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Lessons Objectives:

1. Explain the importance of work as a service and as a

means to promote the dignity of people.
2. Analyze if the work found in the family, school, or
community promotes dignity and service.
3. Justify that through work, one can achieve human
fulfilment and help raise the cultural and moral levels of
4. Synthesize the beneficial effects of work by helping a
member of a marginalized sector.
Work A service and
a Means to Promote
Human Dignity
Prepared by: Teacher Aira
01. 02.
Work Dignity
• refers to “activity involving is the quality of being worthy of
mental or physical effort done in honor and respect.
order to achieve a purpose or
Reflect on the following questions.

1. What do you think will happen to society if farmers and fisherman do not see their
work as dignified one, and decide that they will all go to the city and have “more
important occupations?

2. If you were to choose a future occupation, what would your top three choices be
and why?
• Work promotes the dignity of
the human person.
Blue-Collar Job White-Collar Job

An occupation that is either An occupation that requires a

done by the poor, the university diploma.
disabled or the marginalized,
an occupation that is
technical/vocational in nature,
or an occupation that does
not require a diploma or
formal schooling.
• There is dignity in work, because it is done
by a human person who values his/her own
dignity. Even if the people with disabilities are
considered equal in dignity to any other normal
person and are capable of doing work. Menial
work (blue-collar) is equal in dignity to work that
is done by white-collar workers.
• Work is for human person, and not
human person for work. A person should
not become slave of his/her work.
• Work is a means to be of
service to others.
• Work is a means to be grateful
to God.
• Rest is important part of one’s
work life.
Study Well Grade 9 

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