be its range?
EXAMPLE 2: A ball is projected at such an angle that the horizontal
range is three times the maximum height. What is the angle of

EXAMPLE 3: An object is released from a height of 72 feet and is
given an initial horizontal velocity of 22 feet/s. When the object
strikes the ground, how far has it traveled in the horizontal
SOLUTION: Using only the kinematics equation, we
can solve the requirements of this

There is no acceleration due

to gravity for horizontal
component so it is cancelled
in the equation.
EXAMPLE 4: Calculate the range of an object thrown in projectile motion from a
structure that is 28 meters high with an initial velocity of 4 m/s if the angle of
elevation of the projectile is 25 degrees and the angle of elevation from the impact
point in the ground to the top of the building is 17 degrees.

Vo = 4m/s 2𝑉 2𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 cos ⁡( 𝜃 − 𝛽)

𝑅= 2
𝑔𝑐𝑜 𝑠 𝛽
= 25
2 ( 4 ) sin ⁡(25) cos ⁡(25 −17)
= 17
28 m
𝑅 2
9.81 𝑐𝑜 𝑠 17

= 17 𝑅=1.493 𝑚

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