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version 1
Orion - The Giant Hunter

Merope - Daughter of Atlante

Atlante and his Wife - Father and Father of The Pleiades

The Pleiades - Daughters of Atlante

Zues - Father of all gods

A giant named Orion lived
in Greece. He spent his life
hunting with his dogs.
He lived in a large cave close
to another cave where in a
giant named Atlante lived
with his wife, and his seven
daughter, The Pleiades.
One day Orion saw Merope, she
was sunbathing. Orion was
overwhelmed by Merope’s beauty
and fell in love with her. Merope
saw him and fell in love with Orion
too. But Atlante had other plans
for Merope. He planned to marry
hher to the son of a very rich
giant who lived far away in
another forest.
One day Atlante saw Orion and Merope
out walking together and their love made
him furious. Atlante wanted to make
Orion blind so that he could not see
Merope anymore. He prepared a potion
and gave it to Orion. Orion drank the
mixture and lost his sight.
The blind Orion could not
travel alone so he sought
the help of young boy.
Perched on Orion’s
shoulder, the boy led him
East until they found
beautiful colours of the
light of dawn. Then Orion
was able to see again.
On the journey home, Orion
confronted a hare and a bull. He
defeated both, but when he was
close to his cave a scorpion stung him
in the foot and left its poisonous sting
stuck in his skin. Feeling that he was
going to die.
Orion asked Zues, to transform him into a
constellation of stars so he could see his
beloved Merope. Zues kindly fulfilled Orion’s
wish. When Merope found out, she and her
sisters asked to be closed to Orion. Zues
obliged and turned them into stars too. He did
the same to Orion’s dog and the animals that
had crossed the giant’s path on the way back
from seeking light of dawn.
version 2
Orion - a giant hunter

Poseidon - god of the sea

Merope - daughter of the king

Hephaestus - god of fire

Apollo - Artemis’s twin brother, god of sun

Artemis - goddess of the hunt, Apollo’s twin sister

Here is another
myth. Poseidon the king
of the sea, had a son
named Orion, who was a
giant that love hunting.
His father taught him how
to walk on and under
Orion loved Merope,
daughter of the king filled
with wild beasts. To marry
the king’s daughter, Orion
had to kill all the wolves
and beast as what the king
said. But he was not
allowed to marry his
daughter to Orion.
One night the king got Orion
drunk with wine and took away
his sight. Orion was blind, he
wandered around he found
Hephaestus,the god of fire,
who felt sorry for the poor blind
giant. Orion was sent up to meet
Apollo, the god of sun, who
gave Orion his sight again.
Apollo’s sister, Artemis,
the goddess of the hunt,
fell in love with Orion and
wanted to marry him. But
Apollo was against them
being together. One day
he saw Orion wading in
the sea just out of the
He asked Artemis if she see the black
thing bobbing up and down in the sea,
and he dont believe that artemis can hit it
with her arrow. Artemis shot the arrow
and the black thing disappeared. After a
while, the waves was rolled poor Orion to
the shore. Artemis could not bring back
him back to life, but sent him up to the
stars with his dog, Sirius, and seven
sisters, The Pleiades, who had hunted
with Artemis.

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