Physical Fitness

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Having a regular exercise and physical activity further
develops strong muscles and bones. It also improves the cardio-
respiratory and generally speaking our well-being. Keeping
ourselves active can likewise assist us with maintaining a normal
weight, minimizing the risk for type 2 diabetes, staying away from
coronary diseases and lessen the possibility for cancer.
PHYSICAL The definition of physical fitness may differ. This is simply
FITNESS because people have cradled varying attributes or indicators that
decide the “wellness” of an individual. In the broadest sense
nonetheless, physical fitness can be characterized as the ability to
show general physical aptitudes, which involves endurance,
strength, flexibility and balance. Additionally, our ability to carry
out daily tasks and routine physical activities without undue
fatigue is called PHYSICAL FITNESS.
In simpler definition, PHYSICAL FITNESS
simply means the ability of an individual to function
PHYSICAL effectively and efficiently to do work, to enjoy
FITNESS leisure, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases
and to cope up with emergencies.
01 Health Related Components
These includes exercises activities
that a person usually does to
improve fitness and wellness and to
Components of stay healthy.

Physical Fitness
02 Skill Related Components
These involves activities that are
important to succeed in skillful
activities including sporting events.
01 Cardiovascular Endurance
-the capacity of your heart, lungs
including vessels to provide oxygen to
the body tissues.

02 Muscular Endurance
-the capacity of a muscle group to resist
force in a single contraction over a period
of time.

Health Related
03 Muscular Strength
-the capacity of a group of muscle to resist force
in a repeated motion in an extended time,

04 Flexibility
-the ability of the muscle, bones and joints to
extend beyond the normal range of motion.

05 Body Composition
-it is the relative percentage of body muscle,
bones, fats and other impeding tissues.
01 Speed -the ability to move quickly in a
given distance over a period of time.

02 Agility -the ability of our body to move

effectively and efficiently.

03 Power -the ability to exert maximum force in

a shortest time as possible.

Skill Related
Components 04 Reaction Time -the ability of our body to respond
to a particular stimulus in the
These involves activities that are quickiest possible time
important to succeed in skillful
activities including sporting events.
05 Balance -the ability of maintaining of
equilibrium while stationary or
Coordination -the ability of the body to use two or more
06 components of physical fitness
To understand the importance and benefits of physical
fitness helps you to keep a fit and healthy body and can even
improve the quality of life you live. This can be best achieved
through engaging and physical activities or exercises that can be
done in your respective homes especially during this pandemic
Physical fitness testing is a great way to monitor and assess
your capability in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength
and flexibility. Aside from this, It can also help you to understand
how healthy you are and at the same time learn to set goals to
improve your over all health.

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