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Discourse on the

Summary Teachings
of the Buddha Before
Entering Nirvana
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato
Samma SamBuddhassa. (3 times)
Respectfully pay homage to the
Buddha: the World-Honored One,
the Worthy One, the Exalted One,
the Fully Awakened or Enlightened
One. (Bell)
Incense Offering
As wonderful as the lotus flower,
as bright as the northern star,
let us come back and take refuge
the Master of gods and human
The precious lotus blossoms on
The halo shines in all directions.
Wisdom goes beyond the Dharma realms,
Loving-kindness and compassion
permeate all over mountains and
I have just seen the Buddha’s
perfect countenance,
My wholeheartedly sincere heart is to
I forward it to praise the Triple Gem
Diligence in the Dharma path is well
As the incense is lit,
sandalwood perfumes the air,
making an auspicious rainbow cloud.
I, your disciple, with all my respect
offer it to the Buddhas of the Ten
May we practice the precepts
seriously at all times
May we practice concentration
May we offer the precious fruit of
insight as our offering of incense of
the heart.
We would like to respectfully offer
the fragrant incense of the precepts,
concentration, wisdom, deliverance,
and deliverance with right
understanding to the Buddha,
Bodhisattvas, virtuous and noble
Sangha, dharma guardians, good gods,
knowing and understanding our
wholehearted minds. (Bell)
Touching the earth in deep
gratitude to the Triple Gem
Praising the Buddha Jewel
The Buddha Jewel shines infinitely.
He has realized perfect
understanding for countless
The beauty and stability of a Buddha
can be in the mountains and
How splendid the Vulture Peak is!
How beautiful the light that shines
forth from the Buddha’s third
The Nagapushpa Assembly will be
our next appointment
for the continuation of the true
teachings of practices.
We take refuge in the Buddha ever-
We, your disciples, wholeheartedly
pay homage to the Buddha forever
present in the three lifetimes and
ten directions (Bell, one
Praising the Dharma Jewel
The Dharma Jewel is infinitely lovely.
It is the precious words spoken by
the Buddha himself,
from the heavens.
The wonderful Dharma is plain to
It is recorded luminously in three
transparent baskets.
handed down from generation to
generation in the Ten Directions,
so that today we can see our way.
We vow to study it with all our
We take refuge in the Dharma ever-
We, your disciples, wholeheartedly
pay homage to the Dharma
forever present in the three
lifetimes and ten directions (Bell,
Praising the Sangha Jewel
The Sangha jewel is infinitely
a field of merit where good seeds
can be sown.
The three robes and the bowl are
symbols of freedom.
Mindfulness trainings,
concentration, and insight support
each other.
The Sangha dwells in mindfulness
day and night,
providing the foundation for us to
realize the fruit of meditation.
With one heart, we come home to
the Sangha,
and take refuge in the Sangha ever-
We, your disciples, wholeheartedly
pay homage to the Sangha forever
present in the three lifetimes and
ten directions (Bell, one prostration).
Open Verse
The Dharma is deep and lovely,
we now have a chance
to see, study, and to practice,
we vow to realize its true meaning.
Namo Sakyamuni Buddhaya
Discourse on the Summary
Teachings of the Buddha
Before Entering Nirvana
Thus have I heard. On occasion
when setting the Wheel of the
Dharma in motion for the first
time, the Sakyamuni Buddha
taught Venerable Añña Koṇḍañña,
and when preaching the Dharma
for the last time, the Buddha
taught Venerable Subhadra. Those
deserved to be helped, he helped
them all. On the final night before
the day of passing away, in the Sala
forest, among the the twin
longevity trees,
the completely silent space without
a noise, the Buddha briefly said the
essentials of the Dharma to his
disciples as follows:
“Dear disciples, after the Tathagata
passes away, you have to
respectfully observe the precepts
like the poor meeting gold and jade,
like a person walking in the dark
night meets light, like a blind
person whose eyes get brightened.
Be aware that studying, applying,
and practicing the precepts into
your daily lives are the best teacher
for you. Although I live many years
in the world,
the Tathagata is also not outside
the purpose of teaching the
precepts to you.” (Bell)
“Those who keep the precepts
should not purchase, sell,
exchange, trade in houses, invest
forestry, agriculture, seafood,
fisheries, raise people, servants,
and animals, in a secular way, and
should not cut down trees, burn,
and destroy mountains and forests,
consider fortune-telling, see
astronomy, see good and bad hours
and days, see stars, resolve
someone’s bad luck, and see feng
all of the above stated things are
not suitable for you, keep far away
from them like a fire pit.”
“Therefore, you should live to
moderate body, eat, drink
moderately, maintain a high
lifestyle and deliverance, do not
participate in politics,
lead the mission of political
communication, do not train
spells, create elixirs, communicate
with unwholesome people, and
make friends with arrogant
people. Living diligently,
assiduously, mindfully, attentively,
stably, and calmly
in every moment in order to attain
the path and fruition of
deliverance, you must not hide
your faults and show the charm to
fascinate the masses. When
receiving the donation from
almsgivers, you should know your
virtue and merit, less desire,
know how to live just enough to
practice, should not store
possessions to arouse the greedy
“The Tathagata has just said a
summary of the precepts; the
precepts are the fundamental
foundation of liberation to be
People who observe the precepts
can lead their peaceful and happy
life and can benefit both
themselves and others right in the
present life. Thanks to observing
the precepts, meditation arises,
thanks to practicing meditation,
wisdom arises,
and thanks to wisdom arising, you
have the ability to recognize
suffering and transform it well.
“Dear disciples, keeping the
precepts is very important and
necessary for your life; Those who
keep the precepts purified and
perfect have merit
and good dhammas, vice versa,
those who keep the precepts not
purified and imperfect do not have
the good dharma and their merit
will not easily arise. Therefore, you
should know that the purification
of the precepts is the most stable
place making a safe haven for all
merits of arising.” (Bell)
Dear disciples, when keeping the
precepts, you have to cleverly
dominate the five senses. Do not let
them chase after the five sensual
pleasures: talent, beauty, fame,
eating, and sleeping as a buffalo
herder holding a whip
do not let a buffalo trample and
eat rice seedlings of people. Once
you live loosely in the five senses,
the five sensual pleasures will
overpower and dominate your
lives. Like a ferocious horse, if it is
not controlled by a rein, it will
carry people plunging into a pit.
Bandits only make people suffer for
one life while the aggressors of senses
make people suffer for many lifetimes.
Therefore, you should be careful of
the harmful effects of the senses.
Those who have the wisdom guard the
senses like protecting the enemies
from letting them be free and loose.
Dear disciples, in the five human
senses, the mind plays the most
important role. Wholesome mind
will lead to wholesome deeds and
thoughts. Unwholesome mind will
lead to unwholesome deeds and
thoughts. The wholesome mind will
lead benefit to you and to others,
vice versa, the unwholesome mind
will lead harmfulness to you and to
others. Therefore, you have to try
to develop your wholesome mind to
benefit living beings, be careful to
control your wrong mind. The
wrong mind is very dangerous and
more frightening than wild animals
and poisonous snakes, like a
person passionately holding a bowl
of honey in his hand and not
paying attention to the abyss and
pit by the roadside, like a crazy
elephant without a sharp hook,
like monkeys and gibbon meeting
the forest trees freely jump up.
To tame them is so difficult.
Therefore, you try your best to
take control of your neglectful and
unwholesome minds. In order to
keep and develop the wholesome
dhammas, you constantly reflect
on your minds by practicing
meditation and watching
the in-breaths and out-breaths
mindfully and consciously. When
your minds get calm, relaxed, and
clear, at that time, you can resolve
everything easily, well, properly,
and quickly.
Dear disciples, when receiving
eatables and drinkables
from donors, you should consider
them as medicine. Delicious things
you are not greedy and bad things
you are not scornful and refused.
Eating and drinking are just
enough to maintain the body from
hunger and thirst, as a bee looks
for a flower to suck the nectar,
finishes sucking the pistil, and then
flies away, but it does not hurt the
fragrance and beauty of the flower.
Likewise, monastics when
receiving food and drink from
almsgivers are only enough for
health to cultivate, are not greedy
for offerings too much will reduce
the faith of almsgivers’ Dharma
protection. When receiving the
material offerings from donors,
you strive to cultivate to create
more merit and faith for
almsgivers, vice versa, if receiving
the material offerings from donors,
you are not diligent to cultivate,
merit of the receiver will decease,
and merit of the giver will not
increase. As wise people, you
should constantly contemplate like
that skillfully in receiving the
material offerings from donors to
benefit yourselves and other
people right in the present life.
Dear disciples, in the daytime, you
make efforts to practice the
wholesome deeds. Do not let time
pass by uselessly. At the beginning
of the night, at the end of the night,
you diligently chant and recite, in
the middle of the night, you
practice meditation to recharge
more spiritual batteries, develop
the good, and transform the evil.
Sleeping too much will make life
get useless. Be aware that the flame
of impermanence is burning the
human life. Be diligent up to save
yourselves. The sleepy greedy ghost
and laziness are fiercer than
enemies that always lurk and kill
life. Be wary of afflictions tacitly
sleeping in the mind like being
wary of a poisonous snake lying in
a corner of a house. Use the iron
hooks of virtuous conduct,
meditation, diligence, mindfulness,
and awareness to pull it out.
When the poisonous snake is pulled
out, you can be safe to sleep. If the
poisonous snake is not yet out, you
keep passionately sleeping, it is like
a shameless person. Shame is the most
beautiful jewelry of all jewels. Those
who know shame have the ability to
control the unwholesome deeds.
Therefore, you never forget and
lose your shameful minds; the
shameful minds are the good
virtues, the useful and valuable
amulets for life. To lose the
shameful mind is to lose all good
things. People who have shameful
minds can create many merits
and wholesome things. People who
have no shameful minds are no
different than people lacking
cultivation, cannot create any
merit and wholesome things in life.
Dear disciples, if someone offends
your fame, honor, and prestige, you
have to skillfully follow
mindful breaths by upholding the
constructive, harmonious, and
reconcilable speech, remember to
control yourselves, do not let your
mind rise up into anger and
resentment, it will burn up all
forests of your merits, cultivation
career, and Dharma way. (Bell)
Those who overcomes their
tempers can practice the virtues of
patience. Those who practice the
virtues of good patience are not
only called wise people, but also
called people with the unrivaled
strength. As people who drink
nectar juice can help them reduce
thirst. People do not practice the
virtues of patience, their angry fire
not only burns them, but also
burns up all their merits and
wholesome dharma. Anger is
fiercer than wildfire. Be careful to
control your angry minds. Of all
the kinds of robbers of merit,
the angry fire is the most
dangerous enemy in life.
Secular people, who live, remain
jostling, scrambling, enjoying
sensual pleasures, lack the methods
of practicing and controlling their
tempers, if they get angry, they can
be forgiven. However,
you are monastic people, who learn
and practice the Dharma, have the
methods of cultivation, can
eliminate lust and worldly
pleasures in the world, if you do
not transform anger, you are truly
blameworthy people, just like the
clear sky,
but there is the thunder rising, it is
not appropriate.
Dear disciples, when becoming
Monastics, shaving off your hair,
you yourselves should rub your
heads and remember: Do not use
secular cosmetics and jewelry, you
put on yellow robes over your
shoulders, hold a bowl to go for
alms, and use alms food,
meditation, mindfulness, and
awakening to nourish and control
your bodies and minds. When
arrogant psychology arises, then
you are aware to recognize and
control it, because arrogance is one
of the negative psychologies, those
having the intentions of arrogance
and conceit, that will burn you.
Aware of that, as Monastics who
vow to live lives of peacefulnes,
freedom, and liberation, you should
practice the Buddhadharma to
recognize and transform it.
Dear disciples, you have to watch
mentality of adulation and flattery
which can make the obstacles for
your cultivation, liberation, and
Buddhist works. To prevent
mentality of adulation and flattery,
you regularly practice humility,
modesty, righteousness,
and integrity, it is the best way to
develop the ability and level of
your cultivation, contribute to
propagating the Dharma right in
this world. (Bell)
Dear disciples, you should know
that once the more the cravings
and nutritional needs are,
the more suffering and lust
increase, vice versa, once the less
the cravings and nutritional needs
are, the less suffering and lust
decrease. Those who have little
desire are not overwhelmed and
dominated by the mind of flattery,
live their light and peaceful lives,
and can lead to peacefulness and
happiness in the present life. Those
who practice the virtues of
knowing enough can create a lot of
merit and control the mind of
craving and suffering, their minds
and bodies are not dominated by
the senses and the external scenes.
Practicing the virtues of little lust
and knowing enough, you can
obtain happiness right in the
present life.
Dear disciples, if you want to
recognize and transform suffering
effectively, you have to regularly
learn the virtues of knowing
enough; learning the virtues of
knowing enough has the ability to
help you lead your light, calm, and
stable life. Those who know
enough lie on the ground feel free,
joyful, and happy, vice versa, those
who do not know enough even
though lying in heaven,
still feel deficient, anxious, and
melancholy. People who know
enough live their peaceful, light,
free, and comfortable life, are not
dragged externality and material,
vice versa, people who do not know
enough are full of intrigue, anxiety,
sorrow, and suffering, are always
dragged and dominated by the five
sensual pleasures: talent, beauty,
fame, eating, and sleeping.
Therefore, in order to live your
lives of freedom, peacefulness, and
happiness, you try to live your lives
of knowing enough and lessening
Dear disciples, in order to live a
calm and peaceful life, you should
stay away from the noisy,
boisterous places, and crowded
assemblies. People who live quietly
by meditation practice are
respected by gods and humans.
Living alone masters the body and
mind by mindfulness and
awareness, you have the ability to
identify and transform suffering.
Living together with crowded
assemblies, and in the noisy and
boisterous places, you are easily
harassed by them, such as a big
tree with many birds gathered
and they will damage its branches.
Those who crave for sensual
pleasures in life will be controlled
and dominated by the world, as an
old and weak elephant that is
fallen into the mud is so hard to get
out of the mud. Be clearly aware of
that, in order to eliminate
afflictions, you should stay away
from the crowded, noisy, and
boisterous assemblies by living in
tranquil and quite places to master
the body and mind in mindfulness
and awareness. Dear disciples, in
the process of cultivation, you try
to practice right effort to achieve
peacefulness and happiness right in
your life. If you do not practice
right effort, you will encounter
difficulties and obstacles for your
practice. Cultivation people have
right effort, just like drops of water
regularly dripping on rocks for a
long time, the rocks may be
punctured, vice versa, cultivation
people who do not have right effort
are regularly lazy, just like people
rubbing a tree to get fire, the tree
is not hot yet, the fire does not have
yet, but they have stopped.
Although they crave to have the
fire, the fire is never found.
Therefore, you should diligently
practice right effort to benefit
many people.
Dear disciples, on the route of
learning and cultivation, the
intellectuals and dharma
protectors are good people with the
ability to help you achieve well
in life. Although relying on them to
learn beautiful things, good ideas,
and life experiences from them,
you never forget to practice
mindfulness daily. Forgetting to
practice mindfulness, defilements
will easily penetrate and control
the body and mind, you will lose
all merits and wholesome dharmas.
Be aware of this, daily you
regularly practice mindfulness and
awareness to recognize and
transform your body and mind.
Those who practice mindfulness
stably are not afraid of the five
sensual pleasures: talent, beauty,
fame, eating, and sleeping which
dominate and control you, like
soldiers entering a battle, wearing
armor to cover their bodies
without fear of the enemies’ bows
and arrows. That is the virtues of
practicing mindfulness and
Dear disciples, thanks to practicing
and upholding mindfulness and
awareness, you easily direct to
meditation and single-pointed
mind. Diligence in practicing
meditation, you can master the
mind and thoroughly grasp the
arising and ending state of
the mind and the changing of the
world. At that time, the
fluctuations, distractions, and
scatters of the mind will be
identified and transformed, insight
will be illuminated. People who
practice meditation well develop
their wisdom as fast as those who
hold the dike firmly, the water in
the dike will overflow. That is the
virtues of meditation cultivation.
Dear disciples, when cultivation of
meditation is matured, defilements
are transformed and eradicated,
the mind of liberation and wisdom
of liberation get brightened,
insight instantly arises. Insight is
likened to the strongest boat
crossing the sea of birth and death,
like the sunlight breaking the
darkness of ignorance, like cure-
alls healing the sick, like a blade of
diamond hammer cutting a tree of
afflictions. Wanting to have
true insight, you need to
experience the process of
practicing “learning of wisdom,
cultivation of wisdom, and
thinking of wisdom” to benefit
yourselves and others right in the
present life. Wise people, who
always have right view,
see the truth of things as clearly as
daylight. It is the virtues of
Dear disciples, in life of daily
cultivation, if you use jokes of
comment, your mind will be
scattered. Monastic people who
live their lives of jokes of comment
will be ridiculed and criticized, do
not lead them to wisdom and
liberation. Abandoning jokes of
comment, you will lead the mind to
tranquility, peacefulness, and
happiness right in the present life.
It is the virtues without jokes of
Dear disciples, regularly do good
things, say good things, and think
about good things to create more
wholesome merit, practice right
effort and patience to avoid
distractions and laziness like
avoiding enemies. Showing great
compassion, great wisdom,
and great courage, Tathagata has
proclaimed the Dharma practically
and usefully to benefit living
beings. Therefore, you live in your
suitable place to diligently
cultivate, practice the Dharma,
contemplate life, do not let your
life pass uselessly, later repent and
regret it late. The Tathagata is the
physician who knows sickness of
each person gives medicine, drinking
or not drinking is not his fault.
The Tathagata is the spiritual
Master who shows the best way to
people, hearing it but not going is
not the fault of person showing the
way. “Dear disciples, toward the
Four Noble Truths, if there is
something not clear yet, you should
ask, do not hold it in your heart
without questioning, the Tathagata
will teach you unknown issues.”
After the World-Honored One
advised three times like that, all the
disciples were silent, no one had
any more questions. At that time,
Venerable Anuruddha told the
Buddha that:
Respectfully, dear the World-
Honored One, even though the
moon may heat up, the sun may
get cold, but the Four Noble Truths
the Buddha declared can never
change. (Bell)
The noble truth of suffering
(dukkha) is the reality of suffering:
birth is suffering, aging is
suffering, sickness is suffering,
death is suffering, hatred that
meets each other is suffering, love
that must be separated is
suffering, attachment to the five
aggregates of body and mind is
The noble truth of the origin of
Suffering (samudāya) is the cause
of suffering including craving,
anger, delusion, arrogance, doubt,
ignorance, wrong view, wrong
thought, wrong speech, wrong
action, wrong livelihood, wrong
effort, wrong mindfulness, and
wrong concentration.
The noble truth of the cessation
of suffering (nirodha) is Nirvana,
the state of peacefulness and
supreme happiness, ending all
causes of suffering.
The noble truth of the path leading
to the cessation of suffering
(magga) is both the Middle Way of
avoiding two extremes: sensual
indulgence and severe asceticism,
and the Noble Path including
ethics, meditation, and wisdom
interrelated very closely with
right view, right thought, right
speech, right action, right
livelihood, right effort, right
mindfulness, and right
concentration. This path is very
practical and effective, capable of
leading people to peacefulness and
happiness right here and right now
in the present life. (Bell)
Respectfully, dear the World-
Honored One, toward the Four
Noble Truths, the Tathagata has
finished teaching, among the
assemblies here, no one has any
more questions.
At that time, there were people
unfortunate enough yet to study
the Buddhadharma hear the
World-Honored One being about
to enter nirvana, their minds got
sorrowful. There were new people
who learnt the Dharma had
enough wholesome conditions
to hear the ultimate teachings of
the Buddha, their minds got joyful,
as a person walking in the dark
night, met light, saw the way
clearly and back home. There were
also those who had enlightened the
Dharma ended defilements, stayed
away from the sea of suffering,
felt grieved and uttered: “Why
the World-Honored One passes
away so quickly like that.”
Understanding the minds of
everyone, out of great
compassion, the Buddha advised
his disciples additionally that:
“Dear disciples, do not be sad, do
not be sorrowful. According to the
law of impermanence, I live in life
more than a lifetime, but
eventually, the Tathagata will have
to enter Nirvana anyway. Meeting
each other, there have to be
Combining without disintegrating,
converging without breaking up, is
impossible. After the Tathagata
passes away, take the Dharma as
the best teacher for you, use the
Dharma as the best refuge for you,
practice the dharma to benefit
yourselves and other people
right in the present life. If the
Tathagata lives long in life, you do
not practice the Dharma well, then
it will not bring any benefit to you
at all. Up to this time, sentient
beings have enough wholesome
conditions, the Tathagata has
taught them all.
Sentient beings do not have enough
wholesome conditions yet, the
Tathagata has created favorable
conditions for them to be saved.
From now onward, diligently practice
the Dharma, you can see that the
dharmakaya of the Tathagata has
existed forever in this world.” (Bell)
“Dear disciples, you should
contemplate that all phenomena
and things in this world are
impermanent and changing. There
is combination then there is
disintegration. Do not worry about
anything at all. Such is the life; you
must strive diligently to attain
enlightenment and liberation,
using the light of insight to
eradicate the darkness of
ignorance. All living things and
living beings are fragile and
unstable. Birth, aging, sickness,
and death all accumulate in this
physical body.
There is arising then there is
ending. There is life then there is
death. It is the law of
impermanence. Abandoning this
body like putting a heavy burden
on the ground, keep the mind
quiet, now it is time for the
Tathagata to pass away.
You try to diligently practice
the Dharma to benefit living
beings; these are my ultimate
teachings for you.”
Namo The Original Master
Sakyamuni Buddhaya.
The Three Refuges
I take refuge in the Buddha, the
One who shows me the way of
loving-kindness, compassion, and
wisdom in lifetime.
Having taken refuge in the
I clearly see the path of light and
beauty in life.
Turning back and taking refuge in
the Buddha in myself, I aspire to
help all people soon recognize and
develop their own enlightened
Namo Buddhaya
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Dutiyampi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ
Tatiyampi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ
gacchāmi. (Bell)
I take refuge in the Dharma, the
way of practicing peace, joy,
happiness, understanding, and
love for the many right in the
present life.
Having taken refuge in the
Dharma, I am learning and
ethics, meditation, and wisdom
interconnected very closely with
right view, right thought, right
speech, right action, right
livelihood, right effort, right
mindfulness, and right
Turning back and taking refuge in
the Dharma in myself, I aspire to
help all people fully master the
ways of practice and walk
together on the path of liberation.
Namo Dharmaya
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ
Tatiyampi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ
gacchāmi. (Bell)
I take refuge in the Sangha, the
Community of cultivated people
who vow to lead their lives of
ethics, harmony, and awareness to
themselves and to others right
here and right now in the present
I am enlightened, instructed, and
supported by the Sanghabody on
the way of practice.
Turning back and taking refuge in
the Sangha in myself, I aspire to
help all people build fourfold
Communities, to embrace all
and support their
Namo Sanghaya.
Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dutiyampi saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ
Tatiyampi saṅghaṃ
Sharing the Merit
Reciting the trainings, practicing
the way of awareness gives rise to
benefits without limit. We vow to
share the fruits with all beings.
We vow to offer tribute to
parents, teachers, friends, and
beings who give guidance and
support along the path.
May the merit of this practice
benefit all beings and bring peace.
Express diligent vows and pay
thankful respects to the Triple
We, disciples of Gotama Buddha,
are always aware of ourselves by
day and by night, constantly
practice and recollect the light
Namo Buddhaya.
(Bell, one prostration).
We, disciples of Gotama Buddha,
are always aware of ourselves by
day and by night, constantly
practice and recollect the light
of the Dharma.
Namo Dharmaya
(Bell, one prostration).
We, disciples of Gotama Buddha,
are always aware of ourselves by
day and by night, constantly
practice and recollect the light
of the Sangha.
Namo Sanghaya
(Bell, one prostration).
May we be well,
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we be peaceful
May we be free from suffering,
desire, anger, delusion, hatred,
violence, and ignorance.
May the Buddha and
Bodhisattvas bless and protect all
anytime and anywhere.
Sadhu. Lành thay. Well-done.
(Bell, Bell, Bell)

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