The SKC's Learning Tree

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SKC | Learning Tree

Programming with C# .NET

Course Length: 40 hours The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details need to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Platform..

Overview of the Microsoft .NET platform

Using value-type variables

Statements and exceptions Methods and parameters Arrays Essentials of object oriented programming Using reference-type variables Creating and destroying objects Inheritance in .NET

Aggregation, Namespaces, and Advanced Scope

Operators and Events Properties and Indexers Working with Types

Framework 4.0 New Features & Intro to XML

Course Length: 40 hours This week dives deep into the new features that are revolutionizing .NET programming, covering query expressions, lambda expressions, extension methods, collection interface extensions, standard query operators, and LINQ as a whole. Plus the Intro to XML provides a technological overview of the structure and programming techniques of XML. This course discusses the role of XML in the Microsoft .NET vision and the larger world of distributed standards-based computing.

.NET Classes Garbage Collection

Generics Generic Collections Deployment and Versioning Basic XML

Validating XML

Developing Windows Forms and WPF applications using VS2010

Course Length: 40 hours

Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0 make it easier than ever to create robust, enterprise-level applications. You will learn how to build solid applications using structured exception handling, how to use the Visual Studio debugging features, how to use MenuStrip and ToolStrip controls, and how to add unprecedented flexibility to your user interfaces using the container controls. As you continue through this course you will learn about important development topics that arent normally covered in a beginning Windows application programming course such as an introduction to .NET interoperability, using .NET Serialization, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), and drawing your own user interfaces using the System.Drawing namespace.

Introduction to Windows forms

Taking advantage of the Form Event Model

Common Windows Forms Controls Handling Input / Output tasks Project Settings in Visual Studio 2010 Debugging your applications Container Controls Menus and toolbars

Deploying applications using ClickOnce

Introduction to WPF Revisiting WPF

Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL

Course Length: 40 hours
This course provides students with the technical skills required to write basic TransactSQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Getting Started with Databases and Transact-SQL in SQL Server 2008 Querying and Filtering Data Grouping and Summarizing Data Joining Data from Multiple Tables Working with Subqueries Modifying Data in Tables Querying Metadata, XML, and Full-Text Indexes Using Programming Objects for Data Retrieval Using Advanced Querying Techniques

Visual Studio 2010: ADO.NET 3.5 and LINQ

Course Length: 40 hours
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills using ADO.NET 3.5 to access and modify data stored in relational database systems and to access data in non-relational sources. Getting Started with ADO.NET 3.5 Modifying Data by Using ADO.NET Commands Querying and Maintaining Data by Using DataSets Introduction to LINQ Language Enhancements for LINQ LINQ to Objects LINQ to SQL More LINQ to SQL LINQ to DataSet LINQ to Entities

Developing Web Applications Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Course Length: 80 hours

This course will teach introductory-level Web developers the fundamentals of Web application development and best practices for Microsoft Web development technologies, including ASP.NET 3.5, ASP.NET AJAX Extensions and Silverlight. This course focuses on using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development environment and the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to create a Web application that delivers dynamic content to a Web site.

Creating Web Applications by Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET-Based Languages Creating a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form Adding Code to a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form Tracing in Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Validating User Input Creating and Implementing User Controls Accessing Data with Microsoft ADO.NET and Visual Studio 2010 Accomplishing Complex Data Access Tasks Reading and Writing XML Data Creating an ASP.NET AJAX Application Delivering Dynamic Content with Microsoft Silverlight Consuming and Creating XML Web Services Managing State Configuring, Optimizing, and Deploying a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application

Securing a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application

Windows Communication Foundation Using Visual C# 2010

Course Length: 40 hours

In this course, you will learn how to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and you will see how it is a unified programming model for building service-oriented distributed applications. You will see how to build, host and call WCF services and you will gain a deep understanding of the basic building blocks of WCF, including endpoints, bindings and contracts. In addition, see how to handle exceptions, maintain state between calls to a service and use transactions. Subsequent topics include and basics of WCF security, integrating WCF with Windows Workflow Foundation and building WCF services that support Representational State Transfer (REST) and syndication. By the time you have completed the course, you will have a good understanding of how to build and use WCF services in your distributed applications.

Introduction to WCF Hosting and Calling WCF Services

Bindings and Contracts

Exceptions, Diagnostics and Message Patterns Sessions and Transactions Security Workflow Services RESTful Services and Syndication

SQL Server Course Descriptions RDBMS Concepts

Course Length: 40 hours
This course is designed to give the student a review of RDBMS concepts. Introduction to Database Management System The Relational Model Data Modeling Normalization Data Integrity Advanced Database Objects

Implementing a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database

Course Length: 40 hours
This SQL Server training class provides students with the knowledge and skills to implement a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database. The class focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2008 product features and tools related to implementing a database. Create databases and database files Create data types and tables Creating and Tuning Indexes Implementing Data Integrity by Using Constraints and Triggers Using XML Implementing Views Implementing Stored Procedures Implementing Functions Implementing Managed Code in the Database Managing Transactions and Locks Using Service Broker

Advanced SQL Querying and Programming

Course Length: 40 hours
The course focuses on writing and tuning queries and programming with T-SQL in SQL Server 2008. In this course you will learn the details and capabilities of T-SQL.

SQL 2005 new features workshop SQL 2008 new features workshop Hierarchies and recursive querying Working with dates Concurrency and locking Query performance tuning Database security and encryption Spatial data

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services

Course Length: 40 hours
Guided tour of SSIS Control Flow Data Flows Variables and Configurations Advanced Control Flow Error logging and handling Advanced Data Flow Package Deployment Package Management Scripting and custom components Best Practices

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Course Length: 40 hours

Introducing SQL Server Reporting Services Creating Tabular and List Reports Calculation and Formatting Grouping and Sorting Working with Parameters Creating Matrix Reports and Charts Managing Reporting Services Security Snapshots and Subscriptions Ad-Hoc Reporting with Report Builder 2.0 Programming Reporting Services Advanced Reporting Services Programming

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