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What is HLS( Home Learning Space)

The Home Learning Spaces (HLS) Program is an

offshoot of Brigada Eskwela that aims to bring
together education partners and experts to help all
learners and their families create a quality and
conducive learning space at home.
• A learning space is not only about the dedicated
desk or table at home. It involves different
factors that provide a blueprint for learning,
behavior, and attitudes. Hence, strategic use of
home spaces can be a great asset that enables
your child to flourish with their studies.
Why Learning Spaces Matter

So, you might be wondering why a child just can’t simply hop
on the family couch and learn there. Although that can work,
it might not be the best way for a child to learn. Without a
specific learning spot, young learners can be easily
distracted, they don’t have supplies they need nearby, and
there’s no sense of consistency. The family couch, then, as
comfortable and easy as it seems, may not be the right
option for young children needing to learn about routines,
early education, and self-regulation.
Entering a dedicated study space allows you to plan how long you intend to
focus on learning. This subsequently allows you to plan a routine that is
aligned with your everyday tasks and learning habits.

Studying in a dedicated space is also a significant contributor to memory, as

compared to studying in bustling rooms such as the living room or bedroom.
What can I do?
• The time that your family spends talking together is very important for
your child’s development and wellbeing. Family mealtimes have been
shown to be a particularly important time for this, no matter what age
your child is. If you can, try to make time and space for family mealtimes.
Switch the television and other electronic devices off, and eat together at
a table.
• Children and young people will need time and a place to do their
homework or study at home. You can help by finding a place at home
where they can work and keep them from being interrupted.
• Parents often worry that they don’t have the knowledge to support their
children with their homework. If you are not sure how you can help please
ask your child’s school. However, the research shows that you make a big
difference to your child’s attainment just by showing an interest in their
work and encouraging them. You don’t need to know the answers!
• A good home learning environment encourages
children and young people to have positive attitudes
to learning, to be curious, and to have confidence in
• #1 Location- Designate an area for learning
• Just like in real estate investing, location is very important in creating a home learning space. Try
to put your child in a quiet, organized, and distraction-free area where they can focus on their
school work and nothing else. If you have a home office or a spare bedroom, that’s perfect. But
if you happen to live in a small house, then a dedicated space in the kitchen or in the bedroom,
would be fine. Remember this is where the learning takes place, and it should meet the
following essentials.
• A learning space should be:
• Quiet
• Away from distractions
• Close to School supplies
• Has comfortable temperature
• Has an outlet for charging laptop (if there’s any)
• It would also be best to include your child when decorating because it will stimulate excitement
and a sense of ownership. These essentials can help them develop routines, master self-
regulation and value learning.
• #2 Lighting- Make sure it’s well lit!
• Of course, who would want to study if the area is too dark?
Otherwise it might make your child prone to nodding off rather
than learning. It is advisable to make use of as much natural light
as you can. Studies have shown that natural lighting in learning
environments boosts performance, wellbeing, and creativity. The
more natural light, the more conducive the environment is for
learning. Natural light from windows or doors can do wonders
for livening up a space. Plus, its saves energy and lowers your
electricity bill.
A learning space that’s clutter-filled and has uncomfortable furniture won’t allow your child to get
the most out of their study time. Do a quality check of the furniture –chair, table and light– in your
child’s proposed space at various times of the day. Childproofing your home not only keeps your
children safe but also gives you a peace of mind. Ask if they’re comfortable studying/working with
it. This will reduce chances of discomfort such as getting back pain, leg cramps, and eye strain.
Moreover, if you have two or more kids, ask them if it’s okay for them to mix up. Would you
consider alternate usage depending on class schedule? Perhaps you can innovate ways with them.
The more kids you have, the more room you’ll need to have it designed properly
• #4 Keep things organized and set learning norms
• Students can learn best in an organized, clean, and clutter-free learning
space. An ideal study space provides order that is simple for any child
to grasp, for instance, materials are organized on low shelves so they
are easy to reach. It’s also important to set learning norms for your
child to get into a regular habit of getting work done such as:
• What to do first?
• When to start
• How long will it take?
• Is food allowed?
• What are the technology rules?
• How can you (as a parent) help?
#5 Encourage your child to personalize things
When a study area is customized to the specific passions and interests of your kids, they will feel
as though they have ownership of the space and will be more likely to engage in and care for it.
Try to encourage them to help you decorate or improve the space. Perhaps adding their artwork
to the wall, or painting the desk their favorite color. Many studies have shown that color can
seriously affect your mood especially when studying. Adding ornamental plants could be a great
idea too! It makes the study area more cozy and increases levels of positive energy around. Just
don’t overdo the personal touches so they won’t get overly distracted.
#6 Give Your Child Ownership
• Allow your child to make their learning space their own.
Encourage them to choose where they would like to set it up
(using the above guidelines). Have them personalize their space
with colorful artwork, signs, and decorations. They can add
pillows, blankets, and even stuffed animals (as long as they aren’t
distracting) to help to make the space feel more comfortable,
familiar, and inviting. If a child feels they have ownership over
their space, they will be more motivated to use it and care for it.
• #7 Praise your child
• Finally, always make sure to reward or praise
your child for their success. It doesn’t need to be
a material thing. A simple “great job” or “very
good” can definitely uplift a child’s morale. It
makes them feel motivated and boosts their
emotional being. Acknowledging your child’s
effort accelerates the learning process.
Sample Home Learning Space

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