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• To critique a piece of writing is to do the following:
• Describe: give the reader a sense of the writer’s
overall purpose and intent.
• Analyze: examine how the structure and language
of the text convey its meaning.
• Interpret: state the significance or importance of
each part of the text.
• Assess: make a judgment of the work’s worth or

• There are two structures for critiques, one for

nonfiction and one for fiction/literature.

Name of author and work

General overview of subject and summary of author’s
• Focusing (or thesis) sentence indicating how you will divide
the whole work for discussion or the particular elements you
will discuss

Objective description of a major point in the work

Detailed analysis of how the work conveys an idea or
• Interpretation of the concept
• Repetition of description, analysis, interpretation if more
than one major concept is covered

Overall interpretation
• Relationship of particular interpretations to subject as a
• Critical assessment of the value, worth, or meaning of the
work, both negative and positive

Name of author and work

Brief summary/description of work as a whole
Focusing sentence indicating what element you plan to
• General indication of overall significance of work
•Literal description of the first major element or portion of
the work
•Detailed analysis
•Literal description of second major element
•Detailed analysis
•Interpretation (including, if necessary, the relationship to
the first major point)
•And so on

•Overall interpretation of the elements studied

•Consideration of those elements within the context of the
work as a whole
•Critical assessment of the value, worth, meaning, or
significance of the work, both positive and negative
You may not be asked in every critique to assess a work,
only to analyze and interpret it.
If you are asked for a personal response, remember that
your assessment should not be the expression of an
unsupported personal opinion.
Your interpretations and your conclusions must be based on
evidence from the text and follow from the ideas you have
dealt with in the paper.
Remember also that a critique may express a positive as
well as a negative assessment.
Don't confuse critique with criticize in the popular sense of
the word, meaning “to point out faults.”

Thesis Statement: I disagree with the legalization of

death penalty because of the fact that our legal
justice system is crumbling and biased.
The legalization of the death penalty in the
Philippines is a highly controversial issue. Taking a life
for a life doesn’t affect the decline of crime rates
here in Philippines. Hinge on the dictionary, “the
death penalty is the decision by the judicial system
that some should be put to death as a result of
crimes or offense committed.” Most of those who are
sentenced to death are the marginalized and the
accused of something they didn’t do. Due to our
poor, slow and biased justice system it isn’t wise to
legalized death penalty. Additionally, it is against our
human rights.
I strongly believe that the government should not legalize death
penalty. First, the justice system is a mess. For an instance, if there
is no death penalty then those who are accused can still be
released from prison and given compensation, but a wrongful
execution can never be righted. There are people who want to
believe that no innocent people have ever been executed in this
country. But when you looked back to the people who are
sentenced to death it can’t be denied that some of them are
actually innocent; innocent people who have been sentenced to
death because of a false accusation. One of the victims of death
penalty from the past is Marcial “Baby” Ama who was only 16
years old when executed via electrical-chair. The offender was
accused guilty for leading one of the biggest jail riots and stabbing
to death a man.
“All the studies conclude that the death penalty system
is far more expensive than an alternative system in which
the maximum sentence is reclusion perpetua and life
imprisonment.” One of the misconceptions about death
penalty is that it saves more money than imprisoning
someone which isn’t true. A life spent in prison is a
worse punishment than an execution. A life sentence has
many years to endure the pain of having his guilt slowly
eat his conscience, as well as reflecting on his
wrongdoings and trying to change for the better.
Death is a very cruel and unusual punishment for the
offenders. Life is sacred and God given. Regardless of
their crime, a life for a life makes no sense. Revenge is
not the key for getting justice, it makes things worse.
That is why law exist and was created, to prevent
individuals from being rampant when it comes to
seeking for justice. We’re fighting crimes and serving
justice by following legal procedures. “Killing by the
state is wrong as well, potentially even worse than
killing by an individual.”
In my own perspective, death penalty is not just
morally wrong but also socially and politically
wrong. Morally, killing is wrong. Death penalty is
not the answer or the punishment for those who
committed heinous crimes.

“No national interest can justify human rights

violation such as death penalty.”
David Miguel L. Santiago
Bryan R. Manzon
Irish P. Leal

Teacher: Edilverta A. Ganal

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