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In the Holy Presence of Allah,

His Messenger and the Ruler

Pg. no. 15

An opinion could be In the Holy Presence of Allah, His Messenger and the Ruler
expressed and given in a discussion or in a talk while the decision is the final thing
or the conclusion.

We can give proposal and the decision will be made by the authorized person.
Pg. no. 18

Zakat al-Fitr could be given only prior to salah not

after that.

Umra could be done during Ramadan for great

rewards but Hajj would be done during its prescribed
days and month.
Pg. no. 19

Allah has taught us to address the Prophet in a respectful way. We can not call him like we call each other.

Being respectful & dutiful towards them and by following the rules & regulations made by them.

He should let his father go first in order to show respect.

One should not interrupt the elders while they are


One should pay due respect to the teachers & elders and
should refrain from such behavior.
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He should look into the matter deeply and authenticate everything before acting upon it.

It could offend & hurt others’ sentiments.

It could be the cause of chaos & hurdle.

It could destroy the image of an individual.

Pg. no. 21

This is made to control the consumption of resources.

This is to control one’s expenses or fund’s usage.

I would help the oppressed to get his due rights and give
advice & stop the oppressor from his wrong doing.
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace
and blessings be upon him, said, “Help your brother,
whether he is an oppressor or is oppressed.” It was said,
Pg. no. 22

• I would stop them from fighting and advice them to make

• Fights and aggression will cause harm to the brotherhood and
unity in society.
Pg. no. 22

• With due respect by calling him Rasoolulullah

or the Prophet of Allah.
• Should send salutation upon hearing or saying
his name.
We should address them with due respect and say his/her highness.

• Chaos and disturbance.

• To be sure and authenticate the resource of the news

before acting upon it.

• Acceptance of the differences and tolerance for

each other.

• Increase in brotherhood and unity.

It is against the sunnah, the slaughter should be done after Eid salah.

It is to be done under the supervision of authorities to stop negative elements & fitna.
Pg. no. 24

Allah is addressing the Believers to listen and ponder upon His divine revelation.

Making peace and maintaining brotherhood is a part of deen as Muslims are like 1 body.

The society and the individuals will live peacefully when they will follow the rules and regulations of their
Pg. no. 25

• Allah grant success and forgiveness to the believers who follow His commands.
• He bestows His mercy on them.
• He grants great rewards to them.

He should authenticate the news and ignore the false information or rumors to maintain solemnity and
calmness in the society.

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