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Percha Kucha

• Alexander Colon
• Personal goal- improve myself as a person
• Career goal- to make a business centered around my education
• Educational goal- to get into a very exceptional college or university that teaches
or is centered around engineering.
Smart goal

• I want to start a pressure washing business. It’s important to me because if it

becomes successful, then it can be a temporary, and more benefitting job rather
than working at McDonalds.
How my goal relates to myself

• I hope to achieve a supporting foundation for myself with this because

depending on how successful it becomes or how much money I save, I can use it
to pay for college, getting a car, and have starter money for whenever I graduate
high school. Specifically, this will help me achieve my dreams in the future, and
I can also use money for going out with friends (values,) use my problem
solving to get the job done quickly and efficiently/ fixing the washer if it breaks
as well as negotiate price (talents.) And my beliefs are that to live a good life,
you need money.
Problems that may occur

• For this area of business, there are many factors such as

Weather: I can use my strategic theme to organize my “employees” and schedule when and
for how long I or they should do the job to try to avoid weather problems and for general
organization for greater success.
supply/customers: I can use my deliberative theme to be professional and work out a price
with the customer. And I can use command to direct/ train “employees”
Technical difficulty’s: I can use my relator theme to figure out a different way/ solution to
fixing the problem (such as if a pressure washer breaks down, I can deduce the problem and
fix it rather than turning it into a repair shop.)
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