Summative L2

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• Identify the variables of your experiment
• Classify variables as independent, dependent, or control
Answers to Homework
Experimental variables

A variable is anything that could be changed to assist you

in answering the aim of your investigation. There are 3
different types of variables;
1.Independent:The variable that is changed deliberately by
the investigator during the experiment. (also called
manipulated variable)
2.Dependent:The variable that changes due to the variation
of the independent variable. The effect of this change is
observed and recorded (AKA “Responding” variable).
3.Control:Variables that could change but are controlled to
make a fair test.
Methods of identifying variables:
Method #1:
Look at the key question or aim of the investigation. The
independent variable is normally mentioned first and the dependent
e.g. To determine how changing the level of light will affect how
fast a sample of pondweed will produce bubbles of oxygen.
Independent Variable = Level of light
Dependent Variable = Time taken for pondweed to produce oxygen
Method #2
When you construct or analyze a results table, the independent variable should be placed
in the first column and the dependent in the subsequent column(s).
Method #3
When you construct or analyze a graph, the independent variable should always be
placed on the x-axis (bottom) of the graph and the dependent variable on the y-axis
One way to remember which data goes on which axis is the acronym DRY MIX.
Preview: Hypothesis
Lessons 7 to 14

We will be using the same process that you use in PHE. Research

You will conduct research and thus will learn about the
what, why and how of whirlybirds. What/Why/How

You will then design and do your experiment. Do

At the end of criteria B and C, you will draw conclusions
from and evaluate your experiment. Review
However, we will not be repeating the do and review
part of the process/cycle.
Lessons 7 to 14
Cycle Day Description of Day’s Task Exit ticket
Research Questions Exit ticket: Use the guide provided to
1.Brainstorm variables that might affect the falling speed of your whirlybird. construct your research question (RQ).
Lesson 1 2.Feedback to the class your list of possible independent variables.
3.Choose one variable that you will investigate.
Variables Your exit ticket will be an explanation of one
1.Use your RQ and the guide provided to fully develop your independent variables. of the areas that needs controlling.
2.Use your guide to fill in your control variables table. Remember that you must explain both how and why they
Lesson 2 need to be controlled now.
Top tip: Look back at the other things that were brainstormed that might affect the falling speed from last lesson
when thinking about your controls.
Background information and method Your exit ticket today: Show me evidence of
1.Use the guide provided to research the key areas and background information. Include in-text citations. the resources that you have used!
Lesson 3 2.After you have researched the key areas, use the guide provided to help you write your hypothesis.
3.Use the guide to help you write your method. Remember to make sure that you include a safety section.
Top tip: Remember to include your control variables in your method.
Method and Whirlybirds Exit ticket: Show me your whirlybirds! Make
Lesson 4 1.Complete your method. Have someone read it for peer feedback. What doesn’t make sense to them? Why? sure all materials are fully prepared to
2.Make your whirlbirds for data collection next lesson. gather your data next lesson.
Lesson 5 Top tip: Write down your observations as you go. Your evaluation will be sooooo much easier when you come to it.
Tables and graphs Exit ticket: 2 stars and a wish from someone’s
Lesson 6 1.Use your guide to build a table and graph of your averages. table and graph.
Conclusions Exit ticket: A complete conclusion for Mr O to
1.Use your guide to write a conclusion from the results collected. see on your way out.
Lesson 7 2.Begin completing the evaluation table. Make sure to revisit your RQ, your hypothesis, and your observations on the
Evaluation Exit ticket: Upload your finished document!
1.Complete your evaluation as per the guide instructions.
Lesson 8 2.Proof read a critical buddy’s work.
Summarize the 3 variables in scientific experiments
Dependent, independent, control
State 3 ways of identifying dependent and independent variables
Independent stated first while dependent is stated last
Independent are shown on the left of tables and dependent on the right
Independent are on the X axis while dependent are on the Y

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