Job Interview

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• Job Interview (wawancara kerja) adalah
sesuatu jenis tahapan dalam seleksi kerja yang
melibatkan percakapan antara pelamar/
pencari kerja dengan pihak perwakilan dari
perusahaan. Tujuan wawancara kerja secara
umum yang biasa dilakukan pihak perusahaan
untuk mengetahui potensi atau kemampuan
karyawan sesuai bidang atau posisi pekerjaan
yang di inginkan.

Tell me about yourself !

(Manfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk
menunjukan kemampuan anda berkomunkasi
dengan cara jelas dan ringkas. )
“ I’m an easy going person that works well
with everyone. I enjoy being arround different
types of people and I like to always challenge
myself to improve at everything I do.”
What are you strength?

“ After having worked for a couple of years, I

realized my strength is accomplishing a large
amount a short period of time.”

What are your weakness?

“ I think my english ability is my weakness . But I
know this is only a temporary problem. I’m
absolutely studying hard to communicate more
• What is your name?
• What the name of a university did you graduate from?
• Do you have any job experiences before?
• How long did you work at your previous job?
• What do you think about our business?
• Do you have any other skill that suitable with your field?
• Do you have any strategies to increase our business income?
• What does success mean to you?
• What kind courses did you attend?
• Could you mention any computer software that you expert in it ?
• Can you work with a team and under pressure?
• When will you start working ?
• Have you question about this job ?
Business income : Pendapatan
Job experiences : Pengalaman kerja
Under pressure : tekanan
Expert : Ahli /Kuasai
Accomplishing : Menyelesaikan
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