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Accident Trends

Occupational Safety and Health

Industrial Engineering

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

1833, England  “Shaftesbury Factory Act”

12 Jan 1970, Indonesia  Undang-undang no.1 tahun 1970 tentang

Keselamatan Kerja

1975, England  Shaftesbury Factory Act became “Employment Protective


1996, Indonesia  Shaftesbury Factory Act as a source of Peraturan Menteri

Tenaga Kerja Nomor Per.05/MEN/1996 tentang Pedoman Penerapan SMK3

1999, England  British Standard Institution (BSI) established Committee

Technique ISO to develop Occupational Health Safety Association Standard
18001 (OHSAS 18001).

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Disease Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate at UK
 133 workers killed at work (2013/14)
 2,535 deaths due to asbestos exposures (2012)
 78,000 other injuries were reported (2012/13)
 175,000 over-7-day absence injuries occurred

 1.1 million working people were suffering from a

work-related illness (2011/12)

 27 million working days were lost due to work-

related illness and workplace injury (2011/12)

 Workplace injuries and ill health (excluding cancer)

cost society an estimated £13.8 billion (2010/11)

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate (ILO, 2003)
 Die = 6,000 people/day
 Incident and injury = 2.2 mio people/year
 350,000 people die of accident, the rest are

because health injury

 Cases in men are two times higher than


IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate at Indonesia


IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Accident Rate at Indonesia
 Current data?
◦ Accident rate?
◦ Most dangerous industry?
◦ Most losses?
◦ Anything else?

 Group assignment #2

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Counting Accident Rate
Incident Rate
• An incidence rate is defined as the number of recordable injuries
and ill- ness occurring among a given standard number of full-time
workers (usually 100 full-time workers) over a given period of time
(usually one year).

Lost workdays rate

• The lost workdays rate is defined as the number of lost workdays
resulting from all recordable in- juries and illness occurring among
a given number of full-time workers over a given period of time.
This statistic gives a measure of the severity of the injury and illness
experience of a given establishment.

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Counting Incident Rate

(Lehto & Buck, 2008)

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Counting Incident Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Counting Lost Workdays Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

Counting Lost Workdays Rate

IE Undip - Dr. Manik Mahachandra 9/18/23

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