Current Electricity

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Current Electricity:

• Current
• Charges
• Potential difference
• Electromotive force.
Lesson Objectives:
• To be able to recognize cause of current.
• To be able to differentiate between potential difference and
electromotive force.
• To be able to recognize advantages and disadvantages of connecting
battery in series and parallel.
• Current is defined as “ rate of flow of charge”
• Symbol for current is I. Unit of current = Ampere (A)
• Symbol for charge is Q Unit of Charge = Coulomb (C)
• Formula of current is: I = Q / t Ampere = Coulomb / second
• Charge Q can be:
• electrons in conductors.
• Ions in an electrolyte solution.
Calculating Current:

Current I = Charge Q / Time t

Charge Q = Current I * time t

Time t = Charge Q / Current I

Quick Practice:
• A current of 4 A passes through a circuit in 10 seconds. How much
charge flows around the circuit during this time?

• A charge of 120 C flows for 4 minutes. What is the current?

• A charge of 60 C produces a current of 0.5 A. How long does this

Conventional Current and Electronic current:

In conductor, the current is

due to motion of negatively
charged electrons.
Therefore in a circuit, the
direction of conventional
current is opposite to the
direction of motion of
Measuring Current:
• Device used to measure current s called
• Ammeter is always connected in series (side
wise) in a circuit whose current has to be
• Suitable range of ammeter is chosen for high
accuracy for example if current in a circuit is
around 1 A, we can take the ammeter of
range 0-2 A instead of 0-5 A
Electromotive force:
• In a cell or battery, the chemical changes take place which provide the
energy required to push the electric charge (electrons) round the
• The electromotive force (e.m.f.) of any electrical source is the work
done by the source in driving a unit charge around a complete circuit.
• The SI unit for e.m.f. is joule per coulomb (J/C) or the volt (V).
• EMF = Work done/Charge OR EMF = Energy / Charge
Potential Difference:
• The potential difference across a component is defined as
the work done to drive a unit charge through the
• Potential difference V = Work done W / Charge Q
• The SI unit for potential difference is joule per coulomb
(J/C) or the volt (V).
Components of simple circuits:
EMF of Cells in Series:
• The connection gives an increased e.m.f. because charges gain
potential energy from all three cells when they pass through the cells.
• The combined e.m.f. is calculated by adding up the individual e.m.f.s.
• Cells are used up early ( in less time).
EMF of cells in Parallel:
• The gain in potential energy for any charge is
from one of the three cells.
• The total emf of the circuit is equal to emf of
one cell.
• The advantages of this arrangement are
• The cells will last longer before going ‘flat’
• The cells are able to supply a higher current.
Measuring Potential Difference:
• The potential difference across
two points in a circuit can be
measured by a voltmeter.
• Voltmeter is always connected
in parallel ( across) with the
component whose potential
difference is being measured.
• Voltmeter
connected in

• Ammeter
connected in

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