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The Information System


Presented to: Dr Suhalia Parveen Presented by : Humaira Ishrat

Enrolment no: GN4648

I am Humaira Ishrat
I am here because I have to present my
topic in front of you all.
You can find me at
1 Introduction of
system (IS)

▪ It is a formal, socio technical, organisational system designed
to collect, process, store, and distribute information.
▪ From a socio technical perspective, information systems are
composed by four components: task, people, structure (or
roles), and technology.
• Information systems" is also an academic field study about systems with a
specific reference to information and the complementary networks of computer
hardware and software that people and organisations use to collect, filter,
process, create and also distribute data.

• An information system is a combination of software, hardware, and

telecommunication networks to collect useful data especially in an
Types of information systems

▪ Operations support systems.

▪ Management information systemS.
▪ Decision support systems.
▪ Executive information systems
Facts of information
• Necessary for businesses to grow.
• Better data storage and access.
• Better decision making.
• Building a career in IT.
Components Of Information

▪ Computer Hardware:

Physical equipment used for input, output and processing. The

hardware structure depends upon the type and size of the organisation.

▪ Computer Software:

The programs/ application program used to control and coordinate the hardware components. It is used for
analysing and processing of the data. These programs include a set of instruction used for processing
Networks resources refer to the telecommunication networks like the intranet,
extranet and the internet.

Data are the raw facts and figures that are unorganised that are later processed to
generate information.

▪Human Resources:
It is associated with the manpower required to run and manage the system.
The role of Information
System (IS) in global business

▪ Information systems the most exciting topic in business is the

continual change in technology, management use of the
technology, and the impact on business success.

▪ New businesses and industries appear, old ones decline, and

successful firms are those who learn how to use the new

▪ In the technology area there are three interrelated changes:

▪ (1) the emerging mobile digital platform.
▪ (2) the growth of online software as a service
▪ (3) In the technology area there are two interrelated changes

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