Apocynaceae: Active Constituents Are Alkaloids in Most of Cases Rauwolfia / Rauvolfia Catharanthus

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Active constituents are alkaloids in most of cases Rauwolfia / Rauvolfia Catharanthus

Rauwolfia serpentina

Sinsikrit name for Rauwolfia serpentina

Macroscopical characters
Cylindrical or slightly tapering pieces (2-10cm long, 5-22mm in diameter. Roots are rarely branched with rootlets rare. In very few cases pieces of aerial stems are attached. Both bark and wood contain abundant starch The recently dried drug has slight odour. Taste is bitter

Roots are dug in autumn from 3-4 years old plants Washed , boiled , dried and sold in market

Part used: Dried rhizome and roots

Habit: A small shrub, 1m in height, cylindrical stem, pale bark, light yellow coloured latax when injured Distribution: India, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Java Active constituents: Alkaloids Collection: Drug is collected from wild plants Endangered: Since seeds have low viability, plant is regarded as endangered.

Actions and effects/uses For insomnia Insanity Hypertension / High blood pressure Sedative effects Snakebites Tea is effective for Hysteria and mental disorders

Mode of action
It causes a fall in blood pressure It exerts a depressant action upon nervous system (dose 1-2g powder)

Action of alkaloids
Depletion of neurotransmitters catecholamines and serotonin in brain Sedative and tranquilizing effects related to deplation of amines in CNS.

Resinous matter Alkaloids (1.2-1.4%) Phytosterols Fatty acids Sugars Starch

At least 50 alkaloids have been isolated

Ajmaline (antiarrhythmic) Ajmalinine (Antihypertensive) Ajmalicine Serpentine Serpentinine

Therapeutically important alkaloids Reserpine Rescinnamine (both 0.15%) These are esters derived from methyl reserpate and trimethoxybenzoic acid in case of reserpine and trimethoxycinnamic acid in case of rescinnamine

Other species of Rauvolfia genus

R.canescens (root darker in colour having more
stone cells; reserpine)

R.micrantha (reserpine) R.densiflora R.perakensis R.vomotoria It is also known as African rauwolfia, ,

alternate source of reserpine, contains more sclereids

Structure and function Isolated in 1952 by Muller Indole alkaloid Antipsychotic and antihypertensive Used for relief of psychotic symptoms Use is limited due to certain side effects

Alkaloid isolated from several species of rauvolfia. Similar to reserpine in properties, solubility and appearance. Used for the treatment of mild hypertension

Indole alkaloid Originally isolated from Pausinystalia yohimbe Has been found to be effective in the treatment of impotence in males.

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