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Energy and Power Calculations

The basic unit of energy

 … is the joule (J). It is a very small unit, so
when we are talking about a lot of energy, we
use kilojoules (kJ).
 Remember your metric conversions…
 1000 J = 1 kJ (kilo = 1000)
 Power (P) is the rate at which energy is used.
◦ When determining the amount of energy
(usually in J or kJ) you must also include a
time component.
 Power x Time = Energy (P x t = E)
◦ This can be rearranged to determine power
as well
 P = E/t (Power = Energy /time)
 The unit for power is the watt
◦ 1 W = 1 J/sec (1 watt = 1 joule per second)
 Therefore a 100 watt light bulb uses 100
J/sec of electrical energy.
Find energy of appliances
 Knowing the relationship between energy and
power allows us to find the energy used when
an appliance of known power (in watts)
operates for a known amount of time (in
 Example: How much energy (in kJ) does a 75

watt light bulb use when it is turned on for

25 minutes?
 Equation: E = P x t
 Conversion: Power (in watts) 1 watt = 1 J/sec
How much energy (in kJ) does a 75 watt light
bulb use when it is turned on for 25 minutes?

E = 75 J 60 sec 25 min 110,000 J

sec min (or 110 kJ)
If the wattage is not given
 Some of the information about the current
can usually be found.
 To find the power (in watts) of any electrical

appliance, use the equation P = V x I

◦ P = power, V = voltage, I is current in amps (A).

 Philippine household voltage is 220 V

1 kwh = 3600 KJ
 The Kilowatt Hour (kwh) is not a unit of power
but a unit of energy (because it has a time
◦ Notice that a kilowatt is a unit of power and hour is a
unit of time. Therefore, E = P x t.
 A kilowatt-hour is equal to 1 kw (or 1000
watts) delivered continuously for one hour
(3600 sec).
 1 kwh = 1000 J/sec x 3600 sec = 3,600,000 J
or 3600 kJ
 So 1 kwh = 3600kJ
Other units of energy include:
◦ 1 calorie (cal) = 4.184 J
◦ 1 BTU = 1.05 kJ
◦ 1 therm = 100,000 BTU
Problem 1
Dr. Clark’s power bill shows that his home used
1355 kwh over a 30 day period.
◦ 1 kwh = 3600 kJ

a) Find the energy used (in kJ) for the 30-day

b) Find the energy used in J/day.
c) At the rate of Php 10.00/kwh, what is Dr. Clark’s
power bill (without tax)?
(1355 kwh in 30 days)

a) Find the energy used (in kJ) for the 30 day


1355 kwh 3600 kJ 4.88 x 106 kJ

1 kwh

Multiplication short-cut: 1355 x 36 (take off the two zeros)

= 48780, then put the two zeros back = 4878000. To put
into scientific notation, move the decimal six places to the
b) Find the energy used in J/day.
Start with previous calculation

4.88 x 106 kJ1000 J 1 month 1.63 x 108

Month 1 kJ 30 days

1) 4.88 x 106 x 1000 is equal to 4.88 x 109

2) 4.88 x 109
3 x 101 (this is the same as 30)
3) Calculate in parts: 4.88 / 3 = 1.63, subtract the
exponents to get 1.63 x 108
c) At the rate of P10.00/kwh, what is Dr. Smith’s power
bill (without tax)?

1355 kwh Php 10.00 PhP13,550

1 kwh
Problem 2
A current through a toaster (110 V) is 8 A.
Remember, P = V x I
a) What is the power (in watts) of the toaster?
b) How much energy (in J) will the toaster use in 5
minutes of operation?
A current through a toaster (110 V) is 8 A.
a) What is the power (in watts) of the toaster?
where V = voltage and I = amps

P = 110V x 8 A = 880 watts

b) How much energy (in J) will the toaster use
in 5 minutes of operation?
P = E/t so E = P x t
(1 watt = 1 joule per second)

E = 880 W (1 J/sec) 60 sec 5 min 264,000 J

1 watt min

2.64 x 105 J
Problem 3
A 100 watt light bulb is 20% efficient. That
means 20% of the energy used is converted to
light, while 80% of the energy used is lost as
a) How much energy does it use in 12 hours of
b) How much energy does the bulb convert into
light over the 12-hour period?
c) How much energy does the bulb convert into
heat over the 12-hour period?
d) Convert the total energy use into kwh
A 100 watt light bulb is 20% efficient.
a) How much energy does it use in 12 hours of

E = 100 W (1 J/sec) 60 sec 60 min 12 hrs = 4,320,000 J

1 watt min 1 hr

4,320,000 J = 4,320 kJ
b) How much energy does the bulb
convert into light over the 12-hour

E = 4.32 x 106 J (.20 efficiency) =

864,000 J = 8.64 x 105 J
3c) How much energy does the bulb convert
into heat over the 12-hour period?

E = 4.32 x 106 J (.80 heat) = 3,456,000 J =

3.46 x 106 J
d) Convert the total energy use into kwh.

(the energy calculated in 3a was 4,320 kJ)

1 kwh = 3600 kJ

4320 kJ x 1 kwh = 1.2 kwh

3600 kJ
1. An electric clothes dryer has a power rating
of 4000W. Assume that a family does five loads

of laundry each week for 4 weeks.

Further assume that each load takes one hour.
Remember, 1 W = 1 J/sec.
a) Find the energy used in both J and kwh
b) If the cost of electricity is P12/kwh, find the cost
of operating the dryer for a month (4 weeks).
2. Dr. Clark’s natural gas bill states that his
household used 110 therms of energy over
a 30-day period.
a) Convert 110 therms to kwh.
b) His charge for the energy wasP 44300.00. Find
the cost of this natural gas in P/kwh.

 1 calorie (cal) = 4.184 J
 1 BTU = 1.05 kJ
 1 therm = 100,000 BTU
 1 kwh = 3600 kJ
3. A household has the following electrical
device and the hours of operation per day.
Description QTY Rating Hours used
per day
LED Bulb 5 15 Watts 10 hrs
E-Fan 2 25 Watts 16 hrs
Induction 1 600 watts 3 hrs
Other device
a. compute for1 total energy
60 Watts 8 hrs
within one month.

b. if the rate is P 11.00/kWh what is the

monthly bill?

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