Government Peac-WPS Office

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Government peace treaties

with Muslim Filipinos

What is Government peace
treaties with Muslim Filipinos?
• The Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro
(CAB) is a final peace agreement signed between
the Government of the Philippines and the Moro
Islamic Liberation Front on March 27, 2014 at the
Malacañang Palace in Manila.
What does peace mean to
• Peace: “Peace” in Islam equals submission to the
will of Allah through his divine and eternal law,
sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam — or
'House of Islam' — to cover the entire world. The
absence of sharia is the absence of peace.
What do Muslims believe about
the importance of peace?
• All humans were created by Allah therefore
everyone should be treated with respect so the
world is harmonious. Allah dislikes anything that
interrupts peace therefore Muslims are taught to
be peacemakers and build a better society. Many
Muslims are inspired by the teachings of peace to
work for a better world.
• In 1996 the Government and the MoroNational Liberation Front
(MNLF) signed a FinalPeace Agreement, which granted the
Muslimmajority areas autonomy. However, the Morolslamic
Liberation Front (MILF) which split fromthe MNLF in 1984.But the
Peace between a half of MILF doesn't agreed in what's the
Government Purpose.
• "Government way to Declared a Peace Agreement with our
• >BenignoSimeon CujuangcoAquino III Born February 8,1960 is a
filipinopoliticianwho served as the 15th President of the
Philippines.He was elected on June 30, 2010. He is the one who
stand to stop a Asia's
• Largest Rebellions through Peace Agreement
March 23, 2014:New Chance for
• After years-long negotiations, thePhilippine
government and Muslim rebels havesigned a treaty
to end one of Asia's longest anddeadliest
• The move follows when the High RankingGuerilla
leaders has been arrested.
• Philippine authorities had prepared for
thisoperation for months.
The New People's Army (NPA).
• Has been leading a guerrilla war againstthe federal government in
Manila. The Maoist-dominated NPA is one of the oldest
guerrillamovements in Asia and is designated by the EUas a
terrorist organization since 2002.
• Decades of fighting between governmentforces and communist
rebels have alreadycaused tens of thousands of deaths.
• Philippine Security Forces expecting the New People's Army to
retaliate for the arrest of their leaders.
• Peace TreatyDifferent Muslim rebel groups on thesouthern island
of Mindanao have been fightingfor autonomy or independence for
more thanfour decades. But following 17 years ofnegotiations
between the largest separatistgroups and the government an
agreement isnow in sight.

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