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PRONOUN is a word used as substitute

of a noun.
Mary is a grade seven student.
She is our class president.

Kinds of pronouns:
1. Personal pronoun
2. Compound personal pronoun
3. Interrogative pronouns
4. Relative pronouns
Declension of personal pronoun

First person
Case Singular Plural

Nominative I we

Possessive my, mine our, ours

Objective me us
Second person

Case Singular Plural

Nominative You you

Possessive Your, yours your, yours

Objective you you

Third person

Case Singular Plural

Nominative he, she, it they

Possessive his, her, hers, their

Objective him, her, it them
Nominative Case
I like watching k-drama.
I and my friends love watching k-drama.
We love k-drama.

Possessive Case
My favorite color is blue.
That blue bag is mine.
Objective Case

1. That gift is for me. (object of the

preposition) (for)
2. I miss you. (object of the verb) (miss)
3. Jim helps him with the assignment.
(object of the verb)
4. Mary was successful because of them.
(object of the preposition)
She gave me a gift.

pronou person case number

She 3rd person Nominative Singular
me 1 person
Objective singular
Name the personal pronouns in the following
sentences and give the person, the number,
and the case of each.
1. Have I not met you before?
2. We played against them.
3. He is an intelligent student.
4. I shall see you at one o’clock
5. This tent will shelter us.
Choose the correct pronoun.
1. The dog brought (I, me) the stick.
2. Mother promised (we, us) some fruit.
3. Lend (he, him) your ballpen.
4. Will you lend (we, us) your camera?
5. The coach called Albert and ( I, me)
6. He runs faster than (I, me)
7. You are younger than (he, him)
8. He was as successful as (they, them)
9. Arthur and (I, me) joined the club.
10. Elen and (she, her) are going this afternoon.
Compound Personal Pronouns
are made by adding self or selves to certain forms of
personal pronouns

Forms of the compound Personal Pronouns


First Person myself ourselves

Second Person yourself yourselves

Third Person Himself, herself, themselves

1.He himself went to 1.The boy hurt
the party. himself.
2.You yourself must 2.You must prepare
go. yourself daily.
3.We will do it 3.We bought them for
ourselves. ourselves.
Select the compound personal pronouns in the sentences and tell whether
they are intensive or reflexive.
1. You yourself are responsible for this.
2. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable.
3. He finished the project himself.
4. The boy helped himself to a large piece of cake.
5. I myself will accompany you.
6. Give yourself more time to study.
7. The teacher herself opened the door.
8. You must prepare yourself for the examination.
9. Mary made herself a dress.
10. Elizabeth wrote every word of the story herself.
Interrogative Pronoun is a pronoun used
in asking a question.
Who , which, what
Declension of who
case singular plural
Nominative Who Who
Possessive Whose Whose
Objective whom Whom
Who lives in that house?
From whom did you receive the
letter? (Objective)
Which of the stories do you prefer?
What is the matter? (Nominative)
What did she do? (Objective)
Relative Pronoun is a pronoun used to join
two sentences about the same person or
pronoun examples

who This is the man who broke the window.

which My precious lamp which was in the room was broken.
what Give what you can to the poor.
that The lamp that was in the room was broken.
whom They have found the lady whom they want to
Choose the pronoun and tell whether it is used as
interrogative or relative pronoun.

1.What is in the basket?

2.Who is the governor of our district?
3.The altar boy, who serves the
priest, is my brother.
4.What you said is true.
5.What is love?
Select the correct pronoun
1.Pupils (who, which) are industrious will succeed.
2. Elephants are huge animals , (what, which) are hunted in the
jungles of Africa.
3. Violet is a liturgical color (who, that) signifies penance.
4. My father asked (who, what) we purchased.
5. (Whom, Who) was selected?
6. To (what, whom) did James apply the position for?
7. (What, Which) are pyramids?
8. He asked with (who, whom) she went.
9. We are using books (which, what) were printed last year.
10. (What, Who) is the new information?
Adjective Pronouns
I. Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun
that points out a definite person,
place or thing.
( this, that, these, those)
This is my new bag.
That is our house.
These are my books.
Those are my classmates.
Indefinite Pronoun is a pronoun that points
out no particular person, place or thing.

all both much several

another everybody no one some
any everyone nobody somebody
anybody everything none someone
anyone few one something
anything many same such
Somebody left this message.
Has everybody prepared his
Everything is in order.
Nothing has been broken.
Distributive pronoun is a pronoun that refers
to each person, place or thing separately
each, either, neither
Each has his own faults.
Either may go.
Neither of those books are mine.
Possessive Pronoun is a pronoun used to
denote possession or ownership.
 My, our, your
 Mine, ours, yours, his, her, its, theirs
Mine is new.
Hers is broken.
That is his.
Ours is painted.
Did you see theirs?
A. Select the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence.

1.This is an interesting story.

2.That seems true of people
3.This is my opinion
4.These are the exact information I
5.Those are my friends.
B. Select the Indefinite pronouns in the
1.Everybody has done his best.
2.Many took part in the play.
3.Few seem interested in the new project.
4.Nobody answered his call.
5.Something must be done about the
c. Select the distributive pronouns in the
1.Each took a long walk.
2.I shall take neither of those books.
3.Each has a special duty.
4.Either of your plans pleases me.
5.Neither was responsible for the
d. Select the possessive pronoun in the

1. I think that is his.

2. That card is not mine.
3. They traded theirs for ours.
4. I’m yours.
Choose the correct pronoun
1. William and (I,me) did the work this morning.
2. It was (they, them) who sent for us.
3. (We, Us) went into the garden.
4. I have already spoken to (she,her).
5. This is a secret between Ana and (I, me)
6. She (herself, himself) promised to be here.
7. They (theyselves, themselves) will come to school.
8. We admire students (who, whom) study.
9. Both have (his, their) licenses.
10.Somebody lost (his, their) book.

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