Opening - Quantitive Research

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TahuTaisi Store

Problem Statement
Company wants to increase the sales of the product. Current website is too difficult to navigate. Users want to have smooth
experience that will encourage them to browse through the items and will make them purchase item.

Objectives & Goals

• Aesthetically pleasing website that encourages • Redesign the current website in a way that is easy to
users to purchase items. navigate and is very user-friendly

Key Message Main Goal

• Convey the atmoshphere of the brand through • Convey the atmoshphere of the brand through
the use of color typography, and images the use of color typography, and images
My Process

Research Define Ideate Ideate Evaluate

Quantitive Research
The research was conducted Google Forms and it’s already filled out by 26 respondents in total. Here is the result of the research
with our top priorities for the design.

Top Functionalities Most Import

Shopping Cart, Reviews, Menu Details Item Quanitity, Site Design, Outlet Location

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