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_Muscle types
_muscle functions
_movements of muscles
_naming of skeletal muscles
Muscular system
The muscular system is responsible
for the movement of the human body.
Attached to the bones of the skeletal
system area about 650 to 700 named
muscles that make up roughly half of
a persons weight.
 Body movement
 Maintenance of posture
 Respiration
 Production of body heat
 Communication
 Constriction of organs and vessels
 Heart beat
Skeletal muscles move
the external parts of the
body as well as the
limbs. Most lay people
think of this type when
muscles are mentioned.
Skeletal muscles give
our bodies their shape;
they cover our bones,
our skeleton.
4 major functional Characteristics of
Skeletal Muscles
Smooth muscles
Smooth muscles are
responsible for
movements in the
stomach, intestines,
arteries, and hollow
organs. The smooth
muscles in the bowel
are also called visceral
Cardiac muscles
muscles are
responsible for
heartbeat. Cardiac
muscles exist only
in the heart.
Types of body movements
 Flexion and Extension
 Rotation
 Abduction and Adduction
 Circumduction
 Supination and Pronation
 Elevation and Depression
 Eversion and Inversion
 Plantar flexion and Dorsiflexion
 Retraction and Protraction
 Opposition and Reposition
Naming of Muscles
 Directions if the muscle fibers
 Rectus
 Oblique
 Relative size of the muscle
 Maximus
 Minimus
 Longus
 Location of the muscle
 Frontalis
 Temposralis
 Number of origins
 Biceps
 Triceps
 Location of the muscle’s origin and insertion
 Sterno
 Cleido
 Shape of the muscle
 deltoid
 Action of the muscle
 Flexor
 Extensor
 Adductor
 Trapezius is one of two larger
superficial muscles that longitudinally
from the occipital bone to the other
thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the
spine of the scapula.
 Its function is to move the scapula and
support the arm. It also extend the neck.
 It can produce action such as rotation,
elevation, depression and retraction of
the scapula.
Pectoralis major and Pectoralis minor
 The Pectoralis major is a thick, fan-shaped
muscle situated at the chest of the human
body. It makes up the bulk of the chest
muscles in the male and lies under the
breast in the female. Underneath the
pectoralis major is the pectoralis minor, a
thin triangular muscle.
 It is inserted on the proximal end of the
 It flexes and extends humerus, and can
adduct the arm.
Latissimus Dorsi
 The latissimus dorsi meaning he
broadest muscle of the back is the
larder, flat, dorso-lateral muscle on the
trunk, posterior to the arm, and partly
covered by the trapezius on its median
dorsal region.
 It originates in the lower spine and
ilium and then sweeps superiorly to
insert into the proximal end of the
 It extends and adduct the humerus
 The deltoid are fleshy, triangle-shaped
muscles that form the rounded shape of
the shoulder.
 The origin of the deltoid wings across
the shoulder girdle from the spine from
the scapula to the clavicle. It inserts
into proximal humerus.
 The prime movers of arm abduction.

 The brachialis is lies deep to the biceps

muscle and is important as the biceps
in elbow.
 Action: flexion at the elbow.
 Sternocleidomastoid is a paired muscle in
the superficial layers of the side of the neck.
It is one of the largest and most superficial
cervical muscles.
 The primary actions of the muscle are
rotation of the head to the opposite side
and flexion of the neck.
Levator scapulae

The levator scapulae is a skeletal

muscle situated at the back and side of the
neck. As the Latin name suggests, its main
function is to lift the scapulae.
Rhomboid major
 The rhomboid major is a skeletal
muscle on the back that connects the
scapula with the vertebrae of the spinal
column. In human anatomy, it acts
together with the rhomboid minor to
keep the scapula pressed against
thoracic wall and to retract the scapula
toward the vertebral column.
 The rhomboid major muscle is located
in the back region and helps keep the
scapula, or shoulder blade, attached to
the ribcage. It also rotates the scapula
and retracts it towards the spinal
Serratus Anterior
The serratus anterior (Latin: serrare =
to saw, referring to the
shape, anterior = on the front side of
the body) is a muscle that originates on
the surface of the 1st to 8th ribs at the
side of the chest and inserts along the
entire anterior length of the medial
border of the scapula

The serratus anterior plays an important

role in the upward rotation of the
scapula, such as when lifting a weight
overhead. It performs this in sync with
the upper and lower fibers of the
Biceps Brachii muscle
The biceps brachii, commonly
known as the biceps, is a two-
headed muscle that lies on the
upper arm between the shoulder
and the elbow. Both heads arise
on the scapula and join to form
a single muscle belly which is
attached to the upper forearm.
 It flexes the elbow, supinates
forearm, flexes the shoulder
Triceps brachii muscle
 The triceps brachii is a major
muscle of the upper arm in the
human body. The triceps run along
the humerus (the main bone of the
upper arm) between the shoulder
and the elbow. Along with the biceps,
it enables extension and retraction of
the forearm.
 Extends elbow, extends shoulder,
adducts arm
Abdominal external oblique muscle
The external oblique is
situated on the lateral and
anterior parts of the abdomen
. It is broad, thin, and
irregularly quadrilateral.
 It compresses abdomen,
flexes and rotates vertebral
Abdominal internal oblique
 The internal oblique
muscle is a muscle in
the abdominal wall that lies
below the external
oblique and just above
the transverse abdominal
 Like in external oblique, it
compresses abdomen, flexes
and rotates vertebral column
Errector spinae
 It lies on each side of the
vertebral column and extends
alongside the lumbar, thoracic
and cervical sections of the
 The erector spinae functions
to straighten the back and
provides for side-to-side
rotation, extends and laterally
flexes spine.
 The brachioradialis is a fairly
weak muscle that arises on the
humerus and inserts into distal
forearm. Hence, it resides mainly
in the forearm.
 It is a muscle of the forearm that
flexes the forearm at the elbow.
 It is also capable of both
pronation and supination,
depending on the position of the
 The gluteus maximus muscle is located in the
buttocks and is regarded as one of the strongest
muscles in the human body. It is connected to
the coccyx, or tailbone, as well as other
surrounding bones. The gluteus maximus muscle
is responsible for movement of the hip and
 Standing up from a sitting position, climbing
stairs, and staying in an erect position are all
aided by the gluteus maximus.
 gastrocnemius muscle
 is a muscle located on the back portion of the lower
leg, being one of the two major muscles that make
up the calf. The other major calf muscle, the soleus
muscle, is a flat muscle that lies underneath the
gastrocnemius. Both the gastrocnemius and the
soleus run the entire length of the lower leg,
connecting behind the knee and at the heel
 soleus is the plantar flexor muscle of
the ankle. It is capable of exerting
powerful forces onto the ankle joint. It
is located on the back of the lower leg
and originates at the posterior (rear)
aspect of the fibular head and the
medial border of the tibial shaft.
 The gracilis muscle is one of the muscles found in the
 It starts at the external point of the ischiopubic ramus
(on the pubic bone) and extends down to the upper
medial (middle) shaft of the tibia, or shinbone. The
gracilis is responsible for hip adduction and assists knee
 Long and thin, the sartorius muscle spans the
distance of the thigh. It originates at anterior
superior iliac spine (a bony projection on the
uppermost part of the pelvis) and travels to the
upper shaft of the tibia, or shinbone
 The muscle helps flex, adduct, and rotate the hip. In
addition, it helps with the knee's flexion.
 a tendon at the back of a person's
 a muscle at the back of a
person's upper leg
 the hamstring is the single large
tendon found behind the knee or
comparable area.
 is one of the three posterior thigh
muscles (semitendinosus,
semimembranosus and biceps
 Actions: flexion of knee,
extension of hip
Biceps femoris
 It is one of the hamstring m
uscle group and lies on the po
lateral side of the thigh.
 It has two heads at its origin.

 The biceps femoris flexes the

leg and rotates it
laterally and extends the thig
h, rotating it laterally.
is one of the three muscles that
make up the hamstring.
It is found on the back of the
thigh and runs from the base of
the pelvis to the back of the
tibia, one of the bones that make
up the lower leg.
This muscles can:

>Bends the knee

>Twists the bent knee in toward
the body
>Straightens the leg at the thigh
 one of three posterior femoral mus
cles of the thigh, remarkable for th
e great length of the tendon of inser
 It is a
fusiform muscle located in the post
erior and medial part of the thigh, a
rising from the tuberosity of the isc
 This muscles can extend the thigh
and flexes the knee
Vastus Lateralis
 also called the ''vastus externus''is
the largest and most powerful part
of the quadriceps femoris, a muscle
in the thigh.
 It arises from a series of flat, broad
tendons attached to the femur, and
attaches to the outer border of the
patella. It ultimately joins with the
other muscles that make up the
quadriceps in the quadriceps tendon
, which travels over the knee to
connect to the tibia.
 This muscles can straightens the leg
at the knee
Vastus medialis
The vastus medialis is part of the
quadriceps muscle group.
It is the most medial of the "vastus"
group of muscles.
The vastus medialis arises medially
along the entire length of the femur, and
attaches with the other muscles of the
quadriceps in the quadriceps tendon.
is an extensor muscle located medially
in the thigh that extends the knee.
This muscles can extend and stabilizes
the knee
Rectus femoris
 is one of the four
quadriceps muscles of
the human body
 is attached to the hip and
helps to extend or raise the
 This muscle is also used to
flex the thigh.
 The rectus femoris is the
only muscle that can flex the
Quadriceps Femoris
muscle movement
Trapezius Extends the nock and adducts the
scapula, depression of the scapula,

Latissimus dorsi Extends and adducts humerus

Erector spinae Prime mover of back extension
Triceps brachii Extends elbow
brachioradialis Flexes forearm at the elbow
Sternocleidomastoid Rotates to side opposite of
Gluteus maximus Extends the hip
Rhomboid major Rotates the scapula and retracts it
when lifting a weight overhead
Biceps Femoris Flexes legs and rotate it laterally
and extends the thigh
Serratus anterior Upward rotation of the scapula.
sartorius Flexes thigh on hip

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