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Lessson 5 Jesus Invites Everyone

Biblical Verse - Acts 4:32

“The community of believers were

of one heart and one mind.”
For you to understand the passage, it tells us that the
community of believers was of one heart
and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions
was his own, but they had everything
in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to
the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was
accorded them all. There was no needy person among
them, for those who owned property or houses would sell
them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the
feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each
according to need.
Read: Comic Strips

Open your book on

pages 45-46.
Thought: Willingness is
seen to help
others without
any hesitation.
Read: The Invitation on pages 47-48

Answer the
follow up
questions on
pages 48-49.
Guide Questions
1. Who were invited by 5. How
Jesus to follow Him? apostle
s invit
2. Who were the first four people e
to be
disciples of Jesus? part of
God’s First disciples
3. What did Jesus intend for Kingdom? of Jesus
His Followers to follow?
4. What does it mean to
“fish people?”
Remember the key ideas:


1. The gathering of 3. Jesus calls His

the 12 disciples disciples as a way
means gathering of God in
of all people. expressing His
2. Jesus gathered Love for them.
the people to 4. The call of God
fulfill His mission means He gladly
to God. shares His mission
to us.
Remember the mission:
They were invited to share with
other His mission to spread the
love of God.
Do the
Activity A
on page 49

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