Pathfit 1

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How do you define:
 PHYSICAL FITNESS -Physical fitness means the
body is healthy, flexible, strong, and doesn't get
tired easily. Fitness affects the entire body - heart,
lungs, bones, muscles - each body function works
 HEALTH - The World Health Organization
(WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete
physical, mental and social wellbeing and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity'.
 In 1986, the WHO Trusted Source made further
“A resource for everyday life, not the
objective of living. Health is a positive
concept emphasizing social and personal
resources, as well as physical capacities.”

 A healthful lifestyle provides the means to lead

a full life with meaning and purpose.
 Physical and mental well-being; freedom from disease, pain, or defect;
normalcy of physical and mental functions; soundness.
WELLNESS- is the act of practicing healthy habits
on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental
health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving,
you're thriving. To understand the significance of
wellness, it's important to understand how it's linked to

The Four Dimensions

Spiritual Wellness. Spiritual strength is that force that drives us to
make sacrifices for others, our nation, and the greater good. ...
Emotional Wellness. Emotional wellness refers to building an
awareness of and accepting one's feelings and moods. ...
Physical Wellness. ...
Social Wellness.
Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality
of life that allows us to get through our daily activities
without undue fatigue or physical stress.
Emotional wellness is defined as coping effectively with life and creating
satisfying relationships.
Spiritual wellness is defined as expanding a sense of purpose and meaning
in life, including one's morals and ethics.
It may or may not involve religious activities. Personal values
and beliefs may change throughout the course of a lifetime,
taking shape through the influence of relationships, events and
personal experiences.
Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and how we
interact with others. Social wellness involves building
healthy, nurturing, and supportive relationships as well as
fostering a genuine connection with those around you.
 the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and
the relationship between diet, health, and disease
 Nutrients are the substances found in food which drive
biological activity, and are essential for the human body.
They are categorized as proteins, fats, carbohydrates (sugars,
dietary fiber), vitamins, and minerals, and perform the
following vital functions.
 promotes vitality and an overall sense of health and well-
being by providing the body with energy and nutrients that
fuel growth, healing, and all body systems and functions
ACTIVITY- something you do, or just
the state of doing. You might plan some
indoor activities for a rainy day, or you
might just rely on watching your gerbils'
activity in their cage.

Movement- a change of position that does

not entail a change of location.
“movement is a sign of life”
synonyms: motility, motion, move.
The importance of path fit?
 Regularexercise and physical activity promotes strong
muscles and bones.
 Itimproves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and
overall health.
 Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy
weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers
 Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and
long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular
activity can improve your quality of life.
Physical Fitness & Health
 A healthy person exhibits
certain characteristics
which are the key traits
reflecting sound health of
that person. -
No microscopic
examination is essential
to identify most of them
as these characteristics
can be seen very clear as
external features with our
naked eyes.
What is the relationship between physical fitness
and health?
 Regular physical activity is proven to
help prevent and manage non
communicable diseases such as heart
 stroke,
 diabetes
 and several cancers.
 It also helps prevent hypertension,
 maintain healthy body weight
 and can improve mental health, quality of
life and well-being.
Health is important to live
life to the fullest.
When a person leads a
healthy lifestyle, the body
Having good health is of
core importance to human

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more

specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations
and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved
through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise,]
and sufficient rest along with a formal recovery plan.
Fitness is a state of being physically active and
having the ability to perform various physical
Health, on the other hand, is a state of being
free from illness or injury.
A physically healthy person has certain special
characteristics which will help us to understand
He displays normal weight and no signs of
any sickness or illness.
His respiration cycles are normal and health
easily gets reflected through his skin, hair and
His flexibility is good and grip is not loosened.
He displays symmetrical features and other
bodily functions are very normal as all the
organs function efficiently.
Healthy signs of a physically healthy person

 A physically fit individual always follows healthy habits which are signs of
physical fitness.
 He eats properly i.e., his appetite is good.
 He neither over eats or under eats his meals and always enjoys a well-
balanced, healthy nutritious meal,
 avoiding too much of fats and complex carbohydrates.
 He gets his adequate sleep daily and shows no signs of disturbed sleep or
 He hydrates his body well by drinking required amount of water and shows
no signs of dehydration.
 He has high level of cardiovascular fitness and always follows an exercise
regime and do not believe in sedentary lifestyle.
 He avoids drinking coffee, tea, alcohol and stays away from smoking, drug
addiction and other such sorts of harmful addictions.
Physical health
 is defined as the condition of
your body, the absence of
disease to fitness level.
 Physical health / overall well-
being, can be affected by:
Lifestyle: diet, level of physical
activity, and behaviour (for
instance, smoking);
 Physical health involves many
aspects of life such as: sleeping
well, eating well, being
physically active, having good
hygiene, and getting enough
 includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how
we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. 1.
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood
and adolescence through adulthood.
 Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a
wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect
your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness
include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating
disorders and addictive behaviors.
Social Health -

 is a term that refers to the ways in which people create

healthy and positive interpersonal relationships with one
another. Having good social health helps people improve their
emotional wellbeing and feel supported in their daily lives.
 examples?
 Engaging with people in your community. Treating others with
respect. Maintaining and building strong relationships with
friends. Creating healthy boundaries that help with
communication, trust and conflict management
OVERALL FITNESS is made of three
sub-sections which represent physical,
emotional and mental fitness
 The IDEAL TRIANGLE is balanced in all areas and this can be maintained
only if individual exercises regularly and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise & Physical Activity
Cardiovascular Exercise

Flexibility/Stretching Strength Training

3 Main Types of Exercises

All three types of exercise are important for physical fitness. Cardiovascular aerobic
exercise is repetitive, rhythmic exercise that increases your heart rate and requires
you to use more oxygen.
What cardiovascular
exercise means?
Cardiovascular exercise is
any vigorous activity that
increases heart rate and
respiration and raises
oxygen and blood flow
throughout the body while
using large muscle groups
of the body repetitively
and rhythmically.
These exercises work to improve your endurance by
increasing your heart rate and breathing rate. It also
boosts your blood circulation.

- helps strengthen your heart and lungs.

- It contributes to weight loss and
- weight maintenance, helps decrease body fat, reduces stress
levels and decreases daily fatigue
Activities like walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, aerobics,
rowing, stair climbing, hiking, cross country skiing and many types of
dancing are “pure” aerobic activities. Sports such as soccer, basketball,
squash and tennis may also improve your cardiovascular fitness.
What's the difference between
anaerobic and aerobic exercise?
 Aerobic exercises are endurance-type exercises that
increase a person’s heart and breathing rate over a
sustained period.
 Aerobic activity can be performed at a range of intensities
over a period of time: Moderately intense activities will
increase your breathing and heart rate, but you should still be
able to carry out a conversation
 Walking, running, cycling and swimming are examples
of aerobic exercise.
 Anaerobic exercises involve short, intense bursts of physical
Plyometrics are
exercises that involve
a jumping or
explosive movement.
example, skipping,
bounding, jumping
rope, hopping,
lunges, jump squats,
and clap push-
ups are all examples
of plyometric
Strength training or resistance training designed to
improve strength and endurance. It is often associated
with the lifting of weights. It can also incorporate a
variety of training techniques such as calisthenics,
isometrics, and plyometrics. Wikipedia
strength training is any physical movement in which you use
your body weight or equipment (e.g., dumbbells and resistance
bands) to build muscle mass, strength, and endurance

 Body weight: using your own body weight and the force of gravity to perform
various movements (e.g., pushups, squats, planks, pullups, and lunges)
 Free weights: equipment not bound to the floor or a machine, such as
dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, or objects around the house
 Resistance bands/loop bands: rubber bands that provide resistance when
 Weight machines: machines with adjustable weights or hydraulics attached to
provide resistance and stress to the muscles
 Suspension equipment: consists of ropes or straps that are anchored to a
sturdy point in which a person uses their body weight and gravity to There are
many benefits to strength training that can improve your health.
 various equipment (or none at all), such as
STRENGTH TRAINING Increased general physical health
Bones, joints, frailty, posture and in people at risk
 Strength training also provides functional
benefits. Stronger muscles improve posture,
 provide better support for joints, and reduce the
risk of injury from everyday activities.
 Older people who take up weight training can
prevent some of the loss of muscle tissue that
normally accompanies aging (sarcopenia)—
 and even regain some functional strength—and
by doing so become less frail.
the condition of being weak and delicate.
"the increasing frailty of old age"
People who are frail usually have three or more of five
symptoms that often travel together.
These include unintentional weight loss (10 or more
pounds within the past year),
muscle loss and weakness,
a feeling of fatigue,
slow walking speed and low levels of physical activity.
( FRAIL- weak/delicate)
Benefits of Strength Training
 Makes you stronger
 Burns calories efficiently
 Decreases abdominal fat
 Can help you appear leaner
 Decreases your risk of falls
 Lowers your risk of injury -
helps improve the strength,
range of motion, and mobility
of your muscles, ligaments,
and tendons.
- can decrease blood pressure,
-lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, and
-improve blood circulation by strengthening the heart and blood vessels
- Helps manage your blood sugar levels –
-lower your risk of developing diabetes and can help those with the
condition manage it better.
Promotes greater mobility and flexibility - Strength training increases
joint range of motion (ROM), allowing for greater
mobility and flexibility.

 . Makes your bones stronger

Boosts your self-esteem-
12. Boosts your mood
Regular weight training may boost your
mood and improve your mental health.
Improves brain health
 Promotes a better quality of life
FLEXIBILITY / Stretching
 is a form of physical exercise in which a
specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group)
is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to
improve the muscle's felt elasticity and
achieve comfortable muscle tone.
 The result is a feeling of increased muscle
control, flexibility, and range of motion.
 Stretching is also used therapeutically to
alleviate cramps and to improve function in
daily activities by increasing range of
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and
we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints.
Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you
call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend
all the way.
The different types of stretching
 BALLISTIC -similar to dynamic
stretching in that it's movement-
 Ballistic stretching involves continuous
bouncing movements at the end ROM
where the muscle is at maximal length.
 you attempt to go beyond this range.
These stretches often require
uncontrolled movements that may result
in injury.
Dynamic stretches, meanwhile, involve moving rather than
holding a position. A walking lunge, for example, is a dynamic
stretch. Ex: arm circles, squats, hip rotation
Benefits of Dynamic stretching
 Dynamic stretching opens up your muscles, and prepares
them for a difficult or sustained workout.
 By completing a full range of motion with your joints and
muscles, your body can achieve more, and is better prepared
for activities that involve a lot of movement, such as football
or running.

 it allows muscles to loosen up, whilst also increasing

flexibility and range of motion, as well as helping reduce
feelings of stiffness and soreness.
 increase your body temperature. This way, your body is ready
to perform at a high intensity level.
 Injury risk might increase since
the movements are performed
dynamically and at a moderate
to high pace.
 You can also take the stretch to
far which can in turn lead to
 Active stretching is a method of
enhancing flexibility.
 Muscles provide resistance to stretch
another muscle.
 It's performed by flexing a muscle
opposite the target muscle and holding
this position for about 10 seconds, until a
slight stretch is felt.
 What is best type of stretching?
 Static stretching . It is considered the
safest and most effective form of
stretching to improve overall flexibility
used in fitness routines.
 static stretching improve your Benefits of Static
flexibility and range of motion, Stretching Before and
 After Exercise
it help your muscles recover -relief from cramping.
faster after a workout, leading -improved range of
to less pain and stiffness. motion.
 Static stretching is also a great -decrease in injury
way to release stress and tension potential.
in your muscles, which can help -decrease in delayed-
onset muscle soreness.
you feel more relaxed.
What is the difference between exercise
and physical activity?
Exercise is a structured program of
activity geared toward achieving or
maintaining physical fitness.
It is actually a sub-category of physical

 Physical activity is any form of exercise or

movement of the body that uses energy.
Some of your daily life activities—doing
active chores around the house, yard work,
walking the dog—are examples.
 Exercise is a form of physical activity,
 But physical activity does not require
Physical Activity
-Improve your memory and brain
function (all age groups).
-Protect against many chronic diseases.
-Aid in weight management.
-Lower blood pressure and -improve
heart health.
-Improve your quality of sleep.
-Reduce feelings of anxiety and
-Combat cancer-related fatigue.
-Improve joint pain and stiffness.
-Maintain muscle strength and balance.
-Increase life span.
- controls weight.
can help
-prevent excess weight
gain or help maintain
weight loss. ...
- combats health
conditions and diseases. ...
- improves mood. ...
- boosts energy. ...
-promotes better sleep. ...
puts the spark back into
your sex life. ...
- can be fun … and social!
 In science and human
medicine, nutrition is the
science or practice of
consuming and utilizing
 how food affects the health of
the body
 Food is essential—it provides
vital nutrients for survival, and
helps the body function and
stay healthy.
 Nutrition is about eating a
healthy and balanced diet.
Healthy just means a
food that stops you
from getting sick and
keeps you living longer.

Nutritious means a
food that fills you with
the sufficient amount of
nutrients (vitamins,
proteins) your body
requires to survive

A balanced diet will not

exclude any one food
Serving Portion
What are the 5 main nutrition?
They are categorized as proteins, fats, carbohydrates
(sugars, dietary fiber), vitamins, and minerals, and
perform the following vital functions
10 signs that tell you that you are on the right
 Healthy Cholesterol Levels. ...
 Blood Pressure Level. ...
 Healthy Weight. ...
 Healthy Skin and Shiny Hair. ...
 Clear Vision. ...
 Mental Alertness. ...
 Restful Sleep. ...
 Regular Bowel Movements.
Good Muscle Tone
 Healthy Bones
Activity Rating Calories per pound
Men Women
 Sedentary –limited physical act. 13.0 12.0
 Moderate Physical Activity 14.0 13.5
 Vigorous Physical Activity 17.0 15.0
Multiply your rating (calories per pound) by your actual weight
Example: weight in pounds X activity rating = the calories you need per day. If
you consistently eat more than the calories computed, you will gain weight.
144 pounds X 12.0 = 1.728 calories/day (0f you eat more than the calories based
on the computation = weight gain)
 Compute your calorie needs base on the
activity rating
 List down all your food intake everyday:
ght snacks
 Check on the Calorie Chart
 Compute the total calories per day (intake)
Total fitness is defined by how well your body performs in all the
components of physical fitness

 The Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness-

 involves exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve your
physical health and stay healthy.
 It strengthens immunity, metabolism, enhances good mental and physical
 It focuses on the health of all major organs of the body.
 Relating fitness with health ensures that the focus is on improving
the overall health of the body.

 The Skills – Related Components of Physical Fitness - are important to

success in skillful activities and athletic events, and may not be as
crucial to improved health.
 Cardiovascular
Endurance - is a
measure of how well
you can do exercises
that involve your
whole body at
moderate to high
intensity for an
extended time
 The ability to exercise
without becoming
overly tired because
your heart, lungs and
blood vessels are

Muscular Strength-
is the amount of force you

can put out or the amount

of weight you can lift.
It’s measured by how much
force you can exert and how
much weight you can lift
for a short period of time.
Examples of exercises that
develop muscular strength
and power include
resistance training, such as
weightlifting, bodyweight
exercises, and resistance
band exercises. Running,
cycling, and climbing hills
are also options.
 Muscular endurance- the
ability of a muscle or
group of muscles to
perform repetitive
contractions against a
force for an extended
period of time .
- is how many times you
can move that weight
without getting exhausted
(very tired).
 Flexibility –
 "the absolute range of movement in
a joint or series of joints that is
attainable in a momentary effort
with the help of a partner or a piece
of equipment.“
 The range of movement possible at
various joints
 Flexibility refers to the ability
of each joint to express its full
range of motion.
 Flexibility can be tested by
stretching individual muscles or
by performing exercises such as
the lunge or the sit and reach
 Body Composition
- With respect to
health and fitness,
body composition
is used to
describe the
percentages of fat,
bone and muscle
in human bodies.
 The body fat
percentage is of
most interest
because it can be
very helpful in
assessing health.
The Skill-Related Components Of Physical Fitness

 Power -it is the ability of

muscles to exert
maximum force in the
shortest amount of time,
like when you run or

 Agility - is the ability to
change direction quickly and
effectively by maintaining
proper posture. If you
struggle to move side-to-side
or find yourself off balance a
lot, agility training will help
improve your performance.
 Speed - refers to
the ability to
move upper and
lower limbs on the
ground fast, like
grabbing, pulling,
or throwing
 Reaction time- refers
to the time taken to
respond to external
stimuli that are
constantly changing,
like in football, boxing,
and such sports.
 Accuracy
 This component is the
body’s ability to direct
itself and it’s a force
towards a particular
 Balance And
 Constantly changing
postures and movements
require the body to stay
balanced, i.e., upright. Body
coordination refers to the
body’s ability to move more
than one body part together,
effectively and efficiently.
Nutrition, Body Needs and Physical
 Good nutrition, physical
activity, and a healthy body
weight are essential parts of
a person's overall health
and well-being.
 These can help decrease a
person's risk of developing
serious health conditions,
such as high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, diabetes,
heart disease, stroke, and
 Eating smart and being
active have similar
effects on our health.
 These include: Reduce
the risk of chronic
diseases, such as
diabetes, heart disease,
high blood pressure,
stroke, and some
cancers and associated
 Prevent weight gain
and/or promote weight
 Nutrition is a critical
part of health and
 Better nutrition is related
to improved infant, child
and maternal health,
stronger immune systems,
safer pregnancy and
childbirth, lower risk of
diseases (such as diabetes
and cardiovascular
disease), and longevity.
 Healthy children learn
 Nutrition can help enhance
athletic performance. An
active lifestyle and exercise
routine, along with eating
well, is the best way to stay
healthy. Eating a good diet
can help provide the energy
you need to finish a race, or
just enjoy a casual sport or
 Eating well helps to
reduce the risk of
physical health
problems like heart
disease and diabetes. It
also helps with sleeping
patterns, energy levels,
and your general health.
You may have noticed
that your mood often
affects the types of food
you choose, as well as
how much you eat.
 When your body is not
fed with good nutrition,
it becomes physically
and emotionally sick.
Diets that are high in
refined sugars can be
harmful to the brain and
promote inflammation
and oxidative stress. It
can impair the brain and
how it functions and
worsen symptoms of
 From vitamins and
minerals to healthy fats
and fiber, all nutrients
play a role in brain health
and function.
 Following a healthy
pattern of eating is
linked with better stress
management ,
improved sleep quality,
increased concentration
, and better mental
wellbeing in general
Thank you so much!

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