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Describing words
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to,

1.understand adjectives as describing words.

2. understand the use of adjectives in a sentence.
3. make sentences using adjectives.
4. recall how to stretch a sentence using multiple adjectives.
Let’s recall and learn more!
• Nouns are the naming words. ( person,
place, animal or a thing)
• Verbs are the action words. ( they tells you
what a noun is doing)
• Adjectives are describing words. (they give
you more information about a noun)
What do Adjectives describe?
How do Adjectives describe a noun?
What information do we get from adjectives?
Let’s see few examples of Adjectives in a
• The black car is parked on the wrong road.

• I love chocolate cupcakes and vanilla ice cream.

• My elder brother is scolding me.

• There is a beautiful rose in the garden.

• The black shark swims fast when it sees the prey.

• My genius friend solved a difficult problem in few seconds.

Let’s put some adjectives with this noun
The garden is full of beautiful flowers.

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