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1. Communication, like life, is a continuous process
that we cannot possibly manipulate or predict; it is
also unrepeatable and irreversible, thus when we say
communication is a process, we mean that it is both
dynamic and ever changing.
1.1 the process of communication involves variables
that affect the whole communication system.

1.2 These variables should always be considered

when negotiating meaning since disregarding one of
them would surely lead to communication
1.3 The most basic of these factors are the speaker
and the listener – the speaker is also known as the
encoder or the sender of the message, while the
listener is the decoder or the receiver. (Antonio,,2011 p.5)

1.4 In an interaction, each person plays dual roles –

that of a sender and receiver of the message because
the receiver becomes the sender of the message
when he/she responds to what was said. (Litao,,
2011 p.5)

1.5 The message variables seat across from the

former to the latter is equal importance; the message,
which is sent through a channel.
1.6 Elements / stages of the communication process
(Ang, 2009 p.6)
How does the
process happen?
In very simple terms, the communication process happens this way.

1. In given context, the sender (picture of brain with an arrow

converts his or her thoughts into pointing to picture of a mouth.)
signals such as words (usually using
2. The sender sends the signals (picture of a person with the words
(speaks) through a channel (such as “words, words, words” coming out
air) of the mouth)
3. As the signals are sent through (picture of a zigzag)
the channel, there is some noise
(anything that reduces the quality of
the signals such as when words
4. The be heard
receiver hearsclearly).
the signals (picture of ear with the words,
using the ears. “words, words, words going into it”)
5. The receiver converts the signals (picture of ear with an arrow
into thoughts. pointing to a brain)
6. The receiver sends feedback by (the word “feedback” with arrows
becoming the sender. pointing left and right out of it)
Needless to say, the communication process does not
proceed as simply as discussed in numbers 1-6.
Rather, the process happens in rapid back and forth
but still orderly way.
Naveed (2014) shared some common concepts
about communication that will help in a general
understanding of the role that communication plays
in our daily endeavors:

1. Communication is the process in which the

message moves from the source to destination.

2. It is used to communicate one’s ideas, thoughts

or feelings to another person.

3. Communication occurs whenever information is

passed from one place to another.
4. Communication is a tool that makes society
possible and distinguishes it from other societies.

5. The essence of communication is getting the

receiver and the sender and tunes it for a particular

6. Communication is simply “ to make known” or to

pass news and information to and from”.

7. “ Who says, what, which channel, to whom and

with what effect” (Harold Lasswell).

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